I had a weekend off, yesterday was the Hubby's Birthday so I had too much to do, and today I've been playing catch up on things around the house... I also played catch up with an old friend and went on a trip down memory lane... Things were said, my mind was blown, and now I feel like I'm heading back into my emo phase... I feel like it would be the right time to slip into the black parade and live my best emo life...
In America, weren't they called Scene kids? I know we had them in the UK but I'm not sure I ever used that term, it was only Emos really... I never got into the style much myself, I was definitely part of the skater crowd and LOVED the music but I'd never have referred to myself as a Scene Kid... So I couldn't really resist my chance...
I loved the vibe of the style, the bright colours and the different to modern posing although still as equally cheesy to witness someone doing in RL kinda attitude that went with it... So Rudh decided to pose at the Night Bus Stop, dressed up in her best 2007Emotions Outfit - from CryBunBun - trying to look emotionally tortured... Those make the best kind of photos...
What is she wearing;
Hair: TRUTH - Nicki in Redhead (Worn with Doe - Biji in Flux)
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Choker: Kibitz - Judge me choker in DEAD
Necklace: random.Matter - Yesung Chokers in Cool Tones
Outfit (Including Gloves): CryBunBun - 2007Emotions Outfit in DEAD
Bracelet: [Yomi] - Jelly Bracelets
Pose: FOXCITY - Parked V2, Pose 5
Bin: DRD - San Mora in City Trash Can
Dog Bin: Star Sugar - Dog Waist Station
Backdrop: Paparazzi - BACKDROP - Night Bus Stop 1