Friday, July 26, 2024

A Little Pool Party

I'm not feeling very well, I've been suffering with an increase in bouts of enometriosis and soon I'm going to be visiting my doctor about it, but for now I'm finding it hard to sit in one place and therefore finding time to blog is proving a little difficult. That on top of being in charge at work, when I'm having to fill in shifts because my colleagues are all away and others are sick... Things in Second Life have had to fall onto the back burner, it's all gone quiet on the Rudhmellowen front... 

While it's quiet, the scared little inhabitants of our little Second Life Garden paradise to enjoy the summer sunshine, and the peace and quiet... 
In the garden, the pool stands ready for a party but totally empty. The Castle Sprinklers - from Krescendo at Anthology - have been turned on sending a cooling misty breeze through the pergola and over the poolside - which happens to be a backdrop from FOXCITY... The little mice have snuck out from their hedgerow homes and pulled out their floaties - they are actually the Floaty Pool Mouse collection by Aardvark at Anthology until August 17th - not being brave enough to enter the deep pool, they plan on using the Inflatable Soda Tub - from Junk Food - to cool off and have a little pool party of their own. 

What is in the picture;
Mice: Aardvark - Floaty Pool Mouse (Available until August 17th at Anthology)
Drinks: Junk Food - Inflatable Soda Tub in Green
Castle Towers: [Krescendo] - Castle Sprinkler (Available until August 17th at Anthology)
Backdrop:  FOXCITY. Photo Booth - Poolside

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Prayers for a Dark Goddess

So tired after a difficult day at work today, being the boss has no perks other than you can decide if you go home earlier or not lol... I've been in charge ONE DAY and there was scheduling chaos, meaning I'm working 4 straight days now and three of those are LONG days... 
I don't know what will happen so I'm going to make a prayer to the gods and hope that the dark goddesses will allow things to go smoothly for once... 

I'm going to make a plea prayer and sacrifice to the dark goddesses within the Cementerio Demoniaco - a backdrop from The Bearded Guy - carving the sigils into the flesh to draw out the blood required using the Runic Sickle of the Midnight Order - which happens to be a release from Static at the Second Life Syndicate's Midnight Order this month. 
I hope that I drew it correctly and I'm not accidentally going to summon a chicken or something... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: TRUTH - Element in Redhead
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Eye: Nylon Outfitters - Third Eye in Strange Colors
Collar: +WORN+ - Choke Me Out DIRTY
Fan: Random Matter - The Countess Hand Fan in Metals
Blade: Static - Runic Sickle (Available until August 20th at Midnight Order)
Veils: CURELESS[+] - Silk Radiance Halo & CUREMORE - Voodoo Tribe Ngami Halo RARE
Top: everfaery - Chisa Tube Top in Latex/Leather Pack
Pose: [piXit] - Juicy Portraits, Pose F6R
Backdrop: The Bearded Guy - Cementerio Demoniaco Backdrop 

Monday, July 22, 2024

Darkest of Three Ways

I do love times when I find myself getting inspired by the things going on around me. One of the biggest inspiratons that has been pulling onme latelyhappens to be the fact that when I'm not working on something blogging wise, or even knitting myself into a new blanket, I'm reading... I have always been a reader, but since the beginning of this year, I've been reading a heck of a lot more and I'm loving it. I've fallen into a world of smut with the occasional romantic sweetness, and maybe even the odd fairytale... 
The story that I've been reading this week happens to be a mixture of all of these things, and I decided to try my hand to see what can be made from my imaginings.. The story is "Her Soul to Take" by Harley Laroux...

This is the story of a girl moving back to her childhood home only to discover that she's become the obsession of a gorgeous demon, and the intended sacrifice to an old God. There's a level of scary, a level of tension and a level of darkness that make this book a great read. There's also a level of smut in it that meant there had to be a content warning which says the book shouldn't be used as a manual for BDSM practices... 
So when I was playing around with the look today it happened that not only was bad little Rudh on the hunt for a new toy to play with - capturing one in a zip up bodybag like the one from MDN at Midnight Order - it turned into her staking down a dark alley, dragging her toy to her demon dressed in the kinkiest of pink PVC outfits... There has never been a better time to STOP monogamy and have a three way... 

What is she wearing;
Pink Rudh:
Hair: Wasabi - Matcha K9 ED. Hair in Absolute Pack
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Bodysuit with Leash: wraith - Zoey Suit (Available until August 20th at Midnight Order)
Bag: DAE - EMO Bone Spider Bag (Available until August 20th at Midnight Order)
Boots: CULT - Cove Fatpack
Pose: FOXCITY - Intoxistake, Pose 4m
Bag Rudh:
Hair: [monso] - Misaki Hair
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Bag: MDN - Bodybag Zip Up (Available until August 20th at Midnight Order)
Pose: Secret Poses - Sunny, Pose 4M
Sign: [Krescendo] - Monogamy Sign in Red
Monster: Hogs & Carts - Wendigo
Backdrop: .PALETO.Backdrop - BEEY

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Midnight Order's Garden of Serenity

Twice a year, every there is a magical event that comes to Second Life... An event that is full of dark magic so that even in the harsh light of summer, the dark, twisted little beings can find some solace and a place to rejoice. They are gathering in the shadows, the Midnight Order is coming to town and everyone is excited to see what the magical event brings out to play this time... 

Until we're allowed to wander through the market stalls of the Midnight Order, until the elders allow us to explore the fun of the Midnight Order, Rudh needed to find a way to waste a little time to stop herself from being fidgety and overly excited... She's decided to take a stroll somewhere dark and quiet to avoid the summer heat, perhaps a walk through the Garden of Serenity - a gorgeous backdrop by K&S that will be available from Midnight Order - a place that brings out her inner darkness and draw her little Vampyr friends - from Apika, alongside the Umbrella also at Midnight Order... 
Even though it's insanely hot, the darker side of her brain likes to bring out the beautiful gothic Victorian style, but in this case she's pulled on a gorgeous Kiba Corset - which actual has a full bodysuit feel to it, from AsteroidBox at Midnight Order - but I pulled on a gorgeously Sympathy Skirt - from toksik that comes with a gorgeously frilly top - and together they make such a wonderfully fabulous gown... 
Now I just have to wait, with baited breath until the Order opens it's doors... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: ZAO+ - 86 Hair Pack (Available until August 20th at Midnight Order)
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Wings: Sweet Thing - Demon Wings
Top: AsteroidBox - Kiba Corset (Available until August 20th at Midnight Order)
Umbrella: [Apika] - Vampyr Umbrella (Available until August 20th at Midnight Order)
Skirt: toksik - Sympathy Skirt (Available until August 20th at Midnight Order)
Pose: -Extra- - Squad (Part of a Group Pose) (Past Group Gift)
Bats: [Apika] - Count Vampyr Animesh (Available until August 20th at Midnight Order)
Backdrop: K&S - // Garden of Serenity. Backdrop (Available until August 20th at Midnight Order)

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Schools Out!

Today's the big day, here in the northern parts of the Netherlands, it's the day that schools finish for Summer... In the words of the great Alice Cooper... SCHOOLS OUT FOR SUMMER!!!

Most everyone will be heading out to have a little fun in the sun, if it ever turns up this summer, but they are all about to leave school for a much needed break... Rudh on the other hand, because she's always been a bit of a bad girl, and somewhat of a rebel, she has been held back for another few weeks of summer school... School may be out for everyone, but Rudh is going to just make notes of all of the happiness and remember those who left her behind over Summer break...

What is she wearing;
Hair: Wasabi - BFF FLF ED. Hair in Absolute Pack
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Glasses: kotte - Melloween Glasses in Silver
Chest Tattoo:  [Onyx] - My Rules Tattoo in Half Heaven
Outfit: Mug - Phoebe Sweater Set in White
Book: Dots - Popular Girls Book in Pink
Pen: Dots - Popular Girls Pen in Pink
Boots: CULT - Wanda
Pose: Secret Poses - Julian, Pose 4
Books: NOMAD - School Equipment Gacha in 01 // Math Studies
Bag: Tentacio - School Day Bag
Boards: [Consignment] - Equation boards
People: Various available on Marketplace
Backdrop: Synnergy.Tavis - School's Out {360} Backdrop

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Ice-Creams at the Monster Diner

I work in a job that's ALL about serving the public, I am in retail and even though its a sales job I am also an etnertainer and historian and tourist information... I guide people through Amsterdam, I tell stories about cheese and I spend a lot of time trying to tell people about laws regarding cheese transport... I get home and relax but as I'm snozzing on the sofa, the idea of me serving people, and the fact that I'm watching the live-action version of Monster High, became a trip to the Monster diner... 

The Monster Diner - which is actually a backdrop from Synnergy.Tavis - is a great place to head for dinner, the burgers are HUGE and really delicious but it's the Ice-cream in this place that can be considered magical... 
They have an amazingly Sweet Stop Milkshake Machine - a creation from MadPea, available at ACCESS until August 8th - that has magical abilities in the Monster Diner, that not only creates amazing milkshakes but if you press the right buttons you get the most magical Ice Cream Treats - from Tardfish - that come to life and wriggle like the cutest of Octopi... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: [Yomi] - Genesis Hair with bonbon - Uzumaki Hair Pieces
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Demon Skin, Horn & Tail: FOREST FANTASY STORE - Half Demon in Red
Eyes: (Left) Suicidal Unborn - Nova Eyes & (Right) Suicidal Unborn - Prince Vlad Eyes
Necklace: Six Feet Under - Ghoul Necklace
Outfit (Including Hat, Dress & Skates): Tentacio & PSYCHO:Byts - Mosterize Dinner Waitress Gacha Collection
Ice-Cream: Tardfish - Ice Cream Treat in Mint
Pose: FOXCITY - Intoxistake, Pose 7m
Ice-Cream Machine: MadPea - Sweet Stop Milkshake Machine in Pink (Available until August 8th at ACCESS)
Monsters: Hogs & Carts - Various Static Models
Burgers: Junk Food - Bacon Burger Tower
Fries & Sodas: Half-Deer - Fast Food Clutter Items
Condiments: FOXCITY - Tasty AF Gacha Item in Condiments
Napkins: 220ML - Ice Cream Cart Gacha Item in Napkin Holder
Neon Wall Art: Rumah Kita - Neon Yum Yums in Burger (No Longer Available!)
Backdrop: Synnergy.Tavis - Retro Diner {360} Backdrop (With PALETO.Backdrop - MIDNIGHT through diner windows)

Monday, July 15, 2024

Fun in the Sun Essentials!

I seem to start all of my posts lately in the same way... Today was my day off and I did this or that... Though once again, it's been my day off and I've been having a lovely lazy day minding my own business and doing some things that I needed to get done... 
I wanted to spend some time in the sun, it seems to be avoiding the Netherlands this year, and although I am not a summer girl sometimes we need the sun to get rid of that Winter S.A.D effect... The only problem is, I seem to be terrible at remembering one key thing... Sunscreen... 

I am a natural redhead in RL, not just the bottled fire engine red that Rudh wears, but that means that normally when the sun is able to get to my skin for any length of time I tend to go bright red and then back to white... 
Sunburn used to be a bane of my existence, now days I'm constantly carrying sunscreen with me, but back when I was a teen... I forgot and thought nothing of it... 
Today I've been planning a trip on a sailing boat from Santamaria Pier - a backdrop from Synnergy.Tavis - I'm taking my little French Bulldogs - from Jian - with me and we are heading out on the open water... I've just got a quick stop to make at the "Fun in the Sun Essentials" Machine - a creation by MadPea, available until August 5th at equal10 - so that I can grab myself some new sun block and avoid getting any more sunburn - like the older but still awesome set, available from Izzie's... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: Wasabi - Chili Hair in Offbeat (Available until August 8th at ACCESS)
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Face Cream: Spookshow - Goth Block
Sunburn Body Layer: Izzie's - Body & Face Sunburn
Necklace: katat0nik - Motion Lotion Sunblock Necklace in Blue
Top: AsteroidBox - Elvie Top in GrayStripes
Shoes: Tentacio - Vanesa Sandals & Flowers
Shorts: (fashionably dead) - Star Cutoffs in All Over Grey
Pose: -Extra- - Expecting, Pose 2
Dogs: JIAN - French Bulldogs
Machine: MadPea - Fun In the Sun Essentials Machine (Available until August 5th at Equal10)
Backdrop: Synnergy.Tavis - Santamaria Pier {360} Backdrop