Saturday, August 31, 2024

Raise A Hand!

 In some parts of the world, the start of September marks the start of the return to school after the summer break... Here in Amsterdam the schools will be going back on Monday - at least the majority of schools - and I know for a fact that my colleagues with Children are looking forward to sending them into school and having a little more peace and quiet... 

I ALWAYS used to love going back to school. I was such a teachers pet, a total geek and always got a little excited to go shopping for school supplies. I'm still excited by buying stationary supplies and get a kick out of starting a new notebook LOL... I loved learning new things, I loved studying and was excited by a class project... That's why I'd always be one of the ones asking the most questions at school...
I'd often be the one in the classroom waving my hand in the air like "ooh ooh ooh pick me!" and I'm not ashamed to admit it... I would have loved a better way to be achknowledged, a neon sign or a siren, or even a HUGE hand - like the Giant Hand Slapper from Junk Food, that is available until September at the current round of The Fifty - to wave at the teacher and irritate them even more than I probably did... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: Wasabi - Matcha Hair in Offbeat
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Glasses: AsteroidBox - Theia Glasses in Color Pack
Top: AsteroidBox - Pearl Shirt in White Stripes
Hand: Junk Food - Giant Hand Slapper (Fatpack) (Available until September 20th at The Fifty)
Pose & Book Prop: -Extra- - Dreamer, Pose 1
Books: NOMAD - School Time!! in 03 English Studies
People: DisturbeD - Various Mesh Characters
Backdrop: Synnergy.Tavis - School's Out {360} Backdrop

Thursday, August 29, 2024

A Little Cross Stitch

I know everyone has their favouritest of hobbies... For me taking pictures and blogging my Second Life randomness is definitely one of them, but this year I've become an avid reader AND have been working hard on crocheting my new blanket that should be finished before long.... I'm not the world's best blogging photographer, or the world's fastest reasder, and my crocheting skills are minimal even though I can still make cute things, but for me having these past-times is a way to switch off and distract myself from the bleh of reality... 

This year I've been trying to improve my photography skills, and am happy with the job that I'm doing so far... 
I decided that I wanted to read more and therefore have less time looking at a screen, and I'm almost at my 45 book challenge on Good Reads... I think I'll definitely be passing that and testing to see what I will need to set my challenge at for next year...
I've also gotten heavily into crocheting... I've been doing it for years but this year I'm making a blanket and it's ALMOST ready... Maybe while I'm on a wool work kick I might start doing some cross stitch... If I do I promise it's "Not Your Granny's Cross Stitch" - like the set from Aardvark, that is currently available until September 13th at the FLF Birthday Bash - I'm going to look into patterns that are anything but dull... 

What is in the picture;
Frames: Aardvark - Not Your Granny's Cross Stitch II (Available until September 13th at FLF Birthday Bash)
Tin: [Littlep] - Mama's Cookie Box Set1 in Sewing Box
Ring & Cloth: KraftWork - Fairy Cottage Sewing Frame
Box: random.Matter - Antique Shop II Sewing Kit
Basket: random.Matter - Holiday with Grandma Knitting Basket
Fabric & Accessories: random.Matter - A Study in Fungi Sewing
Machine: Apple Fall - Vintage Sewing Machine
Backdrop: PALETO.Backdrop - OldRoom

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The Best Shot!

I'm back at work and once again, even though it's only been a few days, I'm fighting to keep going. Already thinking about my next vacation, already thinking ahead to my next days off, already forcing myself through all of the drama that comes to dealing with idiots... I love my job but as I've said before it would be much nicer without other people present LOL... 
I'm stronger than I look, I'm teaching myself to be a bit of a fighter... I'm having a moment of fun doing so... 

I know I tend to write stories of fantasy and flights into prettiness, but today's post is some what a look of the day really... I'm in a feisty mood, and I'mlooking edgy as I'm going to do it... 
Since I´m too tired, and I feel like I´ve been shot in the head, I´m going to make it brief... Wish me luck out there! 

What is she wearing;
Hair: Wasabi - Surf FLF Ed. Hair in Absolute Pack
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Face Paint & Bullet: Mea Tenebra - Inkubus
Collar: Kibitz - Lory's Collar in Silver
Neck Tattoo: Adora-tions - Born Sick Neck Tattoo
Necklace: Six Feet Under - Cordelia Necklace
Chest Tattoo: Adora-tions - Bitch Chest Tattoo
Top: miss chelsea - Ivie Set in Top (Available until August 30th at Anthem)
Left Arm: PSYCHO:Byts - Avril Arm Warmers
Right Arm:  PSYCHO:Byts - Fury Burn Elbow Pads
Pants: Mug - Renata Jeans in Black
Pose: FOXCITY - Intoxiskate, Pose 6M
Backdrop: The Bearded Guy - Nexus Arsenal Backdrop

Monday, August 26, 2024

The Colours of Heaven!

Angels mean so many things to so many different people, and there are so many ways of looking at them too... Long gone are the days when they were beautiful, innocent looking beings, no longer sweet innocent child-like beings, now Angels come in all different shapes, sizes, colours and styles... I'm not always a good girl but even when I'm dark and depraved I liked to think I'm a little angellic... 

There's room for all different angellic beings in Heaven, and heaven is much more lively these days than peaceful beings roaming around in long white robes... At least not in the kind of heaven that I tend to invisage... IF there is a Heaven I'd imagine it would be full of bright colours and fashionista divas... It would be a Dreamlike Space - similar to the backdrop from K&S - and since we all know there are stairways to heaven I'd want to make sure there were  plenty of places to sit - like the Beau Benches from Krescendo, available until tomorrow at FaMESHed and then hopefully soon in the mainstore if you miss it at the event - so that you can catch your breath while climbing up all of those stairs... 
Wings would be feathered but Ethereal - like the ones from Doe - and in rainbow colours and the gorgeously soft fabric of the Grace Dresses - in this amazing dress, and heel set, from The Kiwi Co which is actually available as the biggest bumper group gift... Blueberry was always known for being brilliant quality, and the new Kiwi Co store is that, as well as super generous in their gifts it would seem - match the colours perfectly... 

What is she wearing;
Tiara: Random Matter - Amicus Halo in Warm Tones
Hair: TRUTH - Whisper in Redhead
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Necklace: Random Matter - Vanir Collar in Warm Tones
Wings: Doe - Ethereal Wings 02 in BGY
Dress: The Kiwi Co. - Grace Dress in Classic Pack (Current Group Gift)
Bag Accessory: kotte - Travellers Elixir in Health
Leg Straps: The Kiwi Co. - Grace Heels in Classic Pack (Current Group Gift)
Pose: Secret Poses - Esme, Pose 4M
Benches: [Krescendo] - Beau Bench (Available until August 27th at FaMESHed)
Sparkles:  Cole's Corner - Starstuff, everfaery - Starfield Aura Wearable, LODE - Bliss Flying Petals in Yellow, Aii - Astral Smoke & LOVE - FAE DREAMS in GLITTER BEAMS
Backdrop: K&S - Dreamlike Space. backdrop

Sunday, August 25, 2024

A Fairy Bath in the Woods!

Sunday's have always been referred to as Bath Night in my house.. It goes back to when I was a kid and we had to get ready for school on Monday morning. It doesn't mean that I only bath once a week, as I've heard from some random idiot that I shared this story with in the past, because we in fact DO shower more than once a week in this part of Europe - he was convinced that we didn't wash lol - but it's kinda stuck that we always jokingly say it's bath night... 

In Rudh's little corner of the world it's also bathnight, but because she's always a little different and today she's in fae form and when the fae have a bath they have to do something a little different... 
There's not that many safe places for the fairies to have a bath because they are so little they can be washed away easily... Down by the Babbling Brooks - a backdrop from Synnergy.Tavis - there is a little Fairy Glade - filled with ruins and candles from the Enchantment of Simply Shelby - where the big people have created the perfect bath space for a little fae... All the water is channelled through a Teapot Fountain - which is a current group gift from MadPea - it's warmed in the teapot through magic which then pours out the spout to make for the perfect fae bath... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: Magika - Nature Aria
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Wings: kotte - Fairy Wings
Outfit: Decoy - Forest Fae in Green (No Longer Available!)
Sparkles: Cole's Corner - Glitterati
Pose: Secret Poses - Sunny, Pose 5
Fountain: MadPea - Teapot Fountain (Current Group Gift!)
Candles: Simply Shelby - Fairy Glade Candles (Available until September 1st at Enchantment)
Wall: Simply Shelby - Fairy Glade Ruin (Available until September 1st at Enchantment)
Splash: [nefarious.inventions] - Splish.Splash.21 (No Longer Available!)
Backdrop: Synnergy.Tavis - Babbling Brooks {360} Backdrop

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Home to the Laundry!

I'M BACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK... Didyamissme? I'm not sure many people will have, or did or do, but I'm happy to be home although I'd much rather not be thinking about going back to work next week... Work is such a rude word, and I admit I love my job but would prefer it if there were a lot less people... 
I'm back home though, and I'm ready to rock and roll once more. It was a lovely trip, some family issues aside, and even though I'm ready to run home at a moment's notice right now, I'm glad to allow things to get back to normal... 

One of the biggest problems with going away on vacation is that you always have so much to do when you get back, and some how it seems worse than the cleaning and organizing that you have to do before you go... I'm not talking about cleaning so much but there always seems to be a small mountain of laundry, and even though it's one of those jobs that are less crappy than others, why does vacation laundry always feel like a massive mountain to climb?! 
Wouldn't it be lovely if there was some magical assistance that would help you with those mountains?! I'd love to have myself some Lil Witches - like the ones from Tardfish - that could sort, clean, and then iron my laundry, if they could fold and put it away too I'd be even more appreciative... Since I don't have any helpers, I guess I'll have to do these things alone but maybe someday it might be a thing we all have... A little laundry witch! 

What is she wearing:
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Shoes: Mug - Heather Slides in Red
Pose: Secret Poses - Esme, Pose 5
Witches: Tardfish - Lil Witch
Laundry Decor: dust bunny & consignment - Laundry Corner
Cart: LEMME - New 20's Trolley Table in Glass
Witches Sparkles: LuluB! - Magic: Star Spell (No Longer Available!)
Suitcase: FOXCITY. Prop - Luggage in Brown
Backdrop: Synnergy.Tavis - Laundry Day {360} Backdrop

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Got Blog! Rudhmellowen Laguna of Rudh's Random Ramblings

Hello, Hello... Yes I am away on Holiday, and no I'm not crazy... Maybe a little, maybe addicted is a better way of putting things, but as it's a lazy Sunday in my parents house I'm taking a few minutes to log into SL and get some weekend shopping bargains PLUS spend a little time writing something in my ramblings as YES I am that obsessed! 
I was a smart little blogger when I was at home, before I made my trip to see Mum and Dad - a trip which I AM LOVING by the way - and prepped a photo, and I have a plan to take this time to join in the Got Blog! Bloggers Challenge... 
Now, because I am terrible at sharing information properly sometimes, I'm going to link you to the actual Got Blog! Bloggers Challenge page, and then you can find out everything you need to know about this fun little idea... Find the information here...

There's nothing quite like a messy desk... I have one in RL and my SL blogging space is just as chaotically covered with stuff... I LOVE being surrounded by pretty things though and this makes me feel cosy. Since the post today is all about the questions and answers, I'm going to say I won't have a list of everything in the picture added but if anyone wants to know anything, PLEASE ASK ME! I don't bite and I'd love to find kindred spirits that like the same kinda crazy... 
Anyway... On to the reason for the challenge, in the Got Blog! Blogger Challenge, we're given a list of questions to answer. We don't need to answer them all, and I'm pretty sure I won't be but... Let's get on with things shall we... It could be a long one lol... 

When did you start your Second Life Blog? Would you believe it when I say that I started my blog on September 11th, 2010... You can even see my first ramblings coming to life here - 

Why did you start Blogging in Second Life? Hmm I'll admit that it actually surprised me when I decided to start a blog. Until that point I'd only ever felt blogging in SL was about "look at me" attention seeking, but I had found peace in life. I was with my SL to RL partner, I was happy, and wanted to find something creative to express myself. I look back on that first post and think, "why did I write that?" but I guess my reasons for blogging have changed somewhat through the years and now it's my passion project, my happy place and my entire reason for being in SL...

Do you feel the Blogging community in Second Life has changed since you started Blogging, and if so, in what ways? In the beginning I think I was a more active part of the blogger community. We had a group of bloggers that were in the "52 weeks of colour challenge", created by blogger Luna Jubilee, and I met some wonderfully, amazing people. We've since lost touch mostly, and now days I seem to live like a hermit on my own. Bloggers now days seem to have a platform life, and interaction is only done through social media, it can feel a little less personal perhaps?! It also saddens me somewhat that I feel like no one actually reads the things bloggers write anymore, it feels like it's more about pretty pictures with credits than long interesting ramblings, and that's OK, each to their own... 

Are you approachable as a Blogger by content creators that may have interest in you as a Blogger for their Brand/Store? I have been, and always will be, fairly open to try things as a blogger. For me, my blogging space is about having fun and trying things. I LOVE being creative with looks... I do use my discretion though, if I think something is not for me then I will say so and hope that someone who would be better with that chance is given the chance to shine... 

Do you have any tips or tricks that help you with the Blogging process that you would like to share? One of the biggest ones for me is DON'T FOCUS ON THE NUMBERS. I used to get so disheartened when I would see pictures that seemed to be "less" interesting than mine - and yes I KNOW that it's speculative and everyone has their own reasons for loving or hating something - get huge numbers of likes on sites like Flickr... I had to train myself not to look or think about that too much and just enjoy what I was doing for me! 

Do you Blog content that you yourself would wear/use always, or do you blog content that is expected of you to blog due to commitments to stores/events? I'll admit something here. If I'm working on things to create looks with, I tend to wear the outfit for a few days, weeks even, but once I've done the pictures and posted, I tend to put things away and may even forget them... It's a bad habit I know... I mostly ONLY blog the things I love and want to use though, very occasionally I will do something with an item that I might not have chosen, but I will ONLY use it if I can make the picture something I'm happy sharing with everyone... 

Do you feel that imposed time limits, and a set amount of content featured changes the way you blog content, and does it feel less authentically you? Sometimes I hate deadlines... If I'm working with a store that I haven't met the deadlines for I tend to panic and it can affect my creativity. I tend to be fairly organised though so that never happens... 

Do you use Social Media, and/or other platforms outside of your Blog/Website to promote the content you have shared? I have various places I post things when it comes to my blogging, although I'll admit I'm not on as many social media places as some... Flickr, Primfeed, and Facebook tend to be my prime locations, although I'm old school and still drop things in Pinterest too lol... Rather than post too many links I'll just add my link tree, or you can find my links in the sidebar of my ramblings! 

Do you have any suggestions for Content Creators/Stores to consider, when it comes to their Bloggers, and Bloggers that they may want to have Blog for them? I know that you have to pick bloggers that are right for your brand, but perhaps something to bear in mind is that ANYTHING can be made to work if they know how to style something. I love taking things that are not my usual style and making them fit my personality. It allows people to see that there is more than just the one box that things fit into and may inspire others to try new styles or items... 

Do you have any advice that you can give other Bloggers that may be new to the experience, or even advice/wisdom that you want to share with the Blogging community as a whole, new or old? Be true to you... If you love what you do it will make everything much easier and a lot more fun too! Never try to fit into the mould, those that stand out are the ones that are more often remembered! 

What do you enjoy and are most passionate about when it comes to Blogging? My blog is my creative space. It's my happy place, my breathing space and a way to let go of anything that's going on and relax... I can be in the worst, most anxious of moods and once I'm getting creative it all fades away, giving me a chance to calm down and restart my brain... I'm not giving my blog up for anything, it's much more fun and much easier than therapy hehe... 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Time for a Holiday!!

YAY... GUESS WHAT... TOMORROW I AM FINALLY GOING ON VACATION, I'm going to see my parents in the UK and although it's not some fancy holiday somewhere beachy or unknown or even a typical holiday location, but it's the best kind of break for me. Some time with family, a chance to relax and read a book or four, and not think in Dutch for a little while... Being an expat can be great, but after a time I always feel like my battery is running low and I need to recharge... So this is my last post for a little while...

Tomorrow, HellBone and I will be getting on a boat to cross the North Sea from the Netherlands to the UK, but Rudh has never really been that good on a boat, and since I'm leaving she's going to take a little break too... She's at the Airport, sitting in the airport lounge - which happens to be a backdrop from K&S - waiting to be called for her flight. Checking and re-checking she has all of the important things in her bag... Dressed in the comfiest of Airi Sweats - from miss chelsea at the current round of Equal10 - and a cute Lina tank and sweater set - from everfaery, that's also at equal10... 
Just one quick thing before I disappear, the pose I've used in my post today is actually part of a couple pose from -Extra- called "All I am"... Since I'm a loner with no friends, I wanted to just add the ad for the pose so you can see it for yourselves as it should be... 
In the meantime, I'm off, I'll see you in a few days... Don't miss me too much and know I'll be watching to see what everyone is getting upto from afar... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: TRUTH & Wasabi - Kumquat
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Top: everfaery - Lina Tank & Sweater (Available until September 5th at Equal10)
Pants: miss chelsea - Airi Set in Sweats (Available until September 5th at Equal10)
Pose: -Extra- - All I Am (Part of Couple Pose)
Teddy: hive - My Teddy Soft Brown
Bag: Tres Blah - Slumber Party in Overnight Bag
Case: FOXCITY. Prop - Luggage in Brown
Backdrop: K&S - Airport lounge. Backdrop

Monday, August 12, 2024

Rainbow Space Race

Holidays seem to bring out the best in my mood... I've only "officially" been on holiday since this morning, but my boss got home and we did a hand over and NOW I CAN FINALLY RELAX... 
It's bringing out the bright, sparkly, colourful, vibrance in me. It may be freaking hot here at the moment, but it's going to be a lovely few days and then on Wednesday I'm leaving to see my parents... I CANNOT WAIT!!! 
Until then I'm letting the colourful, sparkles take their hold on me and we're heding toward the finish line of being stuck doing work-like things... 

So yes, the colourfulness in me has burst out in a shower of rainbow sparkles and magic... I felt giddy as I saw the finish-line in the intergalatci race between the rainbow lit planets - the collection is actually from the Space Splashdown set, created by MadPea for the current round of equal10, and is perfect for a summery space party...
A race like this was bound to be won by the space babe, and even though she HATES Aliens, today she's been accompanied her favourite Fuzzy Noodles - from Sakura - but even though she made it to the finish line, our space babe missed the rocket as it launched to the next planet in the space race...

What is she wearing;
Halos: Pukki - Galaxy Halo (No Longer Available!) & random.Matter - Astrid Aura
Hair: Moon. Hair - Darling in Pastels
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Glasses: Boutique #187 - Summer Glasses
Bodysuit: Moon Amore - OuterSpace Gacha Item in TripBoob Bodysuit
Dress: Moon Amore - Octopolis Floatie Outfit
Pets: {Sakura} - Fuzzy Noodle Plush in Neons
Sparkles: Cole's Corner - Starstuff, #LuluB! - Invierna (No Longer Available!) & random.Matter - Star Girl Freckles
Pose: Secret Poses - Kelsey, Pose 3
Banner, Planets, Moon, Sun, Stars & Rainbows: MadPea - Space Splashdown (Available until September 6th at Equal10)
Rocket: mini muffin - Rocket Nightlight (No Longer Available!)
Backdrop: FOXCITY. Photo Booth - Tunnel of Love

Sunday, August 11, 2024

A Little Green Magic!

What is a girl to do with herself when that vacation feeling hits... Some people like to travel, others like to do crafts, I personally love to get lost in a good book more than usual, but there are others that LOVE to garden... I'm never going to be a good gardener, I've not got greenfingers or thumbs and even though it seems to be something all my family are good at, I'm not even able to keep a cactus alive... 
I'll stick to gardening in Second Life, it seems a little easier and if my fingers and thumbs don't work then there is penty of magic to aid my desire to grow... 

I will say though that even in Second Life I have problems when I'm growing things... HellBone is in charge of our beautiful garden and although I pretend the vegetable plot is mine, we all know he's the one in charge of it. When I attempt to grow things, using a little magical touch to get things to sprout, there is always an issue or two.. Carnivorous plants, bulbous plants, plants that inspire magic and even the Honey Bees are a little bit Bunny-like - but they are such a gorgeous cute little pair from YOKAI at Collabor88 - can be found in the Greenhouse - a backdrop from Synnergy.Tavis... 

What is she wearing;
Hat & Hair: Magika - Abigail Hair & The Spellcasters Hat
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Dirt Layer: Izzie's - Face & Body Dirt
Top: miss chelsea - Pipi Set in Tank
Bottoms: Mug - Emily Overalls in Gray
Staff: [Krescendo] - Enchanted Staff (Available until August 24th at Wizarding Faire)
Pose & Bottle Prop: Fashiowl - Herbology Class, Pose 2 (Available until August 24th at Wizarding Faire)
Bees: YOKAI - Honey Bee SET in Honey Bee Bunny Black & White (Available until September 6th at Collabor88)
    Carnivorous: HEXtraordinary - Carniverous Geranium
    Orange Bobbles: vespertine - Enchanted Plants in Dirigible Plums
    Hot Air Balloon: tarte - Hot Air Balloon Planter
    Twisted Vine: random.Matter - Precarious Plants in Devil's Snare 
    Purple Cauldron: Elm - Cauldron Planters in Stormpebble Sprout 
    Blobby Cactus Type: random.Matter - Precarious Plants in Mimbulous Mimbletonia 
    Pink Hanging: Elm - Cauldron Planters in Lovelock Blossom
Watering Can: random.Matter - Precarious Plants in Watering Can
Books: random.Matter - Precarious Plants in Bookstack
Backdrop: SYNNERGY.TAVIS - Greenhouse {360} Backdrop

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Flowers and Fluttering Things!

It's time to get MAGICAL... It's time to celebrate and let my hair down... It's time to RELAX... Today is unofficially the start of my holiday... I am going away to see my family in RL next week, but for the next few days I'll be blogging my little heart out and having a damn good time doing it... I even saw a blogger challenge that I plan on participating in, so watch this space for that, but today I'm letting the magic take me... 
The flowers of summer brings all the butterflies, bees and perhaps a cute little fairy boy or two - depending on my reading material hehe - to my garden... 

I am very much looking forward to spending some time in England next week, there is never anything more relaxing than seeing my parents and other family members. I look forward to spending some time in my parents garden, reading books and doing a little shopping... 
My fathers garden is a magical place, full of flowers, full of life and when I was little, I always imagined it was full of fairies... 

What is she wearing:
Yellow Flower: dust bunny - Chubbees Daisy in Yellow
Rose Head-dress: LODE Hair Accessory - Bliss in Full pack
Hair: Doe - Quinnie in Flux
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Ears: Queen oF Ink - [Honey] Eyes (No Longer Available!)
Honey Drips: Fika - Honey Drop (No Longer Available!)
Butterflies: Lamb - Butterfly
Glasses: Violetility - Apis Septum
Nose Piercing: Six Feet Under - Dismal Nose Set (Available until August 12th at Gothcore)
Sceptum Ring: Violetility - Apis Glasses (Available until August 18th at The Warehouse)
Face Bees: LODE - Bumble Bee
Neck Paint: [Seydr] - Neck Paint
Top & Necklace: Belle Epoque - Chlorophyll
Wings: kotte - Fairy Wings in Fatpack
Pose: FOXCITY - Parked V2, Pose 3
Fairies: !Ohmai - Horn Beetle & Lady Bug Fairy (No Longer Available!)
Backdrop: FOXCITY. Photo Booth - Daisy Field 

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Rub-A-Dub-Dub... An Ice Cream Tub!

It's my day off today, and I've been sat around trying to chillax because I KNOW that I have two full days of work coming... I needed to relax and aside from some chores it was a lovely day really... 
Relaxation for me comes in the form of reading at the moment, but I did have a LOVELY long shower. I love a hot shower, and even though it looks nice and relaxing, I've never really been a bath kinda girl. I don't like the idea of sitting around in my own dirty water lol... 

Rudh on the other hand likes to have a nice, long hot bath to enjoy her Still Time - an older but brilliant backdrop from FOXCITY - lots of hot water to relax her muscles, a lovely smell as the bubbles pop and a feeling of soothing. It's also a fabulous place to have a snack... Today whilst Rudh has been relaxing in a bath, she decided on an Ice Cream Tub - from Junk Food, available until August 30th at Anthem - but she realised that you have to be quick when eating an Ice Cream in the bath as the steam melts it faster than normal... 

What is she wearing;
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Bubbles: MIWAS - Bubble on me in White
Pose: Secret Poses - Pamela, Pose 5
Ice-Cream & Spoon: Junk Food - Ice Cream Tub (Available until August 30th at Anthem)
Bathbombs: dust bunny - Lauren Bathroom in Bath Bombs
Duck: MishMish - Rubber Duck in Sunny
Scrubber: Lyrium - Shower Loofah
Bottles: Apple Fall - Bathroom Lotions
Brushes: Apple Fall - Bath Brushes in Milk Glass Jar
Sponge Bowl: dust bunny - Bathroom Essentials in Sponges Bowl
Doily: Deco Soup - Vintage Doily in Draped
Man: Astralia - Paparazzi Gacha in Group
Bush: JIAN - Blackberry Bush
Backdrop: FOXCITY. Photo Booth - Still Time

Monday, August 5, 2024

A Clutter Gang of Cats!

We had heard that there have been some unsavory types lurking around in the rubble outside of the Midnight Order, whilst the magical and regal reside within... They darent venture out the doors, not only is it rubble there is falling buildings and fire, but the worst threat is the dangerous Black Gang Cats Biker club that patrol the streets looking for trouble... 

The area around the Midnight Order has been nicknamed The Barrens - which is actually a backdrop by Synnergy.Tavis - that have become an almost apocalyptic wasteland, controlled by the Black Gang Cats - a series of models by D-LAB, available until August 20th at Midnight Order
The leader of the Black Cats Gang arms herself with axes made of street rubble, and she carries chains for capturing those magicals that dare leave the Order... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: CAMO - Sauvanne F-Locs (Available until August 20th at Midnight Order)
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Nose Piercing: Boutique#187 - Padlock Nose Chain
Necklaces: AsteroidBox - Ayla Necklace & Sylvia Chains
Outfit: ASH - Sofico Bodysuit (Available until August 20th at Midnight Order)
Hand Chain: AsteroidBox. - Mella Handchain
Ears & Tail: .STOIC. - TIGER PARTS
Weapons: Synnergy.Tavis - Apocalyptic [Holdable]
Socks: Psycho Barbie - Hex Stockings
Pose: Secret Poses - Esme, Pose 3
Cats: D-LAB - GANG CATS (Available until August 20th at Midnight Order)
Bike: H&C Wheels - Escape
Backdrop: Synnergy.Tavis - The Barrens {Scene}

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Cuties in the Mermaid Cove

I am in a playful mood today... I cannot trll you why, I'm not really sure myself, but sometimes a fun fancy dress costume and it lead me to the happiest and most under-the-sea, today though I'm not going to be alone under the sea... Today there is a welcoming party taking place for my jellyfish style... 

I've gone from being a little mermaid, and I've been a little sea witch like Ursula, but today I'm doing something a little jelly-licious... Jelly is fun to wiggle but those jellyfish often come with a zing in their step... They are electrofying... Their electric energy brings all the adorable little sea critters out to play... There are Shoals of Fish, Starfish, Clams, and Crabs - all of which are available at MishMish - and even the rare little rainbow Flapjack Octopus and his friends - a release from Aardvark, available until August 8th at ACCESS by the way - have been brought out to play in the Mermaid Cove... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: Paesia - Jellyfish Strands
Ears: CURELESS[+] - Kimora Fins
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Tattoo: Ladybird - Naga Scales
Starfish: MishMish - Starfish in Orange Pack
Outfit: Kiru - Abyss Outfit (Available until August 20th at Midnight Order)
Pose & Necklace Props: [piXit] - Athanasia, Pose 6 (Available until August 20th at Midnight Order)
Octopus: Aardvark - Flapjack Octopus  (Available until August 8th at Access)
Fish Shoals: MishMish - Shoal of Fish
Crabs: MishMish - Cutie Crab in Red
Shellfish: MishMish - Pearl in a Shell
Jellyfish: Foxwood - Jellyfish in Purple
Bubbles: Half-Deer - Bubbles, MoonAmore - Ocean Lover in  Bubbles & Pitaya - Undersea Decor Set
Underwater Plants: DISORDERLY - Wrecked in Aquatic Plants
Backdrop: Synnergy - Mermaid's Cove [360] Backdrop

Friday, August 2, 2024

Prepping for the Spooky Season

I'm getting more and more excited... People are talking about Summerween and I have to admit that I am ALL for it. I'm not the kind of girl to get overly excited about Christmas or Easter or even the Summer Break, but Halloween... I'd be happy celebrating Halloween all year, maybe with a month off at Christmas for sparkly decorations... I get excited by the magic of it, the darker magic and the mystical magic and I am super excited about it...

I might start watching some of those teenie magical things to start getting me in the mood... The original Sabrina the Teenage Witch, the Hocus Pocus movies, there are so many that I could watch and enjoy... In the mean time though I might get a little practice in communicating with the dead and the art of Tarot magic, before I need it to actually communicate with the dead in October... 
Whilst practicing I've decided to pull out the old Ouija Board, I say old but it's new and pretty and lit up like a Luminous Spirit Board - this one being from MadPea at The Fifty until August 20th - and I hope that it will help me to connect to some of the cool dead ghouls out there in the dark... Friends that will come to play with me during the spooky season to come... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: Magika - Angelica Hair
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Dress: AsteroidBox - Ava Dress in Stripes
Hand Sparkles: LuluB! - Magic: Star Spell in Fatpack (No Longer Available!)
Ouija Board: MadPea - Luminous Spirit Board Dark (Available until August 20th at The Fifty)
Magical Objects: Random Matter - Teller of Fortunes Items
Bottle: Candle & Cauldron - Potion Diffuser
Phone: Elm - Bewitched Home Hunt in Enchanted Ouija Phone Black
Drink: Hangry - Cereal milkshake in Cinna Toast
Heart Bottle: dust bunny - Lunar Craft in  Heart Spell Bottle
Cape: dust bunny - Lunar Craft in Cape Stand
Table & Chairs: Random Matter - Teller of Fortunes in Tables & Stools Ebony
Backdrop: Synnergy.Tavis - Literary Lounge {360} Backdrop

Thursday, August 1, 2024

The Meeting of the Season Changers!

August 1st always feels like start of Summer, even though Summer has officially been happening for a few weeks, and we're actually starting to gear down towards Autumn...
There is soon to be a mingling of the fae from different worlds... The Summer Fae with her gorgeous floral colours will meet the darker Autumn Fae, who are coming to kill off the greenery and welcome to Wintery flakes of snow... They are gathering slowly, meeting on edge of the dark forest on the Swamp Path... 

It is the Midnight Order, that has brought these two fae together on the Swamp Bridge - a release from Violetility - but the Dandelion Fairy is the one hosting the welcoming committee... Sharing her Dandelion Blooms with the Autumnal Goblinesque - thanks to the LOGO Cinder Goblin Head, available now at Midnight Order - and teaching her new friend how to create dandy magic... 
For now though, let's just hope that these two can share the spotlight before the Autumn ends the Summer and the colours fade from green to red... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: KMH - Hair F262 in Fatpack (Available until August 20th at Midnight Order)
Head, Skin & Face Accessory: LOGO - Cinder Goblin Head v1.0 (Available until August 20th at Midnight Order)
Hair Accessory: K R E E P - Evermore Hair Piece (Available until August 20th at Midnight Order)
Earring: (Yummy) - Raw Crystal Earring (Past Gift)
Shoulder Fur: Tentacio - Rose mamba in Fur Cloak Brown
Choker: Spellbound - Crystal Choker in Dark (No Longer Available!)
Necklace: (Yummy) - Layered Crystal Necklace
Wings: kotte - Fairy Wings in Fatpack
Dress: UNA - Xena Dress (Available until August 20th at Midnight Order)
Lower Fur: Caboodle - Alice Stole in Gray
Sparkles: Cole's Corner - Starstuff
Pose & Flower Prop: Mixtape Poses - Dandelion
Fairy Friend: !Ohmai - Dandelion Fairy (No Longer Available!)
Bridge: Violetility - Swamp Path
Trees: everfaery - Dreamshade Trees (Available until August 18th at The Warehouse)
Vines: everfaery - Faewood Vines
Backdrop: Synnergy - Dark Pond Scene