Hello, Hello... Yes I am away on Holiday, and no I'm not crazy... Maybe a little, maybe addicted is a better way of putting things, but as it's a lazy Sunday in my parents house I'm taking a few minutes to log into SL and get some weekend shopping bargains PLUS spend a little time writing something in my ramblings as YES I am that obsessed!
I was a smart little blogger when I was at home, before I made my trip to see Mum and Dad - a trip which I AM LOVING by the way - and prepped a photo, and I have a plan to take this time to join in the Got Blog! Bloggers Challenge...
Now, because I am terrible at sharing information properly sometimes, I'm going to link you to the actual Got Blog! Bloggers Challenge page, and then you can find out everything you need to know about this fun little idea... Find the information here... https://sasyscarborough.com/2024/08/09/got-blog-bloggers-challenge/

There's nothing quite like a messy desk... I have one in RL and my SL blogging space is just as chaotically covered with stuff... I LOVE being surrounded by pretty things though and this makes me feel cosy. Since the post today is all about the questions and answers, I'm going to say I won't have a list of everything in the picture added but if anyone wants to know anything, PLEASE ASK ME! I don't bite and I'd love to find kindred spirits that like the same kinda crazy... Anyway... On to the reason for the challenge, in the Got Blog! Blogger Challenge, we're given a list of questions to answer. We don't need to answer them all, and I'm pretty sure I won't be but... Let's get on with things shall we... It could be a long one lol...
When did you start your Second Life Blog? Would you believe it when I say that I started my blog on September 11th, 2010... You can even see my first ramblings coming to life here - https://rudhsrandomramblings.blogspot.com/2010/09/well-i-never.html
Why did you start Blogging in Second Life? Hmm I'll admit that it actually surprised me when I decided to start a blog. Until that point I'd only ever felt blogging in SL was about "look at me" attention seeking, but I had found peace in life. I was with my SL to RL partner, I was happy, and wanted to find something creative to express myself. I look back on that first post and think, "why did I write that?" but I guess my reasons for blogging have changed somewhat through the years and now it's my passion project, my happy place and my entire reason for being in SL...
Do you feel the Blogging community in Second Life has changed since you started Blogging, and if so, in what ways? In the beginning I think I was a more active part of the blogger community. We had a group of bloggers that were in the "52 weeks of colour challenge", created by blogger Luna Jubilee, and I met some wonderfully, amazing people. We've since lost touch mostly, and now days I seem to live like a hermit on my own. Bloggers now days seem to have a platform life, and interaction is only done through social media, it can feel a little less personal perhaps?! It also saddens me somewhat that I feel like no one actually reads the things bloggers write anymore, it feels like it's more about pretty pictures with credits than long interesting ramblings, and that's OK, each to their own...
Are you approachable as a Blogger by content creators that may have interest in you as a Blogger for their Brand/Store? I have been, and always will be, fairly open to try things as a blogger. For me, my blogging space is about having fun and trying things. I LOVE being creative with looks... I do use my discretion though, if I think something is not for me then I will say so and hope that someone who would be better with that chance is given the chance to shine...
Do you have any tips or tricks that help you with the Blogging process that you would like to share? One of the biggest ones for me is DON'T FOCUS ON THE NUMBERS. I used to get so disheartened when I would see pictures that seemed to be "less" interesting than mine - and yes I KNOW that it's speculative and everyone has their own reasons for loving or hating something - get huge numbers of likes on sites like Flickr... I had to train myself not to look or think about that too much and just enjoy what I was doing for me!
Do you Blog content that you yourself would wear/use always, or do you blog content that is expected of you to blog due to commitments to stores/events? I'll admit something here. If I'm working on things to create looks with, I tend to wear the outfit for a few days, weeks even, but once I've done the pictures and posted, I tend to put things away and may even forget them... It's a bad habit I know... I mostly ONLY blog the things I love and want to use though, very occasionally I will do something with an item that I might not have chosen, but I will ONLY use it if I can make the picture something I'm happy sharing with everyone...
Do you feel that imposed time limits, and a set amount of content featured changes the way you blog content, and does it feel less authentically you? Sometimes I hate deadlines... If I'm working with a store that I haven't met the deadlines for I tend to panic and it can affect my creativity. I tend to be fairly organised though so that never happens...
Do you use Social Media, and/or other platforms outside of your Blog/Website to promote the content you have shared? I have various places I post things when it comes to my blogging, although I'll admit I'm not on as many social media places as some... Flickr, Primfeed, and Facebook tend to be my prime locations, although I'm old school and still drop things in Pinterest too lol... Rather than post too many links I'll just add my link tree, or you can find my links in the sidebar of my ramblings!
Do you have any suggestions for Content Creators/Stores to consider, when it comes to their Bloggers, and Bloggers that they may want to have Blog for them? I know that you have to pick bloggers that are right for your brand, but perhaps something to bear in mind is that ANYTHING can be made to work if they know how to style something. I love taking things that are not my usual style and making them fit my personality. It allows people to see that there is more than just the one box that things fit into and may inspire others to try new styles or items...
Do you have any advice that you can give other Bloggers that may be new to the experience, or even advice/wisdom that you want to share with the Blogging community as a whole, new or old? Be true to you... If you love what you do it will make everything much easier and a lot more fun too! Never try to fit into the mould, those that stand out are the ones that are more often remembered!
What do you enjoy and are most passionate about when it comes to Blogging? My blog is my creative space. It's my happy place, my breathing space and a way to let go of anything that's going on and relax... I can be in the worst, most anxious of moods and once I'm getting creative it all fades away, giving me a chance to calm down and restart my brain... I'm not giving my blog up for anything, it's much more fun and much easier than therapy hehe...