Friday, August 2, 2024

Prepping for the Spooky Season

I'm getting more and more excited... People are talking about Summerween and I have to admit that I am ALL for it. I'm not the kind of girl to get overly excited about Christmas or Easter or even the Summer Break, but Halloween... I'd be happy celebrating Halloween all year, maybe with a month off at Christmas for sparkly decorations... I get excited by the magic of it, the darker magic and the mystical magic and I am super excited about it...

I might start watching some of those teenie magical things to start getting me in the mood... The original Sabrina the Teenage Witch, the Hocus Pocus movies, there are so many that I could watch and enjoy... In the mean time though I might get a little practice in communicating with the dead and the art of Tarot magic, before I need it to actually communicate with the dead in October... 
Whilst practicing I've decided to pull out the old Ouija Board, I say old but it's new and pretty and lit up like a Luminous Spirit Board - this one being from MadPea at The Fifty until August 20th - and I hope that it will help me to connect to some of the cool dead ghouls out there in the dark... Friends that will come to play with me during the spooky season to come... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: Magika - Angelica Hair
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Dress: AsteroidBox - Ava Dress in Stripes
Hand Sparkles: LuluB! - Magic: Star Spell in Fatpack (No Longer Available!)
Ouija Board: MadPea - Luminous Spirit Board Dark (Available until August 20th at The Fifty)
Magical Objects: Random Matter - Teller of Fortunes Items
Bottle: Candle & Cauldron - Potion Diffuser
Phone: Elm - Bewitched Home Hunt in Enchanted Ouija Phone Black
Drink: Hangry - Cereal milkshake in Cinna Toast
Heart Bottle: dust bunny - Lunar Craft in  Heart Spell Bottle
Cape: dust bunny - Lunar Craft in Cape Stand
Table & Chairs: Random Matter - Teller of Fortunes in Tables & Stools Ebony
Backdrop: Synnergy.Tavis - Literary Lounge {360} Backdrop

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