Saturday, August 24, 2024

Home to the Laundry!

I'M BACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK... Didyamissme? I'm not sure many people will have, or did or do, but I'm happy to be home although I'd much rather not be thinking about going back to work next week... Work is such a rude word, and I admit I love my job but would prefer it if there were a lot less people... 
I'm back home though, and I'm ready to rock and roll once more. It was a lovely trip, some family issues aside, and even though I'm ready to run home at a moment's notice right now, I'm glad to allow things to get back to normal... 

One of the biggest problems with going away on vacation is that you always have so much to do when you get back, and some how it seems worse than the cleaning and organizing that you have to do before you go... I'm not talking about cleaning so much but there always seems to be a small mountain of laundry, and even though it's one of those jobs that are less crappy than others, why does vacation laundry always feel like a massive mountain to climb?! 
Wouldn't it be lovely if there was some magical assistance that would help you with those mountains?! I'd love to have myself some Lil Witches - like the ones from Tardfish - that could sort, clean, and then iron my laundry, if they could fold and put it away too I'd be even more appreciative... Since I don't have any helpers, I guess I'll have to do these things alone but maybe someday it might be a thing we all have... A little laundry witch! 

What is she wearing:
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Shoes: Mug - Heather Slides in Red
Pose: Secret Poses - Esme, Pose 5
Witches: Tardfish - Lil Witch
Laundry Decor: dust bunny & consignment - Laundry Corner
Cart: LEMME - New 20's Trolley Table in Glass
Witches Sparkles: LuluB! - Magic: Star Spell (No Longer Available!)
Suitcase: FOXCITY. Prop - Luggage in Brown
Backdrop: Synnergy.Tavis - Laundry Day {360} Backdrop

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