Thursday, June 27, 2024

Bears in the Woods

If you go down to the woods today, you'd better remember to pack everything that you need for a little woodland visit... The woods seem like a cooler place, not as cool as the beach might be but hiding beneath the trees is far better than being out in the sunshine or stuck at work. Apparently the weather is changing here tomorrow but for tonight it's yucky... I'm going to sleep outside and avoid the mosquitoes instead of the heat... 

I packed for a fun trip in the woods. I had absolutely everything needed for my trip... Bug Spray, Books and plenty of snacks, everything needed for the perfect Summer Camp - a set from Junk Food - at the Summer Carnival... 
There was just ONE thing that I forgot, and it was something that I REALLY needed... I forgot my teddy bear, and I cant sleep without him... I had to find a way to replace him. Then as I was walking in the woods, I decided that I'd be doing something drastic, I'd Kidnap Bears - which is a Tardfish release from the MadPea PlayXpo Event

What is she wearing;
Hat & Hair: Magika - Abigail Hair
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Outfit: Pseudo - Paige Overalls in Dark Blue
Socks: Psycho Barbie - Noir Stockings in Plain
Bear: Tardfish - Kidnap Bear in Griz (Available until July 7th at MadPeas PlayXpo Event)
Pose: Secret Poses - Elani, Pose 1M
Camping Decor: Junk Food - Summer Camp Set v1 (Available until July 1st at Summer Carnival)
Backdrop: Synnergy.Tavis - Anemone {360} Backdrop

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