Sunday, June 30, 2024

A Break To Level Up!

Would you ever believe it, I HAVE A WEEKEND?! Yeah OK it's Sunday already but off tomorrow too and I CANNOT believe I've had two days to just relax and recharge my batteries...
I'm going to let go, I'm going to try to think of work as little as possible. I'm going to read and snooze and maybe even get myself to prep a blog post or two... Firstly though I'm going to party the night away, me in my jammies, and Rudh in her typical Rudhish way...

Rudh is going to take this chance to 'Level Up' - which is actually a backdrop from K&S - and dance... Her pixels are charging as she's plugged into the system, sipping on the fancy Disco Drinks - from Schadenfreude until July 12th at Summerfest '24 - that they serve in this club... 
The energy she's charging her pixels with showing it's presence in her gorgeous neon Pixel Prism Wings - available from everfaery for the MadPea PlayXPO - they radiate rainbow neon colours, giving off sparkles in neon colours... 

What is she wearing;
Horns: PSYCHO:Byts - Persephonix Horns
Hair: Sintiklia - Hair Kennedy in Ombres
Headphones: [Atomic] - Neko Games Headset in Neon Blue (No Longer Available!)
Choker & Bindi: kotte - Cosmos Choker + Accessory
Neon Body Wires: Normandy - Inti.Veins MK2
Vest: PSYCHO:Byts - N.i.x - N.i.g.h.t Vest in Pink
Wings: everfaery - Pixel Prism Wings (Available until July 7th at MadPea PlayXpo Event)
Chest: Ama - Glow Power Collar Implant
Dress: Ghoul - Umomi Dress (Past Gift)
Sparkles: Cole's Corner - Starstuff
Arms: PSYCHO:Byts - Connor TX Arms
Drink: Schadenfreude - Disco Drink (Available until July 12th at Summerfest '24)
Pose: Secret Poses - Jennifer, Pose 4
Backdrop: K&S - // Level UP. Backdrop

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