Friday, June 14, 2024

Monstrous Psychedelia

I've often said the more twisted, dark and devious a picture I create is, the happier I am... I'm happy at the moment because I've had a chance to relax. I don't have anything to focus on and my boss even gave me a few days off... I am in a good place right now... So today, for the first time in a while, things are getting a little monstrous... Deviously, twistedly, yet colourly monstrous... 

I've said it before but I'm in rest and relax mode. I never fully feel I can relax until I'm back in England, or on vacation at least, but having a few days off after my exam has made me feel much better... So much so that I'm taking off my mask - though in this case it's the UNHOLY Porcelain Mask - and letting the inner monster out to play... She's going to dance in the Palace of Psychadelia - a backdrop from FOXCITY - and drink one of those fancy "Snapped" cocktails, served in a Snapped Tumbler - created by Boutique #187 - while she enjoys the music of the night... 

What is she wearing;
Mask: UNHOLY - Belladonna Porcelain Mask V2
Hair: [Yomi] - Electra Hair (25%) (Available until June 16th at Hair Fair 2024 Streaks Sim)
Head: Curio Obscura - Grinder Mouthface (No Longer Available!)
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Body Paint: [POUT!] - BeetleJuice  Make up & Tattoo (No Longer Available!)
Choker: BOOM - Precious Bow Choker (No Longer Available!)
Dress: CryBunBun - Sunday Girl Dress in Bugsyrup
Cup: Boutique #187 - Snapped Tumbler
Pose: Fashiowl - Geek in the Pink, Pose 2 (Available until July 7th at MadPeas PlayXpo Event)
Chairs: [Krescendo] - Lagos Seat (Available until June 27th at FaMESHed)
Flowers: MadPea - Oversized Chrysanthemums (Freebie coming soon at SL21B Shop & Hop)
Speakers: NeverWish - Rave Yard Set in Coffiin Speaker White
Backdrop: FOXCITY. Photo Booth - Palace in Psychedelic

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