Saturday, June 8, 2024

Breakfasts in Space

I had the day off today and have spent it being very very productive, I am majorly pleased with myself. I made the last tweaks to my presentation that I need to do on Wednesday and managed to not only retake a picture for my blog that was missing something last time and even prepare a new picture for my second post of the day... 
I think that it was because I was able to start my day with a bit of reading for fun and a delicious, although not too healthy breakfast, with plenty of coffee... 

Living in the space station must make days seem fairly different... I know that certain places on earth get 24 hour day light and long nights too, but the thought of being in space, where you'll be able to see the light but the stars must light the sky more and you'll never get to experience the day and night shift like we do on Earth... Or perhaps they do?! 
Rudh woke up this morning, in room in the Space Station - a backdrop from Synnergy.Tavis - she had spoken to the kitchen via intercom and grabbed her Libro Reader - an amazing release from The Horror! - to lay in wait... It wasn't long before the adorable little Tiny Tech Bots - a new release from Aardvark for the Cyber Fair that runs until June 22nd - came in carrying a tray from the Breakfast Run - from Hangry - with an extra large "Valuty Mug" - from Krescendo at Man Cave until June 11th - full of coffee to mke sure that she wakes up and feels energized for her day... She's gonna need it wandering through space... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: Wasabi - Glitter FLF Ed. Hair in Absolute Pack
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Pyjamas: miss chelsea - Hati Set
Pose: -Extra- - Coastal Charm, Pose 5 (Available until July 1st at Summer Carnival)
Robots: Aardvark - Tiny Tech Bot - FATPACK (Available until June 22nd at Cyber Fair 2024)
Pad: The Horror! - Libro Reader
Pillows: Krescendo - Star Pile (Available until June 17th at Anthology)
Bed: Violetility - Frost Fortress Bed
Mug: Krescendo - Valuty Mug (Available until June 11th at Man Cave)
Breakfast: Hangry - Breakfast Run
Stars: #comatosed - Starry Night
Backdrop: Synnergy.Tavis - Space Station {360} Backdrop

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