Sunday, June 16, 2024

Nothing Like A BBQ!

It's supposed to be Summertime, and I am well and truly craving BBQ food... Normally HellBone is the first to crank up the BBQ heat and grill up some burgers and bangers, but the weather here is SO unbelieveably shit at the moment that we've not even looked at the BBQ... I guess I'll have to plan a little cook-out in SL... 

Perhaps I'll work on doing a little BBQ catering in SL... Set up a party caterers and plan some brilliant parties so I can get my cook on... I'm not allowed to touch the BBQ normally but with an amazing Grilling Set - like the one from Junk Food - I'll be able to cook up some amazing burgers, bangers and Kebabs - also from Junk Food - for my guests at the Penthouse Roof - a backdrop from Synnergy.Tavis - Pool Party! 

What is in the picture:
Hat & Hair: Doe -  Becca Baker
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Outfit: Tres Blah - Summer Fete Apron in Black
BBQ Set:  Junk Food - Grilling Set v1
Kebabs: Junk Food - Kebabs Set
Burgers: Junk Food - Sliders Platter
Raw Meat: Tredente - Raw Meat Packages
Beers: (No Longer Available!)
Beer Bucket: hive - Beer Buds Tub
Table: Junk Food - Picnic Table in Wood
Backdrop: Synnergy.Tavis - Penthouse Roof {360} Backdrop

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