Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Orcs are Great Defenders

There is a whirring in the air, the sound that could be mistaken for many things as it floats on the breeze, but it is infact the doors of the Engine Room having been thrown open and the purring of the engine lulling across the land of Second Life... The Engine Room isn't a place for everyone, not everyone can handle the post-Apocalypse lifestyle... 
When you have a place in this post-Apocalypse world, you have to really cling on to it and fight whatever comes your way to try and take it from you.. Prime real estate is hard to find, and even harder to keep... 

I have been able to commandeer one of the best locations in this post-Apocalyptic world... The Dead Zone Arcade - from Synnergy.Tavis available until March 28th at Cake Day - is now my home zone, I've set up a camp with a perfectly warm fire, and released my little robotic friend from her safe space in my pocket... 
There was a very strange creaking after a while, and suddenly one of the old arcade games burst open, the characters of the game spilling out into the light and making themselves at home around my fire. How could I refuse the cute little Orc Boiz - from Tardfish at Chronicles & Legends until April 1st - a place at the fire if they are more than willing to helpf fight for our base!! 

What is she wearing;
Hat: ANTAYA - Unisex aviator's hat (Available until April 20th at Engine Room)
Hair: Raven Bell - Caspian Hair (Available until April 20th at Engine Room)
Eye Patch: [Gild] - Gearwork monocle (Available until April 20th at Engine Room)
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Outfit (Including Arm Wraps, Top, Pants & Boots): AsteroidBox - Steam Engineer (Available until April 20th at Engine Room)
Spear: [KROVA] - Spring Spear (Available until April 20th at Engine Room)
Pose: Secret Poses - Liam, Pose 4
Monster Pals: Tardfish - Orc Boiz (Available until April 1st at Chronicles & Legends)
Robot Pal:  BONDI - LAL0 Drone in Classic
Chair: JIAN - Witch's Recluse Set in Chair
Fire: Razor Bird - Scavenger's Camp Fire
Backdrop: SYNNERGY.TAVIS - Dead Zone Arcade [Scene] (Available until March 28th at Cake Day)

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