Friday, March 14, 2025

The Monsters are HUNGRY

I am going to have to rant a bit now, perhaps you may think "well Rudh I'm just not here for this" and if that's the case then I'm sorry and it's fine, there are no hard feelings but sometimes you just need to vent and I think my hubby is sick of being vented at... It's a kinda RL rant, with a Second Life illustration to describe what I'm feeling... If you're intrigued... Read on and please let me know your thoughts lol... 

You may well know by now that I work in a Cheese Store. Our public tends to be mostly tourists from international locations, ages vary but there seems to be one or two things in common that make me think "what the ever loving feck?" It's like people turn their brains off when they come into the store and I'm left to run around like a headless chicken to sort things out. The worst habits come out of people when there are 'free samples' on offer... It's like a monster waiting to strike when they see you putting out fresh offerings. I used to say it was like sharks cirling food but I think it's actually closer to a Phirana attack.. Also, it's as if Covid NEVER happened. People push the tongs to the side and use their dirty fingers which have been in their mouths and when you ask them to use the tongs provided they either look at you like you're being rude or put the tongs in their mouth and put them back on the plate!!! I WILL NEVER TOUCH FREE SAMPLES AGAIN!!! 
Any time there is free food though, it's like the monsters are ready to attack... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: [monso] - Yana Hair in Black & Red
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Top: miss chelsea - Livi Bolero
Banana: Junk Food - Banana Bunch
Pose: -Extra- - Spring Breeze, Pose 2
Backdrop: The Bearded Guy - Tekkuraifu Gacha Item in The Monsters City *RARE*

Thursday, March 13, 2025

When he comes home early...

I've been reading a lot in the last year, and it's something that I plan on continuting as it gives my mind a chance to stop thinking about the real things it has to focus on and starts letting my mind wander to places that are not mine to actually live in... 
I've always loved to read but my tastes in reading material have DEFINITELY changed as I've matured. Though I guess a lot about me has definitely changed since I was a teenager...

When I was a teenager I LOVED a fantasy, perhaps with a little romantic twist and although I was NEVER a Twilight or Harry Potter fan, I loved Lord of the Rings and was obsessed with the Twisted Disney series. I've also had a penchant for historical romances and even read  Stephen King or two in the past... BUT NOW... I'm the kind of girl that likes Smut... The darker the better. Give me a dark twisted stalker, maybe one in a mask, and with a penchant for touch-her-and-die vibes, if he's older that's better lol... I'm a girl with a dark stalker, mask wearing, Daddy kink apparently lol... 
I've just finished reading about  guy that has some fun with his babysitter... It's basically porn but without the moving pictures... So today I felt like adding a bit of a tease of a picture... The babysitter sitting around at the home of the kids she's sitting, surrounded by the clutter of the kids she's watching... Pulling her own little pink heart toy - a Love Dildo from Krescendo - out of her bag, as the naughty book she was reading started to get good. She didn't hear the door slowly open, she didn't see the father of the children standing there watching her until it was too hard to hide what she was upto or what he was hiding in his pants... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: Magika - Bonnie Hair
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Top: Adora-tions - Smut Crop Top Brat Pack
Skirt: AsteroidBox - Mavis Skirt in Gray Check
Garters & Cuffs: Astralia - Good Girl (Garters/Cuffs) in Black
Socks: Palette - Single Night Socks
Pose: FOXCITY - Everything, Pose 3m
Books: random.Matter - Bitter Sweets in Romance Novels
Sofa Bag: dust bunny - Dreamy Outing in Essentials Bag
Sofa Toy: [Krescendo] - Love Dildo
Crocodile Toy: 8f8 - Patched Up Companions  in Shy Crocket
Floor Bag: Tres Blah - Slumber Party in Overnight Bag
Shoes: miss chelsea - Emme Sneakers (Available until April 6th at Equal10)
Train: BoOgErS - Number Train (No Longer Available!)
Blocks: [Llamaby] - Alphabet Wooden Blocks in Bright Pack
Backdrop: Synnergy.Tavis - Blush & Midnight Backdrop (Current Group Gift)

Monday, March 10, 2025

Hands to Assist in the Transplantation!

I've said it more than once, but then times when I'm making the darkest and most twisted of pictures I'm more often than not in the bestest of moods... I'm happy and I'm usually singing along to some cheesy pop song - today it was the turn of Five, who have reformed and I wasn't able to get tickets to see - but for some reason the darkest pictures happen... 
Today is of no exception, I was given a task to assist in the transportation of something gross and sticky... The real me had to take a look away, so I let the Living Dead Doll take over... She's not been out to play for a while, but she's the happiest little soul... 

So today she seemed to come prepared for the task at hand, and she's always a happy girl when it comes to being able to dig up the body parts from the still warm, freshly dead bodies... The Hospital - a backdrop in this case from blaink - is always in need of helping hands to assist with removal of body parts for transplantation and Living Dead Rudh definitely comes prepared with helping Ghostmage Hands - from Aii - and her Corrupted Hands - from Tardfish, available until March 31st at The Men's Department... 
After the removal of the fresh, still beating heart, she slipped it into the black Human Organ Bag - from Krescendo, currently available at BLACK FAIR until March 23rd - and all she had to do now was decide if it was to be delivered to the waiting patient or would it feed her demon friends for lunch... 

What is she wearing;
Horns: Tardfish - Corrupted Horns (Available until March 31st at The Men's Department)
Hair: TRUTH - Ember in Redhead
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Necklace: Six Feet Under - Betrayal Choker
Body Blood: Izzie's - Face & Body Blood & Wounds
Chest Words Tattoo: [Onyx] - My Rules Tattoo in Made in Hell
Outfit, Hat, Mask & Gloves: Mug - Killer Nurse Gacha Items
Floating Hands: {Aii} - GHOSTMAGE HANDS
Pose: La Plume - Sandrine, Pose 6
Bag: [Krescendo] - Human Organ Bag in Black (Available until March 23rd at BLACK FAIR)
Bottle: AsteroidBox - Removed Heart Set (No Longer Available!)
Backdrop: blaink - Hospital V2

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Gathering of the Rainbow Fae

I was off work today and thought to myself "I'm going to be a good little blogger and get lots of pictures ready for me to post every day this week"... A few hours later and I got preciesly ONE ready... I wasn't being lazy, I just let myself decide to create something that took a lot of work and far too much planning LOL... Not to mention trying to get multiple versions of me into one shot... WHAT WAS I THINKING?!!

I had something in mind that I wanted to blog, I had a gorgeous new head - the Kanjo Anime Head from BeSpoke - and figured it might look great with the magical Astraeus Skins - a new release from Faunus, and both of these things could be found at the recently opened Skin Fair - and therein was my BIG PROBLEM... ALL of the colours were gorgeous... 
From the moment I was playing with colours, thoughts of rainbow fairies sprang into my mind, dancing around in space amongst the stars... Gathering together before they plan their descent to paint the sky with a magical rainbow... 

What is she wearing; 
    Red: [monso] - Vasha Hair in Black & Red
    Yellow: Tableau Vivant - Editorial in Laying Funky
    Green: [monso] - Shui Hair in Black & Red (Available until April 6th at Collabor88)
    Blue: Usagi Society - Chibiusa Hair
    Purple: Tableau Vivant - Water lily in Flowing Colors
Horns & Tail: Neverwish - Dreamer Horns & Tail
Head: BeSpoke - Kanjo (Available until March 24th at Skin Fair)
Body Paint: [Faunus] - Astraeus Skin in Violet (Available until March 24th at Skin Fair)
Wings: Doe - Fluid Wings in Flames
Outfit: May's Soul - La Parca in Camisk Small White
Bikini: The Rotting Lab - Wytch Armor in Leather (No Longer Available!)
Boots: Garmonbozia - Syria Boots (Each pack contains three colours, and combinations vary!)
    Red: Secret Poses - Cyborg, Pose 1
    Yellow: Secret Poses - Leda, Pose 3
    Green: Secret Poses - Celestia, Pose 5
    Blue: Secret Poses - Electra, Pose 1 
    Purple: Secret Poses - Modern Dance, Pose 4
Backdrop: Void - Pocket Galaxy in Apareka (No Longer Available!) 

Friday, March 7, 2025

Magic at the Zaanse Schans

Since Spring is feeling like it is officially here, that means the high season in a touristic sense is coming to the Netherlands and when you work in tourism like I do, that means things are about to get CRAZY!! 
I live close to Amsterdam in a town call Zaandam, which technically is in the Amsterdam suburbs... It's famous for two things, one is the hotel that looks like a Lego construction of different houses all over each other, and the other is the Zaanse Schans... 

When I started seeing pictures people were sharing, taken at a SL Zaanse Schans, I HAD to get myself over there... It is gorgeous... Close to real-life although there are a lot less tulip fields and it seemed a lot less visitors... In the High Season the Zaanse Schans becomes a crazy place, where the tourists are bussed in by the coach-load... 
There seems to be a little more magic in Second Life as per usual... Rudh excitedly gathered her dead dollish self a large bunch of pinkish red tulips... She looked up and caught sight of something moving around the flowers... A Tulip Fairy was tending to her friends... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: Wasabi - Zenya Hair in Offbeat
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Top: everfaery - Rora Crop Top
Pal: !Ohmai - Tulip Fairy (No Longer Available!)
Shorts: Mug - Siena Shorts in Medium
Bouquet: naked - Spring Tulips in Coral (No Longer Available!)
Pose: Fashiowl - Flower Shop, Pose Bouquet 1

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Uwila, the Keepers of the Quartz

Today I had the day off and I felt like I needed a little magic, things are beginning to look a lot like Spring and the sun has finally started defrosting the Netherlands but I get the feeling that by the time my Birthday gets here the weather may have changed a little.. I NEEDED some magic... I called out into the eather and found a magical being with a store that needed to be told... 

Within the Ivy covered hallways - a backdrop from Paparazzi - of the castle there are a wide range of magical beings gathering... It was the arrival of the Uwila - which happens to be a head and body release from BeSpoke - that caused the most stir. The ethereal, celestial bird like beings are keepers of the Ephemera Quartz, and they harvest the magic through their Magus Rods - a release from Quills & Curiosities - in the hopes that Spring will be a happy, wonderful one... 

What is she wearing;
Tiara & Neck Piece: K R E E P - Druidic Ornament (Available until March 15th at The Night Market Collective)
Head, Eyes, Skin & Hairpiece: BeSpoke - Uwila
Necklace: (Yummy) - Ephemera Quartz Necklace
Wings: The Kiwi Co. - Celeste Noir in Angel Wings
Top: !dM devious Mind - Colibri in Sable
Sparkles: Cole's Corner - Glitterati & Starstuff
Staff: Quills & Curiosities - Magus Rod
Pose: [piXit] - Sparkly Eve, Pose F4
Backdrop: Paparazzi - BACKDROP - Ivy Steps

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Mardi Gras!

Today is Mardi Gras... Apparently... Honestly I had a bit of a shock the other day. I have in the past decided to look into holidays of other cultures to broaden my horizons and give me lots of information about things I didn't know... One thing I wasn't expecting when I decided to learn about Mardi Gras was that it is actually a day I know fairly well... Mardi Gras is the French celebration translated as Fat Tuesday, known to me with my Brit roots as Pancake Day, or Shrove Tuesday... 

So what is Mardi Gras and what random interesting things do I know about it... When I think of Mardi Gras I think of New Orleans, it's a party to celebrate the end of Carnival, and just like Shrove Tuesday in the UK, where it's common practice to stuff ourselves with pancakes, it's the last day of eating heavy, rich, fatty foods before the Christian Festival of Lent... 
I know the parties of Carnival can be crazy, they celebrate here in the Netherlands too, but one day I'd love to see how it's done in New Orleans whilst stuffing down some delicious pancakes LOL... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: Wasabi - Bora Hair in Offbeat
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Outfit: Kiru - Hecate Outfit
Necklace Beads: League - Double Stranded Soft Pearl Necklace (Recoloured by Me!) (No Longer Available!)
Staff: Simply Shelby - Jester Staff in Mardi Gras Edition
Post: LISP Bazaar - Streetlights & Umbrella (No Longer Available!)
Lamp Post & Beads: Simply Shelby - Bourbon Streetlamp in Mardi Gras Set
Confetti: DISORDERLY. - Confetti Party in Gold Confetti
Backdrop: TROPIX - Holiday City Venice Colorful 04

Monday, March 3, 2025

As the Angel waits...

Sometimes inspiration can be a weird and wonderful thing... I never know where I am going to find inspiration, and I never know from one day to the next what my brain will come up with. Sometimes I find something that other people make amazing pretties with and they go another way in my head, and other times I take something and use it in a way that's totally different from what it's meant... I LOVE when inspiration strikes me and when it comes together and ends up looking pretty...  

I tend to be crazy, random and silly, I do dark and grungy things, I do things that are considered smut - least it would be if I read them in my books - but something soft and romantic are actually harder for me... I find decorative and some other theme pictures hard to do, but the pretty, soft, romance is a hard thing for me to achieve. I NEVER feel like I could do it proper justice... 
Then The Kiwi Co created Celeste Noir and that was buried deep inside me cried... She's not your average, innocent angel, she's the kind that's close to falling from grace. Spending her evenings waiting in the tower for her darkly, demonic lover to appear and ravish her on the Glimmerveil Dreambed - from everfaery - under the canopy of flowers... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: Magika - Selene Hair
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Necklace: Salt & Pepper - Cupid Collar (Past Gift)
Wings: The Kiwi Co. - Celeste Noir in Angel Wings
Lingerie & Bodychain: The Kiwi Co. - Celeste Noir in Lingerie
Heels: The Kiwi Co. - Celeste Noir in Heels
Pose: FOXCITY - Perfect Stranger, Pose 7m (Alternate)
Bed: everfaery - Glimmerveil Dreambed
Backdrop: K&S - // Group Gift april24 (Past Group Gift)

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Art imitates Life...

Spring is sprung, the grass is rizz, I wonder where the birdies is... A cute little poetic saying that my mum always used to say to me around this time of year when we reached the month of March and the world around us seemed to start gearing up for the Spring season. BEFORE ANYONE COMES AT ME, I know it's a no longer the way that the kids are using the word rizz but it's not the new use of the word I'm using here LOL... 

I am definitely an Autumn kinda girl. but if I had to pick another season I'd be saying I love Spring... I LOVE the colours and the vibrancy, I love the early Spring sun that's wraming on the skin but not full of burning Summer heat, I love the fact that March is one of the best month's of the year because it won't be long now until it's my BIRTHDAY!!!! Yes, I AM the Birthday princess this month... 
One of the things that I used to loved doing the most when I was younger was watching the nature as it carried on it's normal life... I used to be a bug lover, collecting them to observe and care for in our family garden. I always seemed to find them easier to keep alive in their little bug homes - like the Ladybug Habitat from Junk Food - than the adorably weird bug-like things in those uber trendy electronic pets that were the Tamagotchis - like the Gochi Mirrors from Krescendo... 
I also had the hobby of collecting stones from the beach when visiting my grandparents, to take home and paint into cute little bugs and other such patterns... I might have to start doing that again soon, it could be fun for the summer perhaps?! 

What is in the picture;
Ladybird Habitat: Junk Food - Ladybug Habitat in Yellow
Toy: [Krescendo] - Gochi Mirror in Hot Pink
Book & Terrarium: NOMAD - School Time in Biology Studies
Pencils: random.Matter - Craft Corner in Pencils Green
Paint: tarte - Paint Clutter
Stones: Meli Imako - MI8067 Pebble stones 2 pcs Builder's Kit
Vase: Ariskea - [September] Eucalyptus Branches Vase
Backdrop: SYNNERGY.TAVIS - Greenhouse {360} Backdrop

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Time for a Little Detecting...

Is it just me, or is it crazy that we're already at the end of February?! I mean I know that it's a short month, but seriously WHAT THE HELL, how can we already be about to enter our third month and therefore ending our first quarter of the year... It's serously getting to the point of blink and you miss it... 

It's time we opened up our eyes and did some thorough investigating into where the hell the year has gone? There has been so much going on this year that things are whizzing by faster and faster... I think I'd make a great detective, I mean I've watched enough of those cheesy detective shows. I think though I'd be a little more Murder She Wrote/Miss Marple than some CSI/Law & Order style detective... I don't think I could handle the true danger of being a cop in a big city, I'm way too mucch of a wuss... I'd also have to leave my cute puppy friend at home... 

What is she wearing;
Hat: Ministry - Floppy Hat
Hat Badge: Six Feet Under - FDL Bindi
Hair: TRUTH - Guilty in Redhead
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Outfit: miss chelsea - Amal Set in Vest & Shirt
Glass: BAMSE - The Poet Magnifying Glass
Pose: Fashiowl - Candy Sky, Pose 2
Dog: JIAN - Pets Shiba Inu in Black & Tan Newspaper
Chair, Lamp & Table Set: Dirty Rat - Detective's Chair Set
Phone: random.Matter - Clutter: 1980's in Telephone in Red
Backdrop: VARONIS - Profiler Meeting Room Backdrop

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Getting Dirty

It's been a busy few days since I've been back in the Netherlands but that may be because I've been back at work and it's been crazy busy... The high season is coming and people seem to be making an appearance within the city... I'm tired and sore but my mind is happy that I was able to get back to work, AND that tomorrow I get to have a lovely day off... 

I love my job, sometimes it's hard work but it's a job that has lovely colleagues and a usually happy public that I can entertain... Sometimes I want to murder a few people, and there are always people that think they know better but it's job that I go out and do, that pays my bills, gets me to meet a variety of random and interesting people and COME ONE, it's CHEESE!! Rudh likes getting dirty in other ways, but even she needs to admit that sometimes it's good getting her hands dirty... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: [monso] - Aira Hair in Black & Red (Available until March 1st at Cupid Inc)
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Dirt: Mea Tenebra - Inkubus & Izzie's - Face & Body Dirt
Eyebrow Cuts: Izzie's - BOM Eyebrow Cuts (Past Gift)
Face Chain: Garmonbozia - Zuza Nose Chain in VARIETY 2 (Available until March 18th at The Warehouse Sale)
Chokers: Mea Tenebra - Wrench
Necklace: UKIYO - Emiko Neck Chain [FATPACK]
Top: AsteroidBox - Ellie Dress Fishnet & Panties & AsteroidBox - Rowan Bodysuit in BoM Appliers Black
Badge: DirtyStories - NameTag (No Longer Available!)
Overall: Mug - Naomi Overalls
Drink: Boutique #187 - Motor Oil Tumbler (Available until March 11th at Man Cave)
Wrench: [A.Z] - #122# Wrench
Pose: -Extra- - Heartbreakers (Part of a Couple Pose)
Garage Decor: [Consignment] - The Garage Collection
Covered Car: [Bad Unicorn] - Covered Car
Backdrop: PALETO.Backdrop - Garage BM

Monday, February 24, 2025

Awakening the Spring Spirit

Back from my vacation and ready to get back into being an adult, I think?!! I mean does anyone ever really want to be an adult? There are so many expectations that I simply cannot be excited about it right now... I guess that's why I let my mind wander into the fantasy realm sometimes, and since I'm already missing my parents, that's just where I will let my mind go again... 
Maybe it's time to start planning ahead and welcoming in the spirits of Spring...

The Spirits of Spring have been hanging around the Nature Palace - which is a backdrop from The Bearded Guy - until it was time to start coming out of hiding. Things are still inter changable between the hot and the cold, there is no way that we can be sure and so everyone has been taking scarves and gloves, as well as light coats wherever they go... Hopefuly now that the Spring Spirits are awakening, preparing their magical spells and coming out into the light things may start getting a little warmer, brighter and happier... 

What is she wearing;
Hair Flowers Front: Lovely Alien - Symbiosis Flower Horns (No Longer Available!)
Hair Flowers Back: LODE Head Accessory - Forest Beauty in Green Frog
Hair & Butterflies: Lamb - Daisy in Full Pack
Head & Skin: Bespoke - Dragon Hybrid Attor
Flower Halo, Horns, Shoulder Accessories, Sparkles, Top & Pelvic Cover: [Faunus] - Rose (worn in BOM applier 4) (Available until February 28th at We Love Roleplay)
Mushrooms: [CON] - Moss Dryad Box
Wings: Sweet Thing - Demon Wings (Bento)
Arm Thorns: Static - Luminettle Arm Vine in Brown
Tail: Sweet Thing - Demon Tail (Bento)
Pose & Props: [piXit] - Pneuma, Pose 4R
Candles & Logs: Simply Shelby - Fairy Glade Candles
Backdrop: The Bearded Guy - Nature Palace Backdrop PBR

Friday, February 14, 2025

Valentine's Treats!

I know that I have said that I am away in the UK, and that I wouldn't be blogging anything because I'm having family time... Well... That was a kinda fib on my part, it's Valentine's Day and I wouldn't have been able to pass this romance filled day by without sharing SOMETHING on my rambling space would I?! If you answered yes to that, I wonder, do you even know me at all? LOL... Of course I'd find the time to do something full of romance and hearts and far too much sweetness... 

Of course, I will admit that I KNEW there might be something coming. I got ahead of myself and set something up before I left home because I knew myself and that I simply couldn't pass by a day like Valentine's without having something to say here lol... It's an addiction I fully admit to, and I'm going to own it... 
So I'll keep things short and sweet today, and send lots of love hugs and kisses... Remember to love yourself today, doesn't matter if you're in the self-love club or you're happily with someone... Loving yourself is an important step to greatness and if there is ONE PERSON in this world we should all be able to rely on, it's ourselves... 

What is in the picture;
Heart Box: Dahlia - Valentine Chocolate Box in PLAIN Blush (Available until March 1st at Cupid Inc)
Drink: Dahlia - Chocolate Martini
Cupcakes: BROKEN ARROWS - Sweet Love in Vanilla Cupcakes (Available until March 1st at Cupid Inc)
Bunting: Elm - V-Day Hunt 2025 Prize in Love Letter Garland (Group Hunt Prize)
Flowers: Pitaya - Single Peony in Red (Gift Available until March 1st at Cupid Inc)
Bottles: Violetility - Love Potion
Cookies: Aardvark - Cupid's Heart Cookies (Gift Available until March 1st at Cupid Inc)
Key: random.Matter - Motel Keys Gift in Red (Gift Available until March 1st at Cupid Inc)
Cards: floorplan - Business Cards (Gift Available until March 1st at Cupid Inc)
Desserts: BROKEN ARROWS - Sweet Love in Chocolate Cheesecakes  (Available until March 1st at Cupid Inc)
Bear: hive - Sweet Teddy Bear in Pink Heart
Cake: Elm - V-Day Hunt 2025 Prize in Heart Cake (Group Hunt Prize)
Strawberries: Dahlia - Sugar Rush - Strawberry Box in Brown
Confetti & Love Hearts: Elm - V-Day Hunt 2025 Prize in Heart Cake (Group Hunt Prize) & random.Matter - Heart Hunter in Candy Hearts Pink (Available until March 6th at Collabor88)
Backdrop: Amitie - Mirror Mirror Backdrop

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Fresh Out, So I'm Off!

That's it, it's officially Wednesday in my neck of the woods and that means only ONE THING this week... TODAY IS THE DAY I SAY BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE... Today is the day that I am officially checking out of my adulting life because today is the day that I am going back to my parents for the week. I will be the only one there too, which means I get undivided attention - ask me later if that's still something I am happy about - but I guess one last post to you now can't and won't hurt... 

So I woke myself up WAY TOO EARLY, I dunno if it was excitement or stress induced but hey, it gave me an extra few hours to be able to sit down with a coffee and write to you about my immanent departure... I've checked and double checked that I have everything, and HellBone won't allow me to take the cat because he needs someone to look after him so I THINK I'm ready to go...  
SO I won't be around until the 22nd - although you know me I'll be lurking somewhere in the background and MAY even have a post prepared, though don't get your hopes up too much at this point - but don't miss me too much... I will be back!!!

What is she wearing;
Hair: TRUTH - Angel in Redhead
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Drool: ARISE - Lip Drool (No Longer Available!)
Necklace: imbue - Heart Necklace (Gift Available until March 1st at Cupid Inc)
Top: Adora-tions - Fresh Outta Fucks Crop Top
Jacket: Pseudo - Trucker Jacket in Black
Badges: BROKEN ARROWS - Single Botton (Gift Available until March 1st at Cupid Inc)
Pose: -Extra- - To All a Good Night (Part of a Couple Pose)
Bear: hive - My Colorful Teddy
Book: Puddles - Saucy Novel
Passport: rvn - Pack and Go Set in Passport
Case: FOXCITY. Prop - Luggage in Pink
Backdrop: SYNNERGY.TAVIS - Commercial Airlines {360} Backdrop

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Planet Aysa Creama

I'm loving having time off work and I've not even left for my vacation yet, all that happens tomorrow, and today I've just been busying myself getting all ready to go... 
We've had dinner and my hubby has told me that there is Ice Cream in the freezer for dessert... Now all I can think about is Ice Cream... 

It made my mind drift off to random thoughts and that in turn lead my mind to another world that was built of Ice Cream and was inhabited by the Summer Delights Ice Cream Monsters... 
It's perpetually snowing on this little planet that smells sweet and the colours are cute, and tastes delicious... The demonnesses taste delicious too... If you're brave enough to try and taste them... 

What is she wearing;
Hat: [The Forge] - Icecream Splat
Hair: katat0nik - Strawberry Cream Wig in Pink (Available until March 6th at Collabor88)
Skin: [Faunus] - Helios Skin Applier
Face Sprinkles: kotte - Face Pack in Sprinkles
Glasses: Half-Deer - Summer Delights in Melty Sunglasses
Mask: Violetility - Cupcake Respirator
Collar: Violetility - Ruffle Collar in Pink
Wings: PSYCHO.Byts - IceCream Monster in Wings RARE
Body Mess: CUREMORE - Melty Love & MIWAS - Bubble on me #White (Recoloured by me!)
Sparkles: Cole's Corner - Cnow Daze, Softly Snow & Starstuff
Pose: FOXCITY - Influencer, Pose 6
Ice Creams: Dahlia - Dylan's in Stacked Icecream, kotte - Ice Cream in Tall & Simply Shelby - Giant Melted Ice Cream Bar
Moon: Moon amore - Outer Space Collection in Asteroids in Lil Rock
Backdrop: [VOZ] - Stairs to The Sky in Red

Monday, February 10, 2025

Fight for Love

Sometimes I feel like I could get into the Valentine's spirit, others I'm as far from interested as any person ever could be... I DON'T feel like being sweet, romantic or anywhere near Valentineish today... I wanna kick someone's butt, I wanna be angry and violent and I'm not even really sure why... So my aggression will start here... I hear there's been some trouble down at the Tunnel of Love... 

As I arrived at the Tunnel of Love - which happens to be a backdrop by blaink by the way - there was no one waiting in line, which should have been my first major red flag... Signs were placed to warn me to be cautious - and well this Boutique #187 Tainted Love sign really summed up my mood, it was so hard to choose a slogan - but armed with a old handmade axe, I wandered through the gates and came face to face with the Mmmmecha 9000 bots - from Krescendo at Hentai Fair - the fight was on...  

What is she wearing;
Hair: [monso] - Chaeng Hair in Black & Red
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Top: Garmonbozia - Malena Top & Sleeves (Available until February 27th at FaMESHed)
Pants: Garmonbozia - Malena Pants (Available until February 27th at FaMESHed)
Weapon: Synnergy.Tavis - Handmade Axe
Pose: Fashiowl Poses - Beach Tower, Pose 11
Sign: Boutique #187 - Tainted Love Sign (Available until February 15th at The Darkness Chamber Fair)
Robots: Krescendo - Mmmmecha 9000 (Available until February 21st at Hentai Fair)
Backdrop: blaink. - Tunnel of Love

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Would you like fries with that?

It's the month of Love and even though I'm happily married with a grumpy old bugger as my RL - he's my SL too and someone I love more than I'll ever admit to - we're not the romantic type... Our date nights, which seem to be few and far between are never cute or sweet, they usuall involve us looking around weird museum exhibits or the zoo or at loud music events, and I'll never complain about that... I'll even happily share our engagement story which was a HUGE surprise and one he has to compete with any time he buys me a gift LOL... Yet I can't help feel like the romance may be missing at times... 

I guess I'm living my romance needs vicariously at the moment through the books I'm reading, although they are a little darker than your average romantic heroine needing to be rescued... 
At the Retro Diner, the waitresses like to assist with all things romantic, if and when they happen... Dressed in their Paris Uniforms - from littlefox and with a hat from hive all part of a set released in combination with the amazing Fast Food Set Tray from Junk Food - they will assist with anything that they can, including in this case a rather unusual Unconventional Proposals - like the one from Hangry - with the ring hidding in the Nuggets...

What is she wearing;
Hat: hive - Valley Girl Visor
Hair: Wasabi - Flurry in FLF Ed. Hair Absolute Pack
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Outfit: littlefox - Paris Uniform Set
Pose: Synnergy - Got a Scecret Bento Pose (No Longer Available!)
Tray: Junk Food - Fast Food Sets in Macky D's Blue
Ring: Hangry - Unconventional Proposal in Nuggets
People: DisturbeD - Alton Sitting Guy on Phone Character & Penelope Sitting Girl Characer
Backdrop: Synnergy.Tavis - Retro Diner {360} Backdrop (with PALETO.Backdrop - STOP) 

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Magically Bird Brained

It is time... Finally it is time... I AM ON VACATION!!!! I have a few days in the Netherlands to get some stuff done but on Wednesday I leave and I'm travelling to see my parents again... For now though I feel a little magical, though that could be the crazy busy day I've had and all of the cold medicine, but let's just go with the magic... 

There are still many magical beings in SL, visiting whilst the Midnight Order is still in town. It's here for a few days longer yet, but they are beginning to prepare for a trip to another time and place... 
The mistress of crows is waiting in the clock tower for the Glassed Crow - which grows within the mind of it's mistress and is actually a release from Tardfish - is getting excited... Some might call her bird brained, but when he's excited something magical is about to happen...

What is she wearing;
Head: Tardfish - Glassed Crow
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Wings: Remarkable Oblivion - Eternity Wings in Lust
Necklace: Dahlia - Sika Affection in Clock Monocle White
Jacket: Dernier - "Morgana" Fur Coat in Black
Halo: [Forest Fantasy Store] (Now FAUNUS) - KRONOS GOLDEN
Skirt Piece: Moon Amore - Chronos Aeterna in Clock w/drapes
Pose: Fashiowl - Cruel Love, Pose 12
Birds: Quills & Curiosities - Feathered Familiar & JIAN - Raven Collection
Backdrops: K&S - Last Fantasy Backdrop & Pitaya - Clock Tower Backdrop

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Love on the Pastel Promenade

It's the month of hearts, romance and valentines... Pretty, sweet, romantic things that make the heart flutter and those that love love, sparkle... I felt a need to do something pretty and pink and romantic and sparkly, it's not my favourite of the holidays and so I'm doing my best, even though I'm very much the Anti-Valentine right now... It's time for some hearts, romance and sparkly things... 

I wanted to create my own personal little cupid... One that looks sweet and innocent, a cute little replacement for the diapered baby, with someone a little more sweet and devious... A pretty little feathered angel, that's pale skinned and glittering hearts and dripping in pink... It's the perfect outfit to take a walk down the Pastel Promenade in the city of Love...

What is she wearing;
Hair: Wasabi - Amour HW Ed. Hair in Absolute Pack
Hair Flowers: ERSCH - Leah hair roses (Gift Available until March 1st at Cupid Inc)
Head (Including Skin & Eyes): LOGO - Nyx Head v1.0 (Available until February 20th at Midnight Order)
Bindi: [Cubic Cherry] - {L0ve} bindi (Gift Available until March 1st at Cupid Inc)
Cheek Hearts: ONEDAYs - Heart on face (Gift Available until March 1st at Cupid Inc)
Choker: everfaery - Amia Necklaces (Available until February 25th at LEVEL)
Necklace: (Yummy) - Heartblade Necklace (Available until February 20th at Midnight Order)
Sparkles: [TFR] - Hearts Aura (Gift Available until March 1st at Cupid Inc) & #LuluB! - Delicada Aura in Hearts (No Longer Available!)
Cardigan: RIOT - Freya Fluffy Sweater (Gift Available until March 1st at Cupid Inc)
Wings: Blueberry - Icon in Angel Wings (No Longer Available!)
Pose: NANTRA - Valentine's Secret, Pose 3
Backdrop: Synnergy.Tavis - Pastel Promenade {360} Backdrop

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

The Most Magical Library

Tomorrow is my day off... I'm going to spend it reading a book and avoiding being an adult for a while - if you can over look the fact that my reading material would not be considered anything but adult - and I want to head to that magical place where the books are more magical than this crazy life I'm stuck in... I dislike RL people so much at the moment... 

If you need book recommendations then I'm definitely an advocate for Goodreads, and if Goodreads was personified she'd be the most magical of librarians... 
In their library, she'd be surrounded by magic and flying books, and the entire library catalogue will be listed within her Dark Academy Computer - from random.Matter at Midnight Order - so that she can magic up any information to lead us to the smut we desire... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: TRUTH - Moment (Past Group Gift)
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Glasses: Arts&Gear - UnderRim & GlassCord (Available until February 20th at Midnight Order)
Dress: toksik - Gilded Dress (Available until February 20th at Midnight Order)
Pose & Props: Fashiowl Poses - Herbology, Pose 12
Computer: random.Matter - Dark Academy Computer Set in Red/Gold (Available until February 20th at Midnight Order)
Desk, Chair & Lamps: Eclectica - Gothic Dining Set (Available until February 20th at Midnight Order)
Table Book: random.Matter - The Summoning in Demon Book
Flying Books: paper moon - Magic Flying Books in Children's Tales
Backdrop: Dirty Rat - Library

Monday, February 3, 2025

It's a 2007 kinda thing...

I had a weekend off, yesterday was the Hubby's Birthday so I had too much to do, and today I've been playing catch up on things around the house... I also played catch up with an old friend and went on a trip down memory lane... Things were said, my mind was blown, and now I feel like I'm heading back into my emo phase... I feel like it would be the right time to slip into the black parade and live my best emo life... 

In America, weren't they called Scene kids? I know we had them in the UK but I'm not sure I ever used that term, it was only Emos really... I never got into the style much myself, I was definitely part of the skater crowd and LOVED the music but I'd never have referred to myself as a Scene Kid... So I couldn't really resist my chance... 
I loved the vibe of the style, the bright colours and the different to modern posing although still as equally cheesy to witness someone doing in RL  kinda attitude that went with it... So Rudh decided to pose at the Night Bus Stop, dressed up in her best 2007Emotions Outfit - from CryBunBun - trying to look emotionally tortured... Those make the best kind of photos... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: TRUTH - Nicki in Redhead (Worn with Doe - Biji in Flux)
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Choker: Kibitz - Judge me choker in DEAD
Necklace: random.Matter - Yesung Chokers in Cool Tones
Outfit (Including Gloves): CryBunBun - 2007Emotions Outfit in DEAD
Bracelet: [Yomi] - Jelly Bracelets
Pose: FOXCITY - Parked V2, Pose 5
Bin: DRD - San Mora in City Trash Can
Dog Bin: Star Sugar - Dog Waist Station
Backdrop: Paparazzi - BACKDROP - Night Bus Stop 1

Friday, January 31, 2025

Smell the Roses

It's the last day of January, WHERE HAS THE FIRST MONTH OF THE YEAR GONE... How can it already be one month less until Christmas?! My mother always used to tell me to enjoy it because when you're an adult time goes by so fast... 
In the fantasy world in my head, they are undergoing massve preparations for this month's holiday festivities... February is the month of love remember?!

In the Cathedral Study - from ChiMia at Midnight Order - the officers in the Regency court - which is coincidentally the name of the outfit I'm wearing from The Forge - are preparing for the month of Romance. There is a lot to get done over the next two weeks in the run up to Cupid's day... 
Though there is ALWAYS time to stop and smell the scent of the roses that linger in the air....

What is she wearing;
Halo & Head Accessory: Tentacio - Soul halo and headpiece (Available until February 20th at Midnight Order)
Hair: Magika - Raven Hair (Available until February 20th at Midnight Order)
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Outfit: [The Forge] - Regency Outfit (Available until February 20th at Midnight Order)
Bracer: OLD TREASURES - HALBRAND Bracer (Available until February 20th at Midnight Order)
Pose: FOXCITY - Flower Child, Pose 3m
Trees: Simply Shelby - Mossy Valentine Post
Roses: Dahlia - Gokotta Flower Arrangement
Backdrop: ChiMia - Cathedral Study Skybox in Light (Available until February 20th at Midnight Order)

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Rainbows, Sparkles and Happiness

It's one of those lovely lazy days when I have the day off between being stuck at work for the next couple of days... I'm busy getting things packed and ready for my trip home soon, and I'm super excited although I'll be away from my hubs for a couple of weeks. I AM GOING HOME FOR A REAL REST... Can you tell I'm excited and happy?!

I haven't felt this happy and excited about a trip home since last April when I had the concert of Take That and the most amazing seats we've ever been in for one of their shows... This time there is nothing much planned, besides a trip to see my Grandparents, and the chance to have the attention of my parents all to myself... It's a GOOD excitement... 
I feel like everything is sparkly, I'll miss Valentines but meh that holiday is a yuck one, and my hubby knows I love him anyway... He'll get a million Cream Eggs as a sign of love when I get home... For now though I'm counting down the days and enjoying that sparkly feeling I have... Rainbows and Sparkles and a boatload of happiness... 

What is she wearing;
Halo: random.Matter - Astrid Aura in Head Glitter & Stars
Hair: Magika - Eleanor Hair
Bindi: The Horror! - KIRAKIRA Jewels in Rainbow Cycle
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Glasses: Space Cadet - Rainbow Glasses
Body Paint: Izzie's - Rainbow Powder Explosion
Necklace: (Yummy) - "Sparkle" Nameplate Necklace
Dress: everfaery - Camille Dress (Available until February 18th at The Warehouse Sale)
Bracelets: Garmonbozia - Liaison bangle in VARIETY 3 (Available until February 18th at The Warehouse Sale)
Wings: YOKAI - Heaven GACHA in Rainbow wings RARE
Soda: Half-Deer - Candy Galaxy in Starlight Sodas
Sparkles: Cole's Corner - Starstuff & everfaery - Starfield Aura
Pose & Prop: -Extra- - XOXO (Coming Sunday for Lazy Sunday)
Backdrop: FOXCITY. Photo Booth - Night Parade in Rainbow

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

When a Wolf wants to Sleep

Tomorrow is my day off, I've been working today, and I'm counting down now until I get to go home and see my parents, but tomorrow is going to be a lazy Thursday, and I'm going to read and relax and SLEEP!! If I can pursauade my body to let me sleep without pain, if I can persuade my mind to switch off... I NEED to turn my head off and sleep... Maybe I need to start counting sheep... 

I've had many Better Days - although the pose is from -Extra- - and so now I'm ready for bed... I think I might sleep for the next 6 months of my life... Perhaps?! 
I have been reading and doing all kinds of things before bed to make sure I get a good night's sleep, and so tonight I might have to start counting sheep or something... For some reason when I think of this though my mind starts to wander, which doesn't help me sleep, and I start to wonder if a wolf was to count sheep would they be drooling as they do it? Would Grandma's bed in the Red Riding Hood story be a bit soggy if the Big Bad Wolf was counting to fall asleep in Grandma's bed? 

What is she wearing;
Hat: toksik - Ensnare Mop Hat in White
Head & Skin: BeSpoke - Wolf Exodus (Available until February 18th at The Warehouse Sale)
Eyes: Mana - Daemon Eyes (No Longer Available!)
Nightshirt: Web Dew - Vintage Nightgown (Available until February 20th at Midnight Order)
Pose: -Extra- - Better Days, Pose 2
Sheep: MishMish - Counting Sheep in White
Cushions: Pitaya - Pura Vida in Long Cushions
Backdrop: SYNNERGY.TAVIS - Northern Cliff House Backdrop

Monday, January 27, 2025

A Monday Morning Meeting!

Monday morning, the start of the working week... It's time to get busy, but I HAVE JUST BOOKED ANOTHER TRIP TO SEE MY PARENTS AND I AM SO EXCITED... Sorry back to the working week, I work in retail but many people are heading back to the office and into their corportate lives... 
I'm glad that I don't have to, I have no desire to be in a boardroom hosting meetings that no one wants to be in...

The last time I did a presentation for anything was when I had to share the year plan for our store at the end of my management training course... At that time I felt so sick but that was mostly just nerves I guess... The people in the meeting knew SO MUCH more about things than I did, but that was kinda lucky really... I'd hate to be one of those people presenting a meeting to people that are scratching their heads or even taking the time to eat their lunch while I ramble on, just like the Opossums - from Aardvark at  that were so over it in Rudh's meeting today... 
All I can say is he'd better save me one of those Heart Sanwiches - from Junk Food - once I'm done with this meeting in this boring meeting in the Executive Loft - which is a backdrop from Synnergy.Tavis by the way... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: Wasabi - Fluffy Hair in Offbeat (Available until February 10th at Kustom9)
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Sweater: miss chelsea - Alis Set in Sweater (Available until February 5th at Equal 10)
Top: miss chelsea - Alis Set in Tank (Available until February 5th at Equal 10)
Notebook: hive - Study Buddy in Style 2
Pants: miss chelsea - Alis Set in Pants (Available until February 5th at Equal 10)
Pose: -Extra- - Better Days, Pose 1
Friends: Aardvark - Opossum Over It in Grey (Available until February 8th at Access)
Sandwiches: Junk Food - Heart Sandwich
Phone: random.Matter - Clutter: 1980's in Telephone Red
Computer: BUENO - Type Pad in Black
Tray & Paper: random.Matter - The Investigation II Items
Stamps: Second Spaces - Vintage Office in Stamp Carousel
Pencils: random.Matter - Craft Corner Pencils in Green
Draft Table: Dirty Rat - The Auclair Drafting Table
White Boards: [Consignment] - Equation boards
Backdrop: Synnergy.Tavis - Executive Loft {360} Backdrop

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Bored Little Sun Goddess

I'm struggling a bit today, my back hurts and I'm tired and I think I have a little bit of the S.A.D that is so common at this time of year. I'm trying hard to carry on and hoping that everything will feel better when the sun comes out again but for now I'm hiding from the dark with a good book and a cuppa tea, and waiting for the Sun Goddess to make an appearance... 

The Sun Goddess seems to be getting a little bored at the moment... Maybe that's why the weather is so gray and dark... She's bored since these days there are a lot less human sacrifices to provide her with hearts for her fun. Things are no longer the same as the way they were when the Aztecs built shrines - like the one from DROT at The Warehouse Sale - dedicated to their goddesses, especially the Sun Goddess... 
She's taking her need for hearts into her own hands, collecting them herself to keep the glittering of her wings alive... 

What is she wearing;
Hair & Choker: Sintiklia - Hair Carter (Available until February 20th at Midnight Order)
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Eyes: Mana - Eternal Eyes in Clear (Available until February 20th at Midnight Order)
Body Paint, Halo, Chest Piece & Run Tattoos: [Faunus] - Helios in Fatpack
Dress: Mug - Paige Dress in Gold
Hand Blood: Clemmm - Bloody Hands
Heart: CURELESS - Valentine's Heart
Wings: Moon Rabbit - Phoenix Wings (Available until February 20th at Midnight Order)
Pose: FOXCITY - Flower Child, Pose 1
Temple: Drot - Small Aztec Shrine (Available until February 18th at The Warehouse Sale)
Backdrop: SYNNERGY.TAVIS - Fantasy Oasis [360] Backdrop