Saturday, October 14, 2023

Spectral Elegance Awakens the Underworld

Sometimes you have an idea in your mind that visualises itself as something different to what you had thought it might be... I saw something that I loved, I saw another thing that I loved too,and for some weird reason they seemed to mould together in my mind to become a magical etherial being that magically summons the spirits of the dead... 

In the sanctum of the Gothic Ballroom - a backdrop from Synnergy.Tavis - one of the sinister broken sisters of the dark, has begun an enchantment to raise the shadows of the Underworld - a set of shadowy hands from Pitaya
She stands in the middle of a magical circle, and chants her spell in the dark hall, as a Nox Arcana Aura appears and twists over her head. Chanting the words of the Bayadere - a pose set from NANTRA at We <3 RP - her Spectral Elegance - a gown from Moon Amore at Collabor88 - allowing some of the spirits to rise from the shadows and take more of an earthly form... 

What is she wearing;
Halo: Quills & Curiosities - Nox Arcana Aura
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Outfit: Moon Amore - Spectral Elegance Gown (Available until November 6th at Collabor88)
Pose & Orb: NANTRA - Bayadere, Pose 1 (Available until October 28th at We <3 RP)
Summoning Circle: nonino - Magical Circle (No Longer Available!)
Hands: Pitaya - Underworld hands
Backdrop: SYNNERGY.TAVIS - Gothic Ballroom

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