Sunday, December 10, 2023

Bathing in the Snow

I've decided that today was a lazy day for me and I've been making sure that I spend plenty of time trying to realax. It's been pretty good so far, I've needed a few days to relax since life got so busy at work... Retail at this time of year is one of the suckiest positions to have for work. So while I can I'm going to sit back and enjoy things... Maybe with a nice hot bath, and some peace and quiet... 

HellBone has been busy working in the garden, getting things winterified and it's making the sim we live on feel more than a litte Christmassy... It wasn't long until I noticed that there was a tiny corner of the garden seemed to be steaming... Upon closer inspection, the steam was rising from a brand new, but already snowed in Frosty Hot Tub - a release from Violetility at the Frost-E-Fest until December 31st - that was bubbling away and looking more than a little inviting... 
Deciding that I need to get myself a cup of coffee, I filled a Christmas Cup - from Krescendo at Frost-E-Fest -  with a fresh hot cup of the dark strong stuff and then checking to make sure there was no prying eyes, even in our private little corner of SL, I slipped most of my clothes off and hung them on a nearby branch to slip into the hot water and let my troubles and stresses soak away... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: Magika - Let It Snow (Past Group Gift)
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Face Snow: Izzie's - Face Snow
Top: Blueberry - Rie Wet Shirts in White
Pose: -Extra- - Out and About, Pose 4
Bath: Violetility - Frosty Hot Tub (Available until December 31st at Frost-E-Fest)
Coffee: [Krescendo] - Christmas Cups in Lights (Available until December 31st at Frost-E-Fest)
Snowflakes: Half-Deer - Floating Decor Snow & Cole's Corner - Softly Snow
Coat Rack: dust bunny - Branch Coat Rack in Black

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