Friday, January 31, 2025

Smell the Roses

It's the last day of January, WHERE HAS THE FIRST MONTH OF THE YEAR GONE... How can it already be one month less until Christmas?! My mother always used to tell me to enjoy it because when you're an adult time goes by so fast... 
In the fantasy world in my head, they are undergoing massve preparations for this month's holiday festivities... February is the month of love remember?!

In the Cathedral Study - from ChiMia at Midnight Order - the officers in the Regency court - which is coincidentally the name of the outfit I'm wearing from The Forge - are preparing for the month of Romance. There is a lot to get done over the next two weeks in the run up to Cupid's day... 
Though there is ALWAYS time to stop and smell the scent of the roses that linger in the air....

What is she wearing;
Halo & Head Accessory: Tentacio - Soul halo and headpiece (Available until February 20th at Midnight Order)
Hair: Magika - Raven Hair (Available until February 20th at Midnight Order)
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Outfit: [The Forge] - Regency Outfit (Available until February 20th at Midnight Order)
Bracer: OLD TREASURES - HALBRAND Bracer (Available until February 20th at Midnight Order)
Pose: FOXCITY - Flower Child, Pose 3m
Trees: Simply Shelby - Mossy Valentine Post
Roses: Dahlia - Gokotta Flower Arrangement
Backdrop: ChiMia - Cathedral Study Skybox in Light (Available until February 20th at Midnight Order)

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Rainbows, Sparkles and Happiness

It's one of those lovely lazy days when I have the day off between being stuck at work for the next couple of days... I'm busy getting things packed and ready for my trip home soon, and I'm super excited although I'll be away from my hubs for a couple of weeks. I AM GOING HOME FOR A REAL REST... Can you tell I'm excited and happy?!

I haven't felt this happy and excited about a trip home since last April when I had the concert of Take That and the most amazing seats we've ever been in for one of their shows... This time there is nothing much planned, besides a trip to see my Grandparents, and the chance to have the attention of my parents all to myself... It's a GOOD excitement... 
I feel like everything is sparkly, I'll miss Valentines but meh that holiday is a yuck one, and my hubby knows I love him anyway... He'll get a million Cream Eggs as a sign of love when I get home... For now though I'm counting down the days and enjoying that sparkly feeling I have... Rainbows and Sparkles and a boatload of happiness... 

What is she wearing;
Halo: random.Matter - Astrid Aura in Head Glitter & Stars
Hair: Magika - Eleanor Hair
Bindi: The Horror! - KIRAKIRA Jewels in Rainbow Cycle
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Glasses: Space Cadet - Rainbow Glasses
Body Paint: Izzie's - Rainbow Powder Explosion
Necklace: (Yummy) - "Sparkle" Nameplate Necklace
Dress: everfaery - Camille Dress (Available until February 18th at The Warehouse Sale)
Bracelets: Garmonbozia - Liaison bangle in VARIETY 3 (Available until February 18th at The Warehouse Sale)
Wings: YOKAI - Heaven GACHA in Rainbow wings RARE
Soda: Half-Deer - Candy Galaxy in Starlight Sodas
Sparkles: Cole's Corner - Starstuff & everfaery - Starfield Aura
Pose & Prop: -Extra- - XOXO (Coming Sunday for Lazy Sunday)
Backdrop: FOXCITY. Photo Booth - Night Parade in Rainbow

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

When a Wolf wants to Sleep

Tomorrow is my day off, I've been working today, and I'm counting down now until I get to go home and see my parents, but tomorrow is going to be a lazy Thursday, and I'm going to read and relax and SLEEP!! If I can pursauade my body to let me sleep without pain, if I can persuade my mind to switch off... I NEED to turn my head off and sleep... Maybe I need to start counting sheep... 

I've had many Better Days - although the pose is from -Extra- - and so now I'm ready for bed... I think I might sleep for the next 6 months of my life... Perhaps?! 
I have been reading and doing all kinds of things before bed to make sure I get a good night's sleep, and so tonight I might have to start counting sheep or something... For some reason when I think of this though my mind starts to wander, which doesn't help me sleep, and I start to wonder if a wolf was to count sheep would they be drooling as they do it? Would Grandma's bed in the Red Riding Hood story be a bit soggy if the Big Bad Wolf was counting to fall asleep in Grandma's bed? 

What is she wearing;
Hat: toksik - Ensnare Mop Hat in White
Head & Skin: BeSpoke - Wolf Exodus (Available until February 18th at The Warehouse Sale)
Eyes: Mana - Daemon Eyes (No Longer Available!)
Nightshirt: Web Dew - Vintage Nightgown (Available until February 20th at Midnight Order)
Pose: -Extra- - Better Days, Pose 2
Sheep: MishMish - Counting Sheep in White
Cushions: Pitaya - Pura Vida in Long Cushions
Backdrop: SYNNERGY.TAVIS - Northern Cliff House Backdrop

Monday, January 27, 2025

A Monday Morning Meeting!

Monday morning, the start of the working week... It's time to get busy, but I HAVE JUST BOOKED ANOTHER TRIP TO SEE MY PARENTS AND I AM SO EXCITED... Sorry back to the working week, I work in retail but many people are heading back to the office and into their corportate lives... 
I'm glad that I don't have to, I have no desire to be in a boardroom hosting meetings that no one wants to be in...

The last time I did a presentation for anything was when I had to share the year plan for our store at the end of my management training course... At that time I felt so sick but that was mostly just nerves I guess... The people in the meeting knew SO MUCH more about things than I did, but that was kinda lucky really... I'd hate to be one of those people presenting a meeting to people that are scratching their heads or even taking the time to eat their lunch while I ramble on, just like the Opossums - from Aardvark at  that were so over it in Rudh's meeting today... 
All I can say is he'd better save me one of those Heart Sanwiches - from Junk Food - once I'm done with this meeting in this boring meeting in the Executive Loft - which is a backdrop from Synnergy.Tavis by the way... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: Wasabi - Fluffy Hair in Offbeat (Available until February 10th at Kustom9)
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Sweater: miss chelsea - Alis Set in Sweater (Available until February 5th at Equal 10)
Top: miss chelsea - Alis Set in Tank (Available until February 5th at Equal 10)
Notebook: hive - Study Buddy in Style 2
Pants: miss chelsea - Alis Set in Pants (Available until February 5th at Equal 10)
Pose: -Extra- - Better Days, Pose 1
Friends: Aardvark - Opossum Over It in Grey (Available until February 8th at Access)
Sandwiches: Junk Food - Heart Sandwich
Phone: random.Matter - Clutter: 1980's in Telephone Red
Computer: BUENO - Type Pad in Black
Tray & Paper: random.Matter - The Investigation II Items
Stamps: Second Spaces - Vintage Office in Stamp Carousel
Pencils: random.Matter - Craft Corner Pencils in Green
Draft Table: Dirty Rat - The Auclair Drafting Table
White Boards: [Consignment] - Equation boards
Backdrop: Synnergy.Tavis - Executive Loft {360} Backdrop

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Bored Little Sun Goddess

I'm struggling a bit today, my back hurts and I'm tired and I think I have a little bit of the S.A.D that is so common at this time of year. I'm trying hard to carry on and hoping that everything will feel better when the sun comes out again but for now I'm hiding from the dark with a good book and a cuppa tea, and waiting for the Sun Goddess to make an appearance... 

The Sun Goddess seems to be getting a little bored at the moment... Maybe that's why the weather is so gray and dark... She's bored since these days there are a lot less human sacrifices to provide her with hearts for her fun. Things are no longer the same as the way they were when the Aztecs built shrines - like the one from DROT at The Warehouse Sale - dedicated to their goddesses, especially the Sun Goddess... 
She's taking her need for hearts into her own hands, collecting them herself to keep the glittering of her wings alive... 

What is she wearing;
Hair & Choker: Sintiklia - Hair Carter (Available until February 20th at Midnight Order)
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Eyes: Mana - Eternal Eyes in Clear (Available until February 20th at Midnight Order)
Body Paint, Halo, Chest Piece & Run Tattoos: [Faunus] - Helios in Fatpack
Dress: Mug - Paige Dress in Gold
Hand Blood: Clemmm - Bloody Hands
Heart: CURELESS - Valentine's Heart
Wings: Moon Rabbit - Phoenix Wings (Available until February 20th at Midnight Order)
Pose: FOXCITY - Flower Child, Pose 1
Temple: Drot - Small Aztec Shrine (Available until February 18th at The Warehouse Sale)
Backdrop: SYNNERGY.TAVIS - Fantasy Oasis [360] Backdrop

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Bathtime for the OwlBears

I've been off work today because I have terrible pain running up and down my back. Any time I took a step it was like lightning ran down my right leg. Hubby was looking after me but I was able to take it easy and things are maybe getting better... I've put off doing my chores, I've put off doing anything besides relaxing and reading a book and taking a long hot shower... 

Rudh on the other hand had a few things to be getting on with... Chores to do around the house and tasks she'd offered to help with because they seemed far too cute not to... That was why she found herself in the Gothic Attic Skybox - a creation by LORE for Midnight Order - of the grand old wizard, to assist him on Owlbear wash day... The wash station was set-up on his Potions Station - which is a cute creation from ChiMia also for Midnight Order - and he had gathered his Owlbears - which are a release from Aardvark, also for Midnight Order - ready for their bath... 

What is in the picture:
Pets: Aardvark - Owlbear  (Available until February 20th at Midnight Order)
Chair: Libertine - Canterbury Chair (Available until February 20th at Midnight Order)
Table & Cauldron: ChiMia - Potions Station  (Available until February 20th at Midnight Order)
Basket: [Merak] - Towel Basket
Brush Tub: dust bunny - Bathroom Essentials in Sponges Bowl
Yellow Bottles: MadPea - Puppy Care in Grooming Products
Loofah Sponges & Soaps: BROKEN ARROWS - Aloe Bathroom III in Natural Loofah Sponge, Bar Soap Aloe & Liquid Soap
Brushes: Apple Fall - Bath Brushes in Milk Glass Jar
Treats: Ariskea - [Ellie] Dog Treat Jar, Half-Deer - Dog Clutter in Dog Food Spilled & Junk Food - Pet Collection in Dog Treats Bag Open
Carrier: MadPea - Crazy Cat Lady's Starter Kit in Cat Carrier
Towels:  Pitaya - Classic towel dryer in Small Brass
Cat Tree: Ariskea - [Mistylove] Fluffy Cat Tree in White
Backdrop: LORE - Gothic Attic Skybox in Light (Available until February 20th at Midnight Order)

Thursday, January 23, 2025

The Bots are DEAD

If you're watching a movie, what kind of movie are you partial to? I know that we all tend to have our favourites... I LOVE the LOTR, my go-to movies include things like the Sound of Music and the Princess Diaries, and I'm still a Disney fan. I recently saw the latest Insides Out 2 movie, and I have never connected with a Disney Character so much as when I saw Anxiety on the screen... My Hubby is partial to Star Wars and anything horror, but he will also choose a superhero action movie... 

I'm not a fan really... I mean I LOVED Aquaman but that's because it's Jason Momoa soaking wet. I really enjoyed the series of LOKI that was made, but then again that's possibl because it was the way Tom Hiddleston would flick his hair at random lol... I've seen many of the superhero movies, but they don't get me excited and I tend not to bother anymore... 
For some reason though, when I put on things and this outfit started coming to life it grew to become a Superhero that destroyed the evil bots decimating Primus City - a backdrop by The Bearded Guy... She hung around a few moments after the big fight scene while the Tiny Tech Bots - from Aardvark - came in to inspect the damage... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: [Ginko Hair] - #200 Hair (Available until February 20th at Midnight Order)
Glasses: Boutique #187 - Summer Glasses
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Body Paint: Effervescence - Saelihn Tattoo (Available until February 20th at Midnight Order)
Cape: DREAMCATCHER (Now Amadeus) - Vampire's cloak
Lingerie: [Drunken Brokkr] - Beidhra Set (Available until February 20th at Midnight Order)
Fade Tattoo: Lilithe' - Kidagakash Tattoos in Gradient with Gems (Available until February 20th at Midnight Order)
Shoes: Tentacio - Punk Stiletto in Black
Sparkles: Cole's Corner - Valkyrie Gold Aura & Heavenly Ranger Yellow
Pose: FOXCITY - Pool Bunny V3, Pose 7
Robots: Aardvark - Tiny Tech Bot
Fire Robots: H&C - Droideka
Fire: Razor Bird - Scavenger's Camp Fire
Backdrop: The Bearded Guy - Primus City Backdrop

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Smoke Break in the Alley

I have been wracking my brain, trying to think of new and different ways to relax... I read a LOT, I spend time taking pictures, I knit and crochet, and I have recently restarted my scrap booking journal again. I want something new, something interesting and I feel like I need to find something new... SOMEONE GIVE ME AN IDEA... SOMEONE GIVE ME SOMETHING FUN TO DO... 

If I don't find something to do, my mind can wander to dark and twisted places. I read some of the darkest, smuttiest works of fiction. The one I just finished will not be leaving my brain for a little while, but that doesn't mean I'm willing to enact them... I'm tempted in SL, but the hubby is far too vanilla for that lol... Maybe finding a Sugar Daddy?!
I'll sneak out the back of the club to have a momentary smoke break, hiding in the shadows, until I feel brave enough. I look fierce and ready to find someone to play with, but that makes me nervous, and a girl needs time to clam her nerves... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: TRUTH - Pillow in Redhead
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Nose Piercing: Six Feet Under - Imperial Nose Set
Choker & Leash: GABRIEL - Slave Chain Necklace in Black - Silver
Fishnet: AsteroidBox - Ellie Dress Fishnet in Black
Outfit: Garmonbozia - Alicia Dress
Cigarette & Box: Boutique #187 - Cigarette Case
Pose: FOXCITY - Madam, Pose 2
Backdrop: PALETO.Backdrop - DarkBlue

Monday, January 20, 2025

The Tickles of a Ghostmage

The doors have opened, and the Midnight Order is here to release their magic onto the SL world for just a little while. There has been a sudden surge in magic since the doors have opened... Anyone with even the slightest hint of magical aura is already aware of it's presence. It's not just the living spirits that are able to enjoy the feeling, the dead are riding and on their way too...

That magic wakes the dead with gently tickling of some Ghostmage Hands - available from Aii at the round of Midnight Order that runs from today until February 20th - over their bare skin. It gets the magic to awaken and sparkle through their bodies, shining lights through their Archmage tattoos - from Nefekalum also at Midnight Order - it's a wonderful feeling, and the Midnight Order is the cause... 

What is she wearing;
Horns: [Apika] - Le Diable Neon Horns
Hair: Usagi Society - Black Lady Hair (Available until February 20th at Midnight Order)
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Glasses: Boutique #187 - Disturbed Glasses (Available January 21st - February 11th at SABBATH)
Collar: CAMO - Circe Collar & Ananas - Techno Necro in Slither
Base Tattoo: Nefekalum - Archmage (Available until February 20th at Midnight Order)
Overlay Tattoo: [AERTH] - Daughter of Sun in Green (Available until February 20th at Midnight Order)
Neon Tubes: Normandy - Inti.Veins
Hands: {Aii} - GHOSTMAGE HANDS (Available until February 20th at Midnight Order)
Lingerie: ASH - Morra Ligerie FATPACK (Available until February 20th at Midnight Order)
Smoke & Sparkles: (Smoke) {egosumaii} - Astral Divinity, Cole's Corner - Starstuff & #LuluB! - The Cult (No Longer Available!)
Pose: -Extra- - 2024 Halloween Hunt, Pose 2
Backdrop: The Bearded Guy - The Pit Mortal Backdrop

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Nomadic Desert Warrior

It's that time again, the magical beings of Second Life are heading in one direction, heading towards the ethereal meeting place that is the Midnight Order. Normally the Midnight Order is hidden in the dark mysts, only appearing a few times a year for the magical spirits to stock up on things for their potions, contact those they need and learn the secrets that are whispered in the shadows... Midnight Order is a place to meet, greet and learn, that's why they come from miles around... 

Each of the people heading for the Midnight Order is different, the mixture of characters and their origin stories is as mystical as the event itself... Hence why they come from across the distance to be there... From the snow regions, from the stars and even across the driest of deserts, stopping in the oasis for the night to be fresh for the doors of the Midnight Order to open on the morrow... 

What is she wearing;
Headdress: floro - Bridal Headdress (Available January 20th - February 20th at Midnight Order)
Hair: TRUTH & Faga - Luscious in Redhead
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Make-Up: (Eye Shadow) Gorsimi - Scream Queen Shadows & [NoRush] - Tribe Warpaint
Outfit: AsteroidBox - Kelin Outfit (Available January 20th - February 20th at Midnight Order)
Knife: Static - Runic Sickles
Pose & Prop: FOXCITY - Desert Friend, Pose 1m
Tents: Foxwood - Mystic Tent in Red
Rocks & Grasses: (Fundati) - Beach Dunes
Trees: FOXCITY. Prop - Palm Tree for Riviera
Backdrop: FOXCITY. Photo Booth - Sinking Sands

Friday, January 17, 2025

Feeding the Animals

My job is working in retail selling cheese. I don't hide it, I've shared it many times but I love my job and even though I vent about it often it's a place I feel happy and confident - most of the time anyway - and I don't see myself changing it for a while... 
I've discovered many new things about people though, watching the way they act when there is something as simple as a 'free sample' of food to taste... It's like they have never eaten before, free sample seems to be code for "take all you want because who cares if someone else doesn't get any" and don't even get me started about how people are more like animals around food... Circling like sharks, using their hands like monkeys, slapping their lips... I'd rather be feeding animals... 

Maybe I'll change my profession to animal feeder, since I tend to do it most days anyway... I'd like to feed something cute though, maybe in my own little fantasy world I'd feed dinosaurs in the Dino Park - like the old but awesome backdrop from Synnergy.Tavis - driving in with a cooler full of delicious things for those big ol' baby lizards... I was sat feeding those adorable Apatosaurus and Triceratops babies, offering them both fresh leaves and a big ol' Meat Stick - from Junk Food - but I didnt realise that someone was sneaking up behind me heading for the meat... 

What is she wearing;
Hat & Hair: Wasabi - Oakley Hair in Offbeat
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Top: everfaery - Leanne Crop Top
Dungarees: KITJA - Mila Outfit in BLUE Dungarees
Wellies: Mug - Clarabelle Rainboots
Pose: -Extra- - 2023 Holiday Hunt, Pose 3
Meat: Junk Food - Meat Stick
Plant: dust bunny - Tabletop Plants in Fiddle Leaf Branch
Dinosaurs: MishMish - Apatosaurus, Triceratops & Crocky
Cooler: Junk Food - Cooler Closed in Red
Car: Hogs & Cart Wheels - Dino Park 18
Backdrop: SYNNERGY.TAVIS - Dino Park Scene

Thursday, January 16, 2025

A Different Kind of Snow Angel

I love being creative when I'm taking pictures... Today I found out that someone is running a 52 weeks of Aesthetics challenge, and I feel like that's something I might lend my hand at to try, due to my schedule I'm not sure it will happen within the 52 weeks but that's a discussion for another post. 
It did leave me wondering what is my own personal Aesthetic when it comes to my blog. I always felt llike a crazy mixed up mess of randomness, sometimes I'm a walking rainbow sparkle mess, other times I'm dark and deadly... More often than not I'm some kind of fairytale, magical, enchantment... 

I LOVE being a magical fairytale being... Fairies and Mermaids and Angels, anything that comes connected to magic and sparkles and with a story of it's own... 
This time of year, the frosty cold folk are the ones that become most predominant... The fae dance in the snow flurries, the mer shiver beneath the waves, and the angels freeze their tears to let them drift down to earth. I guess that I'd heard about a possible cold spell coming and my mind went to the possibility that the angels are blanketing parts of the Earth in snow as a way to bring peace... A little magic and peace would be a wonderful thing right now... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: Magika - Noella Hair
Make-Up: (Eye Make-up) Lolapop! - Snowflake Set, Gorsimi - Slatra Shadows & Izzie's - Face Snow
Body Paint, Horns & Halo: [Faunus] - Boreas (Available until February 8th at Wild Haunt)
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Wings: Doe - Fairy Feather Wings in BGY & Doe - Fairy Feather Wings in Mini Rainbow Neon
Dress: Moon Amore - Glamist DRESS
Sparkles & Snowflake Auras: Cole's Corner - Snow Daze & Softly Snow
Pose & Prop: -Extra- - Peace & Joy
Mesh Snowflakes: Half-Deer - Floating Decor Snow
Backdrop: FOXCITY. Homes - Northern Lights

Monday, January 13, 2025

My Own Personal Wonderland

Do you ever put an outfit on, and find yourself disappearing into a mindspace that leads you to a totally different world... I had planned to get creative, I was going to aim to get multiple pictures done today but once I put on the first outfit I wanted to blog, I was lost to my own crazy mixed-up dreamlike version of Wonderland... 

What would my version of Wonderland be like? How would Rudhie in Wonderland differ from the world created by Lewis Carroll that Alice got lost in... My Second Life is a world made up of weird and wonderful things... Rainbow sparkles lead to dark, deadly corners, and crazy moments of magic, but would Wonderland be any different or just MUCH MORE of the same?! 
I think there would definitely be a tea party of sorts, one with lots of cake and plenty of hot tea to be drunk from pretty tea cups on mismatched saucers. There would be bunches of Monstrous Elegance - which is represented by the Monster's Feast and the Beastly Visions sets from Nylon Outfitters at Collabor88 - and some of my own cute furry friends with the Chesire Cat being replaced by a HUGE Fluffy Unicorn - from Tardfish - and of course I'd look FABULOUS in my own version of Wonderland... The idea is sparkling through my mind, and I know what I'll be dreaming of tonight... 

What is she wearing;
Hair Accessory: katat0nik - Moondrop Bow Set in Blue
Hair: [monso] - Jinx2 Hair in Black & Red
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Glasses: Boutique #187 - Oversized Glasses
Choker: {Rosier} - Corrina Choker (Past Gift)
Necklace: (Yummy) - Digi-Pet Necklace (Available until February 6th at Collabor88)
Boa: katat0nik - Femme Fatal
Dress: miss chelsea - Snow Dress
Pose: Fashiowl Poses - Cruel Love, Pose 9
Friend: Tardfish - Fluffy Unicorn
Chandelier & Mirror: Nylon Outfitters - Monstrous Elegance in Monster's Feast (Available until February 6th at Collabor88)
Table & Pictures: Nylon Outfitters - Monstrous Elegance in Beastly Visions (Available until February 6th at Collabor88)
Clock, Bookcase, Foods & Candle: BackBone - Tea Party Items
Chairs: (Left) [Krescendo] - Lagos Seat & (Right) SEUL - Monster Chair in Powder
Lamps: BackBone - Daydreamer's Den Items in Zen Lamp
Building: dust bunny - Woodland Dreams in Makeshift Gazebo (Re-coloured by me for the photo!)
Backdrop: Synnergy.Tavis - Wonderland [360] Backdrop

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Ready to Hustle

I've been having a lovely lazy Sunday, it's great when things are few and far between and I get to have a lazy day. I fed the washing machine, and then decided to get myself busy... I was going to get my hustle on, a chance to make a little cash and get into the action, while having myself some fun along the way... 

I'm gonna get my hustle on, I wanna go learn something new... I am going to learn all about the game of Pool so that I can become a pool shark... There's a brand new Pool Hall opened up in the Cocktails & Dreams Bar - a backdrop created by Synnergy.Tavis - but if you ook for the weird guy in the white t-shirt, he will teach you all the tricks of the trade for a cut of the profits... 
One thing he taught me was to look cute but casual, dressing up too much might make me seem like too much of a trickster, so cute but casual it is... Some simple but decorated Sweet Soul Jeans - which happen to be a new release from The Kiwi Co and although the release also includes a cardigan and boots, it's the pants that win the coo points from this reease for me - and a comfy but giving a cute reveal  of a little skin in the form of a Tuli Sweater - from miss chelsea - on top and I think I am ready to hustle in the pool hall and win the big bucks, or at least a drink or two... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: TRUTH & FAGA - Instinct in Redhead
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Sweater: miss chelsea - Tuli Set in Sweater
Pants: The Kiwi Co - Sweet Soul Jeans
Pose: Fashiowl Poses - Ursula, Poses 9
Cue: M n B Warehouse - Cue Stick
Person: Meshed Potato - T-Shirt  Guy Mesh Person
Backdrop: Synnergy.Tavis - Cocktails & Dreams {360} Backdrop

Thursday, January 9, 2025

A Magical Grim Gourmet

A new year is the perfect idea for a fresh start and that means it's a time to move on from things that aren't happy and that means getting rid of things that aren't good for us. I HATE the thought of hurting anyone but sometimes I've just gotta do what's best from me... This isn't aimed at ANYONE in particular, it's not aimed at anything... It's more of a reminder to help me get through things that make me sad... 
I found the perfect way to make me feel better, and getrid of the evidence all at once... 

During a bout of time within the Insomnia Kitchen, I found the perfect solution to any problem I NEEDED to get over. It came to me while I was cooking a chilli, as soon as I opened the spices in the spice rack, a cloud appaeared that started to sparkle and suddenly a magical MadCat - which happens to be an Exclusive available from MadPea at the MadPea Unlimited Sim where you can play 10 immersive adventures including the thrilling new crime adventure "The Naughty List Murders", and I may just see you there hehe - appeared... This MadCat began sharing dangerously devious, but equally practical ideas in ways to get rid of bodies... Soup and Pasta Sauce being the top of his list...It was going to be a very Grim Gourmet - thanks to the adorable outfit from everfaery I'd stay a little cleaner I hope - and I guess that it was lucky I'd been in a bit of a fight and someone had died in a chair right there in my kitchen... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: MINA Hair - Nimue
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Body Blood: Izzie's - Face & Body Blood & Wounds
Neck Wounds & Knives: AsteroidBox - Destroyer Knives
Outfit (Including Hat): everfaery - Grim Gourmet
Cleaver: lock&tuft - Cleaver Knife
Bucket: [Pink.Unicorn] - Blood Bucket
Pose: -Extra- - Auld Lang Syne (January Group Gift - One of the poses from the group pose, see the full pose here)
Cat: MadPea - MadCat, Bella The Butcher (Exclusive to the MadPea Unlimited Sim - Play 10 immersive adventures, including the thrilling new crime story, The Naughty List Murders)
Smoke: Ana Poses - Putian Pose Set Spray Can 1
Sparkles: Cole's Corner - Glitterati & everfaery - Starfield Aura
Bucket & Gore: Black . Sand - Corpse & Limbs
Person in Chair: Lilith's Den - Someone died in a chair
Body Bag: MadPea - Plastic Wrapped Body Bag
Backdrop: MINIMAL - Insomnia Kitchen Room

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

My Own Roaring 1920s!

Sometimes I do a little random. Sometimes I do things that get lost of the realms of high fantasy. Sometimes I do things that are a litte more grounded in realism, although those things my be based on stories of their own too... No matter what I do it's always done with love and happiness and it makes me smile to do whatever I feel like... Today I went with a story from someone else's mind, and an event theme that was a little outside my usual ball park... 

Normally I feel more like I should avoid anything Art Deco, but when the Anthem line-up was announced to be Great Gatesby themed ca me intrigued. I more often than not vere towards designs that are more Art Nouveau, than Art Deco - they are easy to tell apart Art Nouveau looks like it's been made by the elves, Art Deco is more harsh lines and bold prints and looks more like it's been made by the dwarves - but this was interesting, and even though I'm not really a Great Gatesby fan, I kinda liked what I did!!! 
Come take a trip with me to the Voyeur Rooms - the keychain is older but still awesome from Krescendo - and grab yourself a glass of Champagne - from Junk Food - at the 1920's fanciest hotel... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: Wasabi Pills - Claudette Mesh Hair in Reds Pack
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Top: miss chelsea - Shae Set in Top (Available until January 30th at Anthem)
Cigarette: random.Matter - Verona Telescopic Cigarette in Silver
Keys: [Krescendo] - Kinky Keychain
Skirt: miss chelsea - Shae Set in Skirt (Available until January 30th at Anthem)
Pose: [piXit] - Chapeau, Pose F4R
Champagne: Junk Food - Champagne Tray
Gramophone: DRD - Scarlett Hotel Item in Ballroom record player
Cases: DRD - Scarlett Hotel Item in Gift shop Vintage Suitcases
Table: LEMME - New 20's Trolley Table in Marble
Sofa: DRD - Joubert couch in Brown
Backdrop: Dirty Rat - The Deco Den

Monday, January 6, 2025

A New Year of Magic

Still early days for the new year and still very early days for me beig back to blogging after the Christmas period...
I lost a sponsor today, someone that I have been working with since 2019. I feel like the reason was something that could have been told to me sooner, something that I would have been able to improve on, but apparently I wasn't worth the effort to them... So I'm going to find my own magic now, and move off to bigger and better things... Loyalty and consistancy mean nothing, people claim SL Blogging isn't a numbers game yet the magic seems lacking somewhat... I know my style isn't for everyone, I know I don't get the numbers that some people do, but I put all of my love and magic into my little art pieces... I love what I create... 

If people aren't appreciative of your magic, are they really worthy of your time? Granted my magical creations are all over the place and I will never be one of those bloggers that can just do a basic pose - there are thousands out there if that's what you want, and I'm not knocking anyone's creations when I say that by the way, we all have our own preferences - but I like to tell a story, create a little sparkle and if others enjoy what I do then that makes me happy... I create my pictures, my little magical sparkles, as a form of therapy... 
I'll stand in my tower, creating my magic and letting everything sparkle... 

What is she wearing;
Headdress: Moon Amore - HAREM VEIL
Head & Skin: BeSpoke - Nopperabo
Necklace & Earrings: random.Matter - Verity Set in Warm Tones (Earrings Sold Separately)
Dress: Moon Amore - ELITE GOWN
Veils: CURELESS - Silk Radiance Halo & Pygmalion's Bride Goddess Touch Halo & CUREMORE - Voodoo Tribe Ngami Halo
Sparkles & Magical Swirls: Cole's Corner - Glitterati, everfaery - Starfield Aura, CURELESS - Sororis Obscura Profane Invocation in HellFire & Quills & Curiosities - Sialdorian Wisps
Pose: [PiXit] - Chapeau, Pose F1
Decor: Violetility - Magic Clans in Blood Magic Set
Backdrop: FOXCITY. Photo Booth - Old Arena

Sunday, January 5, 2025

A New Year Starts... Welcome to 2025

So it has started, 2025 is finally here and this means that we are now a quarter of the way into the 2000s... It scares me to think that children born now could easily make it to see the next millennium in, do you think there will be a fear similar to the Y2K bug?! 
What will 2025 bring? What will happen to us this year both in our virtual and real-lives? Last time the year started on a WTF week, we witnessed a global pandemic that spanned three years. Now there is so much fighting going oncould we be on the cusp of another world war? 
Right now I'm getting over the New Year blues, and trying to get my year started, so let's get this show on the road shall we?

Even though the year is still sparkly and new, the lights are still flickering from the fireworks and sparklers and I've finally gotten home. I feel like I've barely stopped moving since we left for the UK after Christmas, we spent a lovely time with my family in Wales, but I AM SO HAPPY to be home... 
What will this year hold for me though? Do I need to fasten my seat belt or can I just gently ride into this new year without a hard hat and a seatbelt? I'm pensively looking forward to the year starting, I am already thinking about when I can go home again, and planning things to do that aren't really resolutions but are things I want to achieve... I finished the year tired but happy, today I'm starting the New Year happy and ready for whatever is thrown at me... I am waking up, I am ready, I can't wait to see where this year takes me, will you come along for the ride? 

What is she wearing;
Hair: [monso] - Dana Hair in Black & Red
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Make-Up: Izzie's - Insomnia
Outfit: CryBunBun - SLEIGH YOU Shirt in TIMMY
Socks: CryBunBun - SLEIGH YOU Socks in W/B
Pose: FOXCITY - Day After Bento Pose Set, Pose 4
Hats: Junk Food - New Year Sparkler Hats
Noise Makers: Junk Food - New Year Party Horns
Champagne: Pitaya - Party is over in Glasses
Confetti: Pitaya - Party is over in Confetti
Backdrop: SYNNERGY.TAVIS - Celestial Ball