Friday, May 3, 2024

The Sheep of Sleep

The weather keeps changing SO MUCH... Yesterday was over 25 degrees and today it's dropped down to half that, this weather rolling through the temperatures is messing with me and making me want to sleep forever and a day... 
Whilst I'm feeling a little magical, I'm definitely in the mood to let the sleepiness guide the magic and the sheep in our dreams that we count as they jump over the moon, take the lead... 

Normally it's the cows that jump over the moon, but there's nothing written anywhere that says the sheep we count night after night can't be jumping over the moon too?! This sleepy little sheep has decided that's what she will do, she's formulating a plan to jump over the moon and dance among the stars... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: Wasabi - Zora FLF Ed. Hair in Absolute Pack
Star Halo: Doe - Twinkling Stars Aura
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Star Freckles: random.Matter x Bonbon - Star Girls in Freckles Gold
Choker: Blah. - [Shining Star - Set] Choker
Chest Piercing: Six Feet Under - Lament Subdermal
PJ Set: miss chelsea - Hati Set
Blanket: hive - Bundle Up Blanket
Sparkles: everfaery - Starfield Aura (Available this weekend for Happy Weekend) & Cole's Corner - Popstars & Starstuff
Pose: FOXCITY - Flower Child, Pose 3M
Moon Lamp: [Krescendo] - Moon Lamp
Clouds: NOMAD - Cloud 9 Bed in White
Backdrop: FOXCITY. Photo Booth - Cloudtop

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