Saturday, April 2, 2016

Mr & Mrs LOGO Head!

It's taken me a very long time to get to this point, but I  made the decision and took the plunge. It took me HOURS of discussions with myself - my poor head was spinning - and even Hell was done before I was... I tried on many different types, found one I kinda liked and kept trying it on until I loved it... After that there was just one thing holding me back, but thanks to the kindness of a stranger, I was able to stop myself holding back and free fall... 
The funny thing though is that all the time we've been together, Hell and I have always said we'd never be matchy-matchy, in the same way that some twee couples can be... Not that that's a bad thing but I am one of those people that needs to look like an individual and matching my hubby just makes me feel a bit cheesy... Until Now at least... HellBone and I are now Mr & Mrs LOGO Head LOL... 
Before I elaborate on things though, this has to be one of my all time favourite photos of HellBone and I. It shows that sometimes he can be my strength and support, sometimes he can carry me and the vast majority of the time I feel safe too... All these things are shown in this picture, and he made me smile when I asked him to make me a list of what he was wearing and he said "You". 
Now to the head thing... I'd been considering the Mesh Head idea for a while, and had tried on all of the ones I could get my hands on demos for, but somehow none of them seemed right. I wasn't willing to settle for one that I didn't feel comfortable in, but then I stumbled upon the LOGO Chloe head and my mind was made up. I found the head I wanted, the appliers for a Glam Affair Skin that I wanted and then hit another stumbling block... My Scar!!
I wasn't ready to give up my scar - I'm still not - but after summing up some courage I contacted antielle's owner Kaorinette to see if there was any possibility that my favourite non-applier scar could be put into an OMEGA applier... DID YOU KNOW THAT ANTIELLE CLOSED?! I was so sad to find that out - although I know that CURELESS is her new store! She was so gracious, so friendly and so happy to hear that I'd made one of her designs part of my everyday SL that she was willing to lend me a hand - thank you so much Kaorinette, it means so much to me! 
What do you think of my before and after mugshots?! It's going to take me a little bit of getting used to even though things are proportionally the same - or pretty similar at least - but I really like it... Expect to see me pulling all kinds of weird and wonderful faces in the near future hehe... Now that I can smile without it looking evil, I'm going to be doing a whole lot more of that!!! 

What is she wearing;
Hair: TRUTH - Tierney 
Head: LOGO - Chloe 
Skin: Glam Affair - Seya in Europa 2 
Scar: No Longer Available!
Nose Ring: (Yummy) - Skull Collection Septum in Silver 
Lip Piercing: Cute Poison - Agelast Piercing 
Necklace:  RONSEM - The Shadow Lord Choker 
Bracelets: *MUKA* - Claire 
Hair: NO.MATCH - No Rest 
Head: LOGO - Ethan v1.0 
Skin: 7 Deadly s{K}ins - Judas B5a T2 
Sunglasses: [The Forge] - Maverick Sunglasses in Black/Blue 
Necklace: TonkTastic - Dogtags 
Pose: Come Soon - Tiger (Available until April 4th at Sir Monthly


  1. Love your new look! I too just took the plunge for a mesh head and I too picked LOGO Chloe! You look fantastic.

  2. Welcome to the dark side. Bwhahahah!

    But seriously, you both look great :)
