Perhaps I like to torture myself, perhaps I am someone who cannot let go of the things that hurt me the most, but if you've seen my facebook feed over the past few days you may have seen my post about HellBone and I having had to say goodbye to our dear sweet fluffybutt fur baby, Izzy... It has broken my heart saying goodbye to her, and it will no doubt take me a while to heal, but I've decided that, for me and my own healing, I needed to sit down, take a picture in SL and share my feelings in the best possible therapeutic method I can... Please bear with me, this post will no doubt be a sad but happy one, and it's definitely not one of my usual silly rambles... BUT today I want to tell you the story of IzzyWhizzy the wonder dog...

I had never ever been a dog person, growing up my family had always had cats and to be honest I didn't really mind that. I never wanted or needed a dog, I loved to pet them, but I never really felt that I needed more... When I moved to the Netherlands, my new found family was HellBone and his dog Biko, who was a rottweiler labrador that perfectly fit with her big, scary looking bossman... I hadn't been here long before Biko got sick,and had to move on to chase things in the clouds... It broke Hell, he was lost without his faithful buddy and even though he said he would never want another dog, a few months down the line we heard a story that changed all that...
My sister worked for a Greyhound charity that was in the process of rescuing 25 dogs that had been locked in a breeding kennel and left for dead. The charity was overflowing, the centre was already full and was now ready to burst, then Izzy's mum popped out a litter of 8 fluffy babies... Beautiful little Saluki puppies, that were racing dog shaped with the long soft hair of an Afghan... They were gorgeous, made the cutest noise and needed love, they were also born to a mother that had suffered in extremely bad conditions causing each puppy to catch mange as they nursed from their mum...
After just a few days, we had made the choice and Izzy was wecomed to join our family. We named her Izzy because of the silly idea that she'd be a super fast, racing baddie and so IzzyWhizzy seemed appropriate. It wasn't long before she found her voice, and actually foghorn might have been a better name as this girl had a set of lungs on her that created the screams of a banshee...
When she finally came to join us in the Netherlands, she became an expat just like me, and had to start learning Dutch pretty quick. Due to the mange she never got to attend puppy classes, so she felt less of a dog, and more of a Diva Princess that could persuade her new parents to give her anything she wanted. Although it was in fact her Oma that left the best things unattended - she even left a whole strawberry tart once, that was delicious...
So, Izzy grew up loving a walk in the park, sprawling in the sun and showing off her multitude of crazy relaxing positions - that I often joked made her look like she'd come from IKEA and was missing a few screws - and Oh boy could she sleep! People warned us about the greyhound family dog breeds, saying they'd need a lot of exercise, but some days we had to actually drag Izzy out for walks, especially when it was raining!!! She managed to make sure the interloping cat knew her place... She helped her mum and dad to get married, becoming the second bridesmaid alongside her rescuing hero Aunty Sophie. She even caused us to spend many a New Year vacationing in the woods because we thought she'd have a heart attack once the fireworks started...
It's been over 24 hours now since we had to say goodbye, and there are so many things I miss. Watching tv with her, scratching her butt and watching her do her silly little dance, hearing her sneak into bed with HellBone when I got up in the morning... I'll never forget my little princess floof... I just hope she's found friends in Biko, and all of the kitties in my life that came before her, she's no longer in pain, and the pain I have from losing her will subside but for now... I miss you Izzy, I love you so much, and thank you for 14 years of wonderful divalicious happiness!!!
What is she wearing;
Hair: Magika - Delulu Hair
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Eyes: Izzie's - Lua Eyes in Teary Eyes RARE
Tear Make-Up: Izzie's - Smeared Mascara in Tears & Little Tears
Outift: BUENO - Nini Overalls in Blues
Pose: Secret Poses - Kiara, Pose 3
Dog: Foxwood - Boho Borzoi
Wings: dust bunny - Sweetheart Wings in White
Backdrop: Synnergy - Heavens Gate Backdrop