I'm in such a flowery mood at the moment, I think it's this Spring Thing feeling that's gotten a hold of me and is keeping me in it's floral clutches!!! I'm gonna have to be careful or people will think that this little dead doll has gone to the girlie side... Once you're there, there is no way back out hehe... Today I'm going out on a walk at Ode, to smell the flowers and maybe pick myself a small bunch to make my kitchen smell lovely...
One of my favourite things about flowers is the Butterflies that they attract, and it used to be a thing that across the UK there were vast meadows of flowers, teeming with butterflies. Since that has become less of a thing, there are a lot less butterflies and that makes me a sad little Rudhie! Today while wandering through Ode though, I was collecting flowers, making wreaths - although for photo-sake they were actually the gorgeous creations of LODE who I still maintain make some of the best flowers in SL! - and they drew the butterflies to me like a moth to a flame. I wasn't complaining, the bugs I don't like can go away and stay away lol, but butterflies... Bring on the butterflies! What is she wearing; Flowers: LODE - Avril Apple Wreath in Yellow RARE Hair: Lamb - Lark in Red Pack Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory Mask & Necklace: chocolate atelier - Yolanda Eyepatch & Necklace in Blue (Available until May 24th at Uber) Glasses: CURELESS - Flutterby Glasses (Available until May 24th at Uber) Dress: Kaithleen's - Roxley Dress in Green Pose & Daisy Prop: Secret Poses - Daisy, Pose 5
I've been watching TV a lot while we've been stuck on lock-down and one of the shows that I really loved was the Orlando Bloom/Cara Delevigne fantasy series "Carnival Row". I love the mixture of fairytale, steampunk and mystery. I was shopping at Engine Room... It seemed to draw my mind into all kinds of different fantasy situations, many of which involved me wandering down the 'row'... I'm a Doctor, I'm on a mission, and I'm trying to figure out who is behind the murders taking place...
Following in the footsteps of my father - more than anything because my Dad, Chopper, bought me this amazing outfit from tokisk at Engine Room - as I wandered though the Time Portal that is Victorian London. Decked out with some other Doctors accessories, the coroner wanders through the darkened streets hiding under her parasol to avoid the ashes that pour out onto the streets from the smoking train above. What is she wearing; Parasol: ANTINATURAL - Doctor Crow Gacha Item in Umbrella Halo: Cubic Cherry - Feathered Halo in GOLD Hat & Hair: TRUTH - Asuka in Reds Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory Wings: Tentacio - Troya Wings Top: toksik - Pathos Blouse (Available until May 20th at Engine Room) Bag: ANTINATURAL - Doctor Crow Gacha Item in Doctor Bag Black Skirt: toksik - Pathos Skirt (Available until May 20th at Engine Room) Pose: NANTRA - One More Rainy Day, Pose 5M
It's a lazy Sunday, not that it's different from any other day at the moment they are all pretty much bleeding into one another... Today though I have plans... I'm going to sit around playing games, eating candies and DRINKING...
I'm playing some of the weirdest video games, in my laziest of comfy clothes - an awesome top from Vinyl with the best slogan EVER "Be a duck in a flock of flamingoes", and a new release pair of "Rosie Trackies" from MuggleBorn. I grabbed some snacks from Junk Food, who also have the best vodka I've tried in SL, and curled up on my amazingly soft Fluffy Beanbag - from Violetility - and I'm now not to be disturbed lol... What is she wearing; Hair: Foxy - Bunny Hair in Red Candies: kotte - Face Pack in Gummy Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory Top: VINYL - Chrissy Top in Be a Duck Bracelets: imbue - Wrist Scrunchies in Pack 5 Pants: MuggleBorn - Rosie Trackies Pose & Controller Prop: Secret Poses - Gamer Girl, Pose 2 (Available this weekend at 60L for 60L Happy Weekend!) Seat: Violetility - Fluffy Beanbag Candy Bag: Junk Food - Gummi Bears Bottles & Loose Candies: Junk Food - Circroc Vodka Gummi Set Cup: Half-Deer - Fast Food Clutter in Soda Drink Red
Fantasy Faire is up and running, it's one of the biggest events of the year in SL that has been running for years, and raises millions of Linden Dollars for Relay for Life... As you might imagine it's all fantasy based, but for a girl like me it feels like wonderland... I bought more than I might normally because it was for a good cause but now my hoard is overflowing with new fantasy pretties! I fell in love with my new balloon, and that lead to the angel in me to float in the galaxy, keeping the earth safely in it's place...
So the whole thing started because I fell in love with the Holding Planet from Boudoir, and then found the amazing make-up from Venge... Both of these things are available at the RLF Fantasy Faire, and yes you cannot really see the make up clearly but I have added a close up below. All the pretties as she floats through space... Dancing through the stars, keeping the Earth safe in it's place!
I've been having a few issues to motivate myself with getting my head into blogging as of late, I don't know why I have so much free time and could do anything I want - the sky's the limit! - but I think that's what is causing me some issues... Too much time and choice! So today I gathered together my Hubby and my Daddy for a brainstorming session... I was the thinker, Chopper was picking up signals and HellBone was mixing it up... There was far too much beer consumed, but in the end it helped! Look what happened...
We sat around drinking some beers - on a pose set from Secret Poses called "Drinking Here" - wearing our awesome Little Diesel Punk Helmets, home made of course - although really we bought them from peculiar things at the amazing Engine Room. I say that we bought them, but the hat I'm wearing is actually an awesome group gift that flashes on and off as you're thinking!!
I had to show the hat off with a GIF like that because I wanted to show the flashing!!! It also gives me a chance to clearly show the amazing flashing Mesmer Specs from Pirocious, that I picked up at the new round of Aenigma! They flash in bright rainbow colours, as well as black and white! Aren't they fab?! What is she wearing; Helmet: peculiar things - Little Diesel Punk in Thinker (Current Group Gift) (Available until May 20th at Engine Room) Hair: TRUTH - Vivid (Current Group Gift) Glasses: [Pirocious] - Mesmer Specs (Available until May 15th at Aenigma) Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory Top: SPIRIT - Charlotta Sweater Jeans: miss chelsea - Dana Jeans in Vintage (Available until May 12th at N21) Boots: HARO - Diesel Boots (Available until May 20th at Engine Room) Poses & Beer Props: Secret Poses - Drinking Here Plans: Wrong Turn Outlet - Blueprints Backdrop: The Bearded Guy - Bohemian Bar
It's almost the end of the week, not that it makes much difference to me at the moment since the the days are blending into one and the same, BUT it's also the start of Spring Break next week and so that's something that people celebrate... It's time to head to the beach, have a few drinkies and partayyyy... Does anyone wanna go on a roadtrip?
I packed my bags, loaded my car up and got ready for the road trip... Luckily the poses from Secret Poses that are in a set called RoadTrip, they come with a bright yellow car but the poses can be used separately. I guess the rest of the outfit is a look of the day, I LOVE this miss chelsea shirt and it went so well with other things to make such a cute but grungy outfit! We're leaving from the Lutz City at Templemore.... Meet us there... What is she wearing; Hair: DOUX - Esther Hairstyle Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory Glasses: AsteroidBox - Theia Glasses Necklace: Kibitz - Chained Lock Collar Top: miss chelsea - Debi Top in Black Stripes Bracelets: imbue - Wrist Scrunchies in Pack 5 Sweater & Shorts: VINYL - Luna Jean Shorts/Hoodie in Blue Boots: N-Core - AMY in Black Pose: Secret Poses - RoadTrip, Pose 1 (Available until May 8th at Vanity)
It's a slow Tuesday, another long day in the weeks of Quarantine, and I'm desperate to go out into the big wide world. I know being at home is the best place for me but right now I've been here so long that I need some time to run wild and free... Thank heaven we have SL and can at least feel like we're outside in the wide open spaces... If it wasn't for the places to roam here, I'd be bonkers by now...
So I decided to take my Newfie Pewf - a puppy from Jian - for a walk down the train tracks at Puddlechurch Heath, it's so pretty on the Puddlechurch sims that I couldn't resist snapping a few pictures... It didn't help that I had a cute set of poses from -Extra- for the last weekend's Saturday Sale - these are still available in the main store if you want them, don't miss out they are really cute! - that were all about walking down a Railroad!! I couldn't resist! What is she wearing; Hair: Wasabi - Shae Mesh Hair Gacha Item in #11 Fireworks (Available until May 12th at The Epiphany) Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory Top: FockStore - Hoodie Zee in Olive Pants: SEUL - Carmen Dnms Boots: REIGN - REIGNBOOTS (Available until May 6th at Collabor88) Dog: JIAN - Newfie Pewfs Gacha Item in 5. Bi-Grey Companion Pose: -Extra- - Railroad, Pose 1
Deep in the dark underground caves, if you are lucky, you may stumble upon the realm of the Crystal Fae! It's a dark cavernous world, but if you listen closely to the silence of the caves you may hear that tinkling ringing sound... It's not the rush of water as some would have you believe, it's the calling of the crystals, luring you deeper to entertain their fairy mistress... Her cavern, if you're lucky enough to find it is luminous... The glowing crystals cast rainbow shadows on the walls and ethereal butterflies flutter in a ghostly pale dance, and there, in the midst of it all - the Crystal Fairy, her body slowly turning into the rocks that she's guardian of...
My mind seems to wander sometimes when it comes to making fantasy pictures, and the stories grow and wrap themselves in the story that pours from the picture. It's one of my favourite times to work on things and it's really the most therapeutic medicine. I was over-the-top inspired by this amazing gacha collection from CURELESS called "Precious Gem" - it's a new release at The Epiphany until May 20th - and I HAD to have it as soon as Kaorinette - the mastermind behind CURELESS - started showing it off... It just seemed to build itself into a story, as the best stories tend to do, with the addition of some crystals that I grabbed from CELESTE at Ostara's Altar - it's the last day of the event by the way today so don't miss out if you haven't been yet - her cave became a place of wonders... What is she wearing; Hair: Foxy - Amala Hair in Red (Available until May 6th at Collabor88) Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory Eye Accessory: MoonPhase - Missin Crystal Eyes (Available until April 30th at Spring Flair) Outfit: CURELESS - Precious Gem Gacha Collection (Available until May 12th at The Epiphany) Butterflies: Entice - Butterfly Accessory Fatpack (Available until April 30th at Spring Flair) Pose: FOXCITY - Silhouette, Pose 1 Crystals: CELESTE - Crystal Clusters (Available until April 19th at Ostara's Altar) Lamp: *lunacy* - Crystal Desire (No Longer Available!) Skull: Refuge - Crystal Skull Blue Floor Gems: ((LovelyAlien)) - ShatteredCrystals Cave: LOVE - KALEIDOSCOPE BLUE BUTTERFLY CAVE
The fairies are definitely still very much in charge in my mind at the moment... The Spring is drawing them out to play so they can dance in the warm spring light.Fairies of all different kinds have been surfacing, you never know which of them will take their place in the spotlight next... Today the pretty little Ivy Sprite has come to dance at the Lost Unicorn Forest...
Dancing for her is important, she's in need of a recharge and a reboot, her leaves need Chlorophyll - which is actually the name of the Gacha collection from Belle Epoque at The Epiphany - to make sure they stay well fed... If they don't she won't have an outfit hehe... She'd just be left dancing naked her wings and Le fleur horns - a gacha release from Tentacio, also at The Epiphany - the last remaining marks of her fairy style! Not that anyone would see, but I mean the birds have been known to tweet!! Hehe! What is she wearing; Horns & Flowers: Tentacio - Le fleur Gacha Items in Goat spirit RARE (Available until May 12th at The Epiphany) Hair: TRUTH - Paradise in Redhead Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory Wings: PSYCHO.Byts - Pixie Bento Wings Outift (Including Bodysuit, Necklace, Gauntlets & Crown): Belle Epoque - Chlorophyll Gacha Items (Available until May 12th at The Epiphany) Pose & Bird Props: FOXCITY - Fairytale Bento Pose Set, Pose 1
In the dark tower there's a very special laboratory. this laboratory is the darkest and most secret of places. A strange little man calls this place home... He works all day surrounded by the sounds of rats scuttling across the floorboards and the lightning flashing through the cracks in the walls... No one dares disturb his work, no one even knows he's there, the rest of the crumbling house is barely inhabited... The only other truly living being is his daughter, she alone can distract him, make sure he's fed and not lost to his work, although his latest work scares her just a little... She's scared of the noises it makes...
Mostly the post today is a little bit of a look of the day, but I have to say that this outfit is one of my recent favourites... The location is also a little bit special too, it's a little bit of a tease for something very special that is happening later in the year! The outfit is made up of a dress called Evelyn from Bauhaus at Uber- while you're out shopping grab the adorable hair from Foxy at Collabor88 - it's not my usual style, but it was just SO PRETTY, I fell in love as I tried it on! I also snatched up at the new round of Kustom9 a pair of the awesome random.Matter Fester Pince Nez... Aren't they cute and a little steampunky?! What is she wearing; Hair: Foxy - Amala Hair (Available until May 6th at Collabor88) Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory Glasses: random.Matter - Fester Pince Nez in Silver (Available until May 10th at Kustom9 https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/kustom9/123/178/22) Dress: Bauhaus - Evelyn Dress in Black (Available until May 6th at Uber) Bottle: Insomnia Angel - Unbreakable Vow in Poison Boots: Pure Poison - Adrienne Boots Pose: Secret Poses - Girasol, Pose 6
I've been getting lost in one or another fantasy world lately, I don't know why but it's definitely a break from the feeling of normality and it's something that I feel I REALLY need at the moment. It's definitely the only way I can get myself into the mindset of being able to blog anything! Today the fae has come back out to play, only this time she's busy working, making pretty clouds...
The sparkles from her wand - a shrunk down Galaxy Pegasus Staff from PSYCHO.Byts - gather together to form the white fluffy little clouds. Her halo working magic so that the neon tears she sheds, add that glisten to the fluffy clouds - thanks to an awesome new Engel Set I picked up from The Horror for Hump Day! I have to be careful though, too many magical neon tears and the clouds become rain clouds... What is she wearing; Halo & Neon Tears: The Horror! - Engel Set in Blue Hair: katat0nik - Cloud Hair in Blue Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory Eyes: Izzie's - Angel Eyes Make-Up: The Horror! - Angel Blush Necklace: Black Bantam - Floating Elf Necklace in Iridescent Cloud Wings: PSYCHO.Byts - Pixie Bento Wings in White Top: SEUL - Rosalia Top in Blanc Wand: PSYCHO.Byts - Galaxy Pegasus Gacha Item in Wand Blue Pose: -Extra- - Spring Thing, Pose 3 (Hunt Item available until April 18th at the mainstore!) Clouds: Half-Deer - Simple Cloud in Bright White Sparkles: [keke] - Shimmer Cloud Stars: Creatica - Glowing Panels in Stars
I'm really feeling like I'm getting back into my old, darkness loving self at the moment. I know that the pretty spring me will be back out to play before long, but while I can I'm going to embrace the darker side. I LOVE being a little dark and demonic, and although it may seem weird, that's actually when I'm happiest LOL. Right now, the little demoness in me is hiding away in self-isolation, a dark figure lurking inside the ruins of a local church, hiding from the haunting sightings of humans on the streets that flout the rules of quarantine!
Dressing for my little demoness moods always makes me feel happy - in fact I've said this before but 9 times out of 10, the darker my look is, the happier I am! Today though I was inspired by this AMAZING "Grayas Tongue" release from PSYCHO.Byts - available until May 8th at ACCESS - it's gorgeous, and creepy, and strange all at once, and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! Demon me always has varying shades of eye colour - mostly the Izzie's Demon eyes if you're interested - but today with my eyes turned blind, I was lead by the eye on my tongue and my epic Peeker Earrings - an older but still awesome release from the combined minds of Contraption and CerberusXing. Still, she will remain hidden, haunted by humans as she clearly states on her shirt - which is actually part of the outfit with the wings from the Post-Human Gacha Collection by Antinatural! - the statement couldn't be more fitting right now! What is she wearing; Hair: Magika - Sage Horns & Hair Strands: DOUX - Demon in Reds Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory Eyes: Izzie's - Demon Eyes Earring: Contraption & CerberusXing - Peeker Earrings Tongue: PSYCHO.Byts - Grayas Tongue (Available until May 8th at ACCESS) Upper Necklace: AsteroidBox - Sylvia Chains Lower Necklace: AsteroidBox - Ayla Necklace Outfit & Wings: ANTINATURAL - Post-Human Gacha Collection in Black Eyed RARE OUTFIT Pose: Secret Poses - Daisy, Pose 2 Backdrop: MINIMAL - Achelois Ruins Backdrop (Available for use at Backdrop City)
I'm having one of those days where I feel a little feisty... Some might say it's cantankerous but others would saw it's just the Brat that I am taking control of my brain and being a devious little cheek... I think it's mostly because I'm bored today for some reason, and it's making me restless but I have a notion to start a little trouble!
Rudh is very good at this kinda trouble, far too good at fluttering her eyelashes as she's being a little deviant... The poor guys that were playing pool - in the bar at Elysion - had no idea what they were up against as Rudh sidled up to the table, seeming far too good to be true. The little demoness was in her human form, and she was looking for someone to take home for her special brand of fun - brand being the important word in the statement... She hid her true-self, only revealing her dangerous intent the the Penta Hearts she wore on her ears - thanks to the awesome new group gift from Zombie Suicide - and her lethal clutch - from Tentacio. Signs so subtle anyone could miss them! She picked up the 8 ball and smiled "The winner's coming home with me tonight" to eager grins from those buff, young studs... Little did they know she was on the hunt and the winner's reward was anything but fun! What is she wearing; Hair: Lamb - Baddie in Red Pack Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory Earrings: Zombie Suicide - Penta Heart Earrings (Current Group Gift) Top: AsteroidBox - Esme Shirt in Stripes Bag: Tentacio - Letal Clutch in Black Pants: Blueberry - Tali Fall Pants in Leather Black Pose: Secret Poses - Girasol, Pose 6
HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE! I know it's going to be a strange one, like a lot of strange things that are going on this year and I know that plans have had to change for many of us, but I hope that you can make the best of it. So many people are missing family, church, or even - and this is most shocking of all - missing a visit from the Easter Bunny! I remember those magical mornings that the Easter Bunny had come to visit, there'd always be chocolate eggs hidden around the house for my sister and I, it was always so much fun!! Although, it was always a bigger surprise when we found one that mum had forgotten a few months later LOL...
In Second Life this morning, Rudh was wandering around her farm saying "Hello" to and feeding all of her cute little animals... As usual she went to see her hens, and collect their eggs, although today she had to show off her adorable little Cottontail Stilettos - from 1313 Mockingbird Lane - to the brood of chattering hens! "Yes, Yes" she told them, "They aren't practical for farm work, but aren't they FAB!" As she was collecting the eggs, she bent down and out of the corner of her eye she spotted something out of place... A rainbow coloured egg, that's not a normal chicken egg... Maybe there was a visit from the bunny after all?! What is she wearing; Shoes: 1313 Mockingbird Lane - Cottontail Stilettos (Available until April 19th for Eggapalooza) Pet: Jian - Chicken Collection Basket: JIAN - Egg Basket Pose & Props: Le Poppycock - Buttercup Farm Gacha Collection in Hold Fast to Dreams Rooster & Skeleton Chicken: Schadenfreude - Chickens Gacha Items Easter Egg: Not Nata (Can't really make out the store name that well?!) - Easter Eggs Other Chickens, Chicks & Coop: 8f8 - New Beginnings Gacha Items
For so many years now, life has felt like an emotional rollercoaster. I'm sure that I'm not the only person out there that feels this way, but in the past few years I've noticed my levels of anxiety and euphoria have moved further apart and at times it feels like I'm riding the ride I cannot get off. It's going to come as no surprise that being on lock down due to the virus isn't helping - it's causing so many people to suffer mentally - I feel a huge need to get out of the house and spend time outside. Normally I'm craving a day off at home, but right now I cannot stand the sight of the walls of my house... Thank goodness I have SL, and SL has so many beautiful places to let the wind through your hair!
It's the second time that I've been back to the The Getaway - Nutmeg's beautiful display space - it's so peaceful even when it's busy and the setting is one of my favourite recent exploration locations. Once again I stopped to pick a few daisies, and as I was standing there admiring one in the wind, the breeze in my hair - a hair-do from Wasabi - the gorgeous little daisy made me smile. For those who want to know, and you know we all do, the pose is Secret Poses - available now at Spring Flair - I can't get enough of pretty daisies! What is she wearing; Hair: Wasabi - Indigo in Reds Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory Choker: [Buzzeri] - Daisy Choker in Natural Outfit: Mossu - Zoe Jumpsuit in FLF Teal Blue Long Pose & Prop: Secret Poses - Daisy, Pose 1 (Available until April 30th at Spring Flair)
It's been a while but sometimes it happens. I don't very often feel like doing something that could be considered a basic look-of-the-day kinda post, but I LOVE my outfit today, it's very fitting for the times at the moment, and well... I LOVE IT! It's a subtle reminder of a very important task at the moment...
The reason for this look started all because of the new collection of shirts for the store Pretty Sexy Things (PST), owned by my sister Racey. Her store is available on the marketplace! I added an awesome jacket from Pseudo and then some leggings from miss chelsea, and the look was complete! I couldn't help myself, had to pose in the mirror! What is she wearing; Hair: DOUX - Ubert Hairstyle Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory Top: Pretty Sexy Things (PST) - Baby T in Wash Your Fcking Hands Jacket: Pseudo - Trucker Jacket in Black Pants: miss chelsea - Indi Leggings in Stripes Boots: BUENO - Fall Boots Pose: FOXCITY - Sass, Pose 4 Backdrop: K&S - selfie bathroom Backdrop (Available for use at Backdrop City)
I've heard people say that my pics have been fairly pretty and rather light and girly as of late, and while that's not a bad thing, I had a living dead doll that needed a bit of out in the air time. I took myself off, dressed myself up so and let the dark little me out for some fun... Heading out in search of a deviant little party to wile away the hours...
At the NO SALVATION Gothic Cathedral they have a beautiful location that's perfect to spend time with a loved one, dancing or even, if you're so inclined, to indulge in a little kinkiness! She dressed up all pretty for her first night on the town, and it felt great to be so darkly pretty and most of it's due to this gorgeous dress from Oubliette. It's a Cleo Lace Dress in a midnight colour, and it's available from Ostara's Altar. I added one or two pretty matching rosy accessories... Some amazing Rose Pentagram Earrings - from Neverwish - and a beautiful eye-patch, the Arachnes Garden, which is also an Oubliette item but is actually the Ostara's Altar hunt prize... Now all she needs is someone to dance with, and the party will be perfect... What is she wearing; Hair: TRUTH - Polly in Redhead Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory Eyepatch: Oubliette - Arachnes Garden Eyepatch (Available until April 19th at Ostara's Altar) Earrings: Neverwish - Rose Pentagram Earrings (Available until April 19th at Ostara's Altar) Dress: Oubliette - Cleo Lace Dress in Midnight (Available until April 19th at Ostara's Altar) Bracelet & Rings: RealEvil Industry - Black Widow Rings Set Pose: FOXCITY - Boi, Bye, Pose 1
While in isolation, Rudh has been taking the time to improve herself, learn a few new skills and dust off some of her old ones... There's no time for things like that normally, so when you get the chance you shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth right?! Today it was time to make a little magic, I set myself up a new little cosy, safe space where I wouldn't be disturbed, and then I set to work... It's lucky I was on my own... It wasn't going well...
I whipped the magic up, and got the room looking perfect, then an oopsie happened! The cards that I'd set out for a reading started levitating and swirling around the room, causing chaos before I could even start. It was a little DISORDERLY! On a side note isn't my safe place pretty... It's mostly kitted out with some awesome Witchy Hangout items in the Oubliette Gacha - available until the end of the month at Gachaland - and some amazing goodies from Ostara's Altar! What is she wearing; Hair: DOUX - YUKA Hairstyle Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory Necklace: CLOCKHAUS - Magical Pentagram in SILVER Dress: Goth1c0 - Ostara Dress in Sky (Available until April 19th at Ostara's Altar) Hand Accessory: STOIC - Semi Luna Pants: evani - Mya Leggings in Black Shoes: CULT - Sil Heels Pose: Secret Poses - AEON, Pose 4 Main Furniture Collection: Oubliette - Witchy Hangout Gacha Collection (Available until April 30th at Gachaland) Hand Art Pictures: The Little Bat - Witch Posters (Available until April 19th at Ostara's Altar) Plants: paper moon - Potted Snake Plants (Available until April 19th at Ostara's Altar) Rug: Candle & Cauldron - Crystal Rug in Violet Brooms: Raindale - WitchySpring Brooms Rack (Available until April 19th at Ostara's Altar) Mobile: DRD - Spiritualists Shoppe Gacha Item in Pentagram Chime Wall Hook Cards: DISORDERLY - Flight of the Tarot in Cups Pentagram: DRD - Mystery Mansion Gacha Collection in wiccan pentagram House: Dragon Magick Wares - Ostara Cottage (Available until April 19th at Ostara's Altar)
Normally the living dead doll in me wants her day in the moonlight but recently, with all the time I've been spending cooped up in the dark I've actually wanted to be outside and play in the flowers and sunshine of Spring... The fantasy fae in me has pushed through the crowd of pretties and she's going to spend some time in the sun to read some of her magical tomes...
The little fairy has had a very busy morning, going shopping at Ostara's Altar to buy a pretty outfit - the dress I'm wearing is from [QE] and is called Lorelei Corset Dress, the pale pink colour is almost skin toned and it's decorated all over with pretty pink roses, but if pink isn't your thing then there's a green version too. She's also wearing some pretty jewelry from Velika Rituals - a set of adorable butterfly jewelry, and because they aren't so clear I've shared the ads of both the jewelry and dresses! She's curled up in an adorable bed, that could easily pass as a Garden Daybed - from the gacha collection Mushroom Room at Gachaland by Star Sugar - she's joined by some of her adorable little fae friends and her mushroom plushie, and with her magic wand - a Stay at Home Club Gift from MuggleBorn - she's practicing her spells in the evening Spring sun...
What is she wearing: Flower: Air - Botan in Pink (Available until April 30th at We <3 RP) Hair: Lamb - Gem in Red Pack Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory Hair Flowers: LODE - Victoria Wreath Earrings: Velika Rituals - Eostra Set (Available until April 19th at Ostara's Altar) Wings: ((Lovely Alien)) - Shimmer Wings Fairies: !Ohmai - Tulip Fairy & Horn Beetle Fairy (No Longer Available!) Book: SEMPITERNAL - [The Truth And Light] in Power Wand: MuggleBorn - Magic Wand (Available now for free as part of Stay at Home, until April 30th) Dress: [QE] - Lorelei Corset Dress in Spring Floral (Available until April 19th at Ostara's Altar) Pose: Secret Poses - Coffee Break, Pose 4 Bed, Plushie, Pillow & Teaset: Star Sugar - Mushroom Room Gacha Collection (Available until April 30th at Gachaland) Lap Book: random.Matter - Moon Witch Gacha Item in Spellbook Pink Lamps: Ariskea - Amitie Flower Lamps Set
Today has been one of those days, finding it difficult to do anything besides be more than a little lazy... Finding the motivation to do anything has been an uphill struggle, but there's one thing that was apparent... I WAS HUNGRY! I could have eaten mountains of food... I didn't want healthy food either, I wanted something gross and unhealthy... Something fatty... Burgers and fries... It's influenced me in more ways than one...
Everything was ALL ABOUT the burgers and fries... I had fries for dinner and well, you can kinda see it was on my mind while taking pictures... Focus Poses had the perfect pose set, the Burger + Fries = Perfect Match set, which allowed me to channel my inner hunger, and I started waitressing at a local WcDonalte - thanks to my uniform from Beauty Factory - to bring happy delicious joy to some of our very interesting customers! For those of you that are curious, and I may get myself into some trouble, but I needed bodies for the amazing Black Bantam Vegan Monster Burgers, so I was a little naughty and found that they looked kinda cute over the bodies of the Half-Deer Giant Bear Hug Bears... They are the best teddy bears, but they also make adorably cute monster bodies too - with a little help from photoshop!!! Please don't kill me... LOL let the burgers do that for you!!! What is she wearing; Bows: Atomic - Burger Time (No Longer Available!) Crown: Pewpew! - Jesus Fries Crown Hair: Wasabi - Jagoda Mesh Hair in Reds Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory Nose Fries: FOXCITY - Tasty AF Bodysuit: Beauty Factory - WcDonalte Potato Fries Tops: [I<3F] - Top in [04] Bracelet: CandyDoll - Hamburger Bangle in RARE (No Longer Available!) Fries Friend: Moon Amore - PsyFood in Flying French Fries Pose: Focus Poses - Burger + Fries = Perfect Match, Pose 2 Burger Monster: [Black Bantam] - Vegan Monster Burger Set Bear: Half-Deer - Giant Bear Hug Plush in Dark Brown Pizza: Hangry - Pizza Fries in Cardboard Front Burger: {vespertine} - Comfort Food in Hamburger 1 Fries & Cups: Half-Deer - Fast Food Clutter Middle Burger: CURELESS[+] - Hearty Burger Back Burger: dust bunny - Sweetheart Lunch in Cheese Burger Backdrop: Focus Poses - California - Burger Backdrop
To herald the start of Spring, the beautifully Spring themed events are starting and there is an abundance of all things pretty and spring-like pouring into the dark Wintery corners of Second Life. One of those, may or may not, have been called in by the witches of Second Life... It's the welcoming of Spring at the Gardens of Ostara's Altar...
While I was playing with the goodies from Ostara's Altar, I found myself being drawn out into the mystical wilds of The Outer Garden to feel the nature of spring... Some how the magic took control of me and the Spring crept into my dark little dead doll heart... Briarflies - from The Stringer Mausoleum, in the form of the head decor and it's matching mouthie - and Apple Blossom - from Spyralle - magically decorated this Spring Witch!