Sunday, June 30, 2024

A Break To Level Up!

Would you ever believe it, I HAVE A WEEKEND?! Yeah OK it's Sunday already but off tomorrow too and I CANNOT believe I've had two days to just relax and recharge my batteries...
I'm going to let go, I'm going to try to think of work as little as possible. I'm going to read and snooze and maybe even get myself to prep a blog post or two... Firstly though I'm going to party the night away, me in my jammies, and Rudh in her typical Rudhish way...

Rudh is going to take this chance to 'Level Up' - which is actually a backdrop from K&S - and dance... Her pixels are charging as she's plugged into the system, sipping on the fancy Disco Drinks - from Schadenfreude until July 12th at Summerfest '24 - that they serve in this club... 
The energy she's charging her pixels with showing it's presence in her gorgeous neon Pixel Prism Wings - available from everfaery for the MadPea PlayXPO - they radiate rainbow neon colours, giving off sparkles in neon colours... 

What is she wearing;
Horns: PSYCHO:Byts - Persephonix Horns
Hair: Sintiklia - Hair Kennedy in Ombres
Headphones: [Atomic] - Neko Games Headset in Neon Blue (No Longer Available!)
Choker & Bindi: kotte - Cosmos Choker + Accessory
Neon Body Wires: Normandy - Inti.Veins MK2
Vest: PSYCHO:Byts - N.i.x - N.i.g.h.t Vest in Pink
Wings: everfaery - Pixel Prism Wings (Available until July 7th at MadPea PlayXpo Event)
Chest: Ama - Glow Power Collar Implant
Dress: Ghoul - Umomi Dress (Past Gift)
Sparkles: Cole's Corner - Starstuff
Arms: PSYCHO:Byts - Connor TX Arms
Drink: Schadenfreude - Disco Drink (Available until July 12th at Summerfest '24)
Pose: Secret Poses - Jennifer, Pose 4
Backdrop: K&S - // Level UP. Backdrop

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Bears in the Woods

If you go down to the woods today, you'd better remember to pack everything that you need for a little woodland visit... The woods seem like a cooler place, not as cool as the beach might be but hiding beneath the trees is far better than being out in the sunshine or stuck at work. Apparently the weather is changing here tomorrow but for tonight it's yucky... I'm going to sleep outside and avoid the mosquitoes instead of the heat... 

I packed for a fun trip in the woods. I had absolutely everything needed for my trip... Bug Spray, Books and plenty of snacks, everything needed for the perfect Summer Camp - a set from Junk Food - at the Summer Carnival... 
There was just ONE thing that I forgot, and it was something that I REALLY needed... I forgot my teddy bear, and I cant sleep without him... I had to find a way to replace him. Then as I was walking in the woods, I decided that I'd be doing something drastic, I'd Kidnap Bears - which is a Tardfish release from the MadPea PlayXpo Event

What is she wearing;
Hat & Hair: Magika - Abigail Hair
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Outfit: Pseudo - Paige Overalls in Dark Blue
Socks: Psycho Barbie - Noir Stockings in Plain
Bear: Tardfish - Kidnap Bear in Griz (Available until July 7th at MadPeas PlayXpo Event)
Pose: Secret Poses - Elani, Pose 1M
Camping Decor: Junk Food - Summer Camp Set v1 (Available until July 1st at Summer Carnival)
Backdrop: Synnergy.Tavis - Anemone {360} Backdrop

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Cute Little Beach Puppies

Tis fecking hot now in the Netherlands, it went from cool to boiling in a short space of time, and even though it's only going to be for a few days it's HOT... I HATE BEING TOO HOT!!
So many people seem to be relaxing in the sunshine, enjoying a cold beer or even doing a bit of sunbathing. I am stuck at work, and although we have huge fridges and airconditioning, I'm still stuck inside... I want to be somewhere cool, a beach perhaps, with some new fun friends... 

Rudh went to the beach while I was stuck at work today... She was able to run around in a cool, adorable little outfit - including an awesom top from everfaery, available until July 5th at equal10, and the even cuter wig from Wasabi - playing in the shade to build sandcastles - both of which are creations of Simply Shelby - that I decorated with shells - actually an adorable collection of Sea World Plushie Pillows from vespertine at Summerfest '24
Though my day at the beach took the strangest of turns... Perhaps I'd been in the sun too long, perhaps I'd inhaled too much sun screen fumes, but while I was paying on the beach I was suddenly srounded by Sharks... Not the scary kind, but Shark Pups - from Aardvark - that just wanted to play... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: Wasabi - Sun Hair in Offbeat
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Top: everfaery - Cayri Crop Top (Available until July 5th at Equal10)
Sand Layer: Izzie's - Body & Face Beach Sand
Pose: -Extra- - Coastal Charm, Pose 4 (Available until July 1st at Summer Carnival)
Sharks: Aardvark - Shark Pup (Available until July 12th at Summerfest '24)
Sea Creatures & Shells: {vespertine} - Sea World Plushie Pillows (Available until July 12th at Summerfest '24)
BIG Sand Castle: Simply Shelby - Summer Sandcastle Decor
Small Sand Castles: Simply Shelby - Summer Dream Castles (Available until July 21st at SL21B Shop & Hop)
Towels: dust bunny - Driftwood Towel Perch (Available until July 12th at Summerfest '24)
Backdrop: Synnergy - Sunny Days Backdrop (I did change the texture on the back wall but the sand, rocks & Palm trees are in the original backdrop)

Monday, June 24, 2024

Balance or Get Wet!

I dont really know what I'm doing today. Things have been slow, boring and I've had way too much time on my hands though for some reason I've not been able to focus and so my mind felt like I was walking on a balance beam... What the heck am I doing with myself? Why can't I enjoy a relaxing day off? 
I NEED to find something to distract myself...

I want colours, I want Summery - although I am definitely not an advocate for Summer - and I really don't know what more I want. I was putting things on, playing with colours, going through the things I'd gotten my hands on and suddenly I found the balancing I was doing on the beam shift to balancing on the cutest Skully Float - from Krescendo at Summerfest now...
I'm not good at balancing, the floatie kept moving under me... I am bound to slip off the floatie soon, and into the cool water of the pool... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: [monso] - Nova Hair in Black & Red (Available until July 6th at Collabor88)
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Glasses: SEKA's - Fun Pride 2024 Glasses (Available until June 30th for Pride at Home Sim)
Necklace: Kibitz - Luniex's Choker in Silver
Bikini: NeverWish - Glow Stick PUNK Bikini
Garter: Six Feet Under- Bound Garters (Available until June 29th at Disturbed)
Pose: Secret Poses - Samantha, Pose 4
Floaties: [Krescendo] - Skully Float (Available until July 12th at Summerfest '24)
Trees: NOMAD - INFLATABLE PALM TREES (Available until July 12th at Summerfest '24)
Backdrop: FOXCITY Photo Booth - Pool Party

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Truth or Dare?!

It's Saturday... It's my own day off this weekend and I've spent some time having fun with HellBone, doing a little shopping at my favourite second-hand stores, even being lucky enough to find some treasures that made me happy... 
Saturday is my day for relaxing, having fun and maybe even letting my hair down and doing something daring... 

Rudh went looking for some fun in the Red Light District - which is a backdrop from Varonis - and stumbled into the doorway of the Society Club. The Kinky Keychains - from Krescendo - were scattered on the tables to win the chance to enter you had to play a game of XXX Truth or Dare - a game from MadPea, for the MadPea PlayXPO's Punch Pass - and prove yourself kinky enough to get in... Question is... Truth or Dare? 

What is she wearing;
Hat: B L A I S E x Ladybird - My Blvck Hat
Hair: [monso] - Misaki Hair in Black & Red (Available until July 5th at Equal10)
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Necklace: Kibitz - Erika's metal necklace in Silver
Jacket: Pseudo - Leo Leather Jacket Black
Outfit: AsteroidBox - Rosina Bodysuit in Black (Available until July 10th at Kustom9)
Keys: [Krescendo] - Kinky Keychain
Stockings: Psycho Barbie - Noir Stockings
Pose: NANTRA - Carrington, Pose 3
Game: MadPea - XXX Truth or Dare (Prize available until July 7th at MadPea PlayXPO)
Bottles: No Longer Available!
Tables: [ kunst ] - Bar table
Neon: floorplan - Neon Skull in Hot Pink
Backdrop: VARONIS - Red Light District Backdrop

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Rudhbow Brite!

I am an 80's child, born in 1986 and raised through the 90's I look back on my childhood fondly. I've been thinking about having children of my own lately, and although I love kids I wonder what kind of Mum I'd make. I'm still too much of a kid mentally, I love doing things that are childish and I wonder would I be any good if I had to be the example... It's not something that I need to think about, it won't be happening for a while... 
I'll just use the time to look back on my childhood and one of my favourite characters... Rainbows are EVERYWHERE in SL at the moment, thanks to Pride, but there's always ONE Rainbow that sticks out... 

RAINBOW BRITE was one of my favourite characters, and I LOVED her stories, her companions and her colourful happy nature... 
I will never be able to make a perfect version, but today I pay homage to Rainbow Brite, in my own Rudhbow Brite... Like Rainbow Brite I've some amazing companions, a rainbow Unicorn Balloon - created by Aardvark, available at ACCESS - that she rides through the clouds, whilst her Juicebox companions - created by MishMish and available at Kustom9 - float along with her in their "Up Up & Away" Mini Hot Air Balloons - from Simply Shelby, available until June 22nd at Cosmopolitan... 

What is she wearing;
Hair Bow: Stealthic - Bow Headband (Available until June 30th for Pride at Home)
Hair: TRUTH & FAGA - Suade in Redhead
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Choker: e.marie - Pride Choker
Upper Necklace: SIGMA - Pride Choker (Available until June 30th for Pride at Home Sim)
Necklace: Pure Poison - Rainbow Necklace
Wings: Decoy - Angela Wings in Pride
Dress: everfaery - Yelena Sweater Dress
Boots: AsteroidBox - Max Boots in Pride Edition
Pose: Fashiowl - Walk This Way, Pose 2
Horse: Aardvark - Unicorn Balloon Animal (Available until July 8th at Access)
Balloons: Simply Shelby - Up Up & Away Mini Hot Air Balloon (Available until June 22nd at Cosmopolitan)
Friends: MishMish - Juice Boxes (Available until July 10th at Kustom9)
Curtain: Astralia - Celebration Backdrop (Available until June 30th for Pride at Home Sim)
Stars: CELESTE - Flat Star Scatters in Rainbow
Backdrop: Synnergy - Pride in the sky [360]  Backdrop

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Nothing Like A BBQ!

It's supposed to be Summertime, and I am well and truly craving BBQ food... Normally HellBone is the first to crank up the BBQ heat and grill up some burgers and bangers, but the weather here is SO unbelieveably shit at the moment that we've not even looked at the BBQ... I guess I'll have to plan a little cook-out in SL... 

Perhaps I'll work on doing a little BBQ catering in SL... Set up a party caterers and plan some brilliant parties so I can get my cook on... I'm not allowed to touch the BBQ normally but with an amazing Grilling Set - like the one from Junk Food - I'll be able to cook up some amazing burgers, bangers and Kebabs - also from Junk Food - for my guests at the Penthouse Roof - a backdrop from Synnergy.Tavis - Pool Party! 

What is in the picture:
Hat & Hair: Doe -  Becca Baker
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Outfit: Tres Blah - Summer Fete Apron in Black
BBQ Set:  Junk Food - Grilling Set v1
Kebabs: Junk Food - Kebabs Set
Burgers: Junk Food - Sliders Platter
Raw Meat: Tredente - Raw Meat Packages
Beers: (No Longer Available!)
Beer Bucket: hive - Beer Buds Tub
Table: Junk Food - Picnic Table in Wood
Backdrop: Synnergy.Tavis - Penthouse Roof {360} Backdrop

Friday, June 14, 2024

Monstrous Psychedelia

I've often said the more twisted, dark and devious a picture I create is, the happier I am... I'm happy at the moment because I've had a chance to relax. I don't have anything to focus on and my boss even gave me a few days off... I am in a good place right now... So today, for the first time in a while, things are getting a little monstrous... Deviously, twistedly, yet colourly monstrous... 

I've said it before but I'm in rest and relax mode. I never fully feel I can relax until I'm back in England, or on vacation at least, but having a few days off after my exam has made me feel much better... So much so that I'm taking off my mask - though in this case it's the UNHOLY Porcelain Mask - and letting the inner monster out to play... She's going to dance in the Palace of Psychadelia - a backdrop from FOXCITY - and drink one of those fancy "Snapped" cocktails, served in a Snapped Tumbler - created by Boutique #187 - while she enjoys the music of the night... 

What is she wearing;
Mask: UNHOLY - Belladonna Porcelain Mask V2
Hair: [Yomi] - Electra Hair (25%) (Available until June 16th at Hair Fair 2024 Streaks Sim)
Head: Curio Obscura - Grinder Mouthface (No Longer Available!)
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Body Paint: [POUT!] - BeetleJuice  Make up & Tattoo (No Longer Available!)
Choker: BOOM - Precious Bow Choker (No Longer Available!)
Dress: CryBunBun - Sunday Girl Dress in Bugsyrup
Cup: Boutique #187 - Snapped Tumbler
Pose: Fashiowl - Geek in the Pink, Pose 2 (Available until July 7th at MadPeas PlayXpo Event)
Chairs: [Krescendo] - Lagos Seat (Available until June 27th at FaMESHed)
Flowers: MadPea - Oversized Chrysanthemums (Freebie coming soon at SL21B Shop & Hop)
Speakers: NeverWish - Rave Yard Set in Coffiin Speaker White
Backdrop: FOXCITY. Photo Booth - Palace in Psychedelic

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Fishy Fun!

I felt like doing something a little random today, I am Rudh of the Random Ramblings after all and since yesterday I've been feeling like my body is just giving up, now that the stress is over... My cold is back with vengence, my back and legs ache, and OH I had a visit from mother nature. 
Right now, I want to distract myself with something a little random... Today we're going to let things get a little fishy... 

Have you ever found yourself looking at something in a shopping event and thinking, "Ooh I didn't know I needed one of those but now I can't live without it?!" That was the reason that I ended playing with the fishies today. The mermaid in me, NEEDED this... I had to have the FishBowl Top & Bra set - from Moon Amore, available now at Collabor88 - so that I could take the smaller fishies on walks with me. The Bigger fishies fit into the Dreamy Pond Bubbles that magically follow me when I walk, the smaller ones seem to slip through the bubble! 

What is she wearing;
Head Band: Candy Crunchers - Fish Bone Headband in Silver
Hair: TRUTH & FAGA - Velocity in Redhead
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Scale Paint: Izzie's - Body Mermaid Scales
Earrings: [Black Bantam] - Goldfish Bowl Earrings Set
Top: Moon Amore - FishBowl Top&Bra (Available until July 6th at Collabor88)
Bubbles: nani - Dreamy Pond in Bubbles Aura & Moon Amore - Ocean Lover  in Bubbles
Stomach Markings: EVERMORE - Siren Carving
Sparkles: Cole's Corner- Starstuff
Pose: FOXCITY. - Bae, Pose 3m
Backdrop: FOXCITY. - Glitter Box

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Time for a Rest!

Today was a HUGE day for me, today was the day that I presented my final presentation for the end of the Management Training course that I took in my RL job. I was SUPER nervous, I was so scared I'd mess things up and I did almost make a bit of a fluffy error - normally I tell the story of the company I work for day in, day out, but today in front of my bosses I kinda fluffed it up... BUT at the end it was all smiles, my boss had a message to tell her that our Area Manager was incredibly proud of me, and I left feeling over the moon... 
Now I have a few days off, a few days to relax recouperate and refresh my batteries... I am so happy to be able to not think for a while... 

I'm going to have a damn good few days of doing NOTHING much... I might go exploring in SL, I might do nothing but take pictures or read a book or maybe I'll even start scrap-booking but I'm going to relax and enjoy myself... 
If the weather was nicer, I might take myself to the beach - one like the Beach Bar Backdrop from Synnergy.Tavis - but then I dont think there is anywhere around here in RL that I could call a tropical beach... Maybe I'll just have to fake it in SL and dress in a cute bikini - like the Tulla Bikini from AsteroidBox that is available until July 6th at Collabor88 - oooh and while I'm on a tropical beach I might just have to help myself to a super gorgeous Tropical Necklace - from katat0nik - since they will serve as both pretty and delicious all at the same time... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: TRUTH - Breeze in Redhead (100% donation) (Available until June 16th at Hair Fair 2024 Brunette Sim)
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Necklace: katat0nik - Tropical Necklace in Red (Available until July 6th at Collabor88)
Bikini: AsteroidBox - Tulla Bikini in Leaf (Available until July 6th at Collabor88Collabor88)
Pose: -Extra- - Coastal Charm, Pose 2 (Available until July 1st at Summer Carnival)
Backdrop: SYNNERGY.TAVIS - Beach Bar {360}Backdrop

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Breakfasts in Space

I had the day off today and have spent it being very very productive, I am majorly pleased with myself. I made the last tweaks to my presentation that I need to do on Wednesday and managed to not only retake a picture for my blog that was missing something last time and even prepare a new picture for my second post of the day... 
I think that it was because I was able to start my day with a bit of reading for fun and a delicious, although not too healthy breakfast, with plenty of coffee... 

Living in the space station must make days seem fairly different... I know that certain places on earth get 24 hour day light and long nights too, but the thought of being in space, where you'll be able to see the light but the stars must light the sky more and you'll never get to experience the day and night shift like we do on Earth... Or perhaps they do?! 
Rudh woke up this morning, in room in the Space Station - a backdrop from Synnergy.Tavis - she had spoken to the kitchen via intercom and grabbed her Libro Reader - an amazing release from The Horror! - to lay in wait... It wasn't long before the adorable little Tiny Tech Bots - a new release from Aardvark for the Cyber Fair that runs until June 22nd - came in carrying a tray from the Breakfast Run - from Hangry - with an extra large "Valuty Mug" - from Krescendo at Man Cave until June 11th - full of coffee to mke sure that she wakes up and feels energized for her day... She's gonna need it wandering through space... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: Wasabi - Glitter FLF Ed. Hair in Absolute Pack
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Pyjamas: miss chelsea - Hati Set
Pose: -Extra- - Coastal Charm, Pose 5 (Available until July 1st at Summer Carnival)
Robots: Aardvark - Tiny Tech Bot - FATPACK (Available until June 22nd at Cyber Fair 2024)
Pad: The Horror! - Libro Reader
Pillows: Krescendo - Star Pile (Available until June 17th at Anthology)
Bed: Violetility - Frost Fortress Bed
Mug: Krescendo - Valuty Mug (Available until June 11th at Man Cave)
Breakfast: Hangry - Breakfast Run
Stars: #comatosed - Starry Night
Backdrop: Synnergy.Tavis - Space Station {360} Backdrop

Monday, June 3, 2024

Magically Baking

Pride is a month of parties, Pride is a month of celebration for those that are different, a rememberence of a fight for equality that still has people hiding away, acting like something they are not and not living the life they want to enjoy. If anyone is needing someone now or in the future, sometimes a stranger can provide the best support, and I want people to know I'm here to be that person... 
On a happy note though, since Pride is about celebration I find myself wondering about cake... Rainbow cake for a rainbow party... 

Cupcakes are delicious... Covered in Icing and PERFECT for parties that one of the most special of rainbow fairies is busy in the fairy kitchen whipping up all kinds of rainbow cakes... Rainbow Cupcakes - from Junk Food - and towering tiered rainbow cakes...
She's a special kind of fae, one that wears her rainbow pride printed on her skin, decorating her Butterfly wings and skin - the butterfly wings and body paint are part of a set from FOREST FANTASY STORE - and due to the events of the month she looks like she's danced in a Rainbow Powder Explosion - from Izzie's - she loves to dance as she bakes... Rainbow cakes swirl in the rainbow butterfae's dance... 

What is she wearing;
Hair Bow: Stealthic - Bow Headband (Available until June 30th for Pride at Home)
Hair: Wasabi - Amore FLF ED. Hair in Absolute Pack
Eye Accessories: [Cubic Cherry] - SeraphKiss Headgear (Available until June 30th for Pride at Home)
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Boa: {le fil casse} - Loreena Fur Pride Edition Fatpack
Necklace: AsteroidBox - Lucille Necklace
Bikini Top: PSYCHO.Byts - Kiersten Bikini
Colourful Splatter Body Paint: Izzie's- Rainbow Powder Explosion  (Available until June 30th for Pride at Home)
Butterfly Wings & Body Paint: FOREST FANTASY STORE - Rainbow Butterfly
Pants: epoch - Kyla Pants in Shine Black
Pose: Secret Poses - Ellie, Pose 3
Cupcakes: Junk Food - Rainbow Cupcakes (Available until June 30th for Pride at Home)
Sparkles: [ keke ] - shimmer cloud (No Longer Available!)
Tiered Cakes: Schadenfreude - Rainbow Cake Tower
Backdrop: FOXCITY. Photo Booth - The Party Dome

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Night Rider

Do you ever have that feeling that you never know what you are going to blog until you're actually about to take a picture and things have just miraculously seemed to fall into place... It can be put together because of anything, a backdrop or a prop, an outfit or a pose. Today it was a mixture of all of these things... A little urban, a little dark, a little gorgeous... 

A little bit futuristic, a little bit darkly urban but a lot of a sexy outfit seemed to pull this picture together today and I guess in that it could be considered a look-of-the-day... I don't often get overly excited by an outfit but this outfit makes me super happy and I'll be wearing it a while I'm sure... 
It's getting close to Midnight - a backdrop from Paleto - and I was reliving days gone by, back when I was a member of the Gators MC and rode around on the back of a super fast mean machine... I pulled my bike - which is actually part of a pose set from FOXCITY - out of the storage lock-up and waited on the street for the bad boys to come around. This little backstreet is reminiscent of the old streets of London, where you'd find bright red post boxes and phone boxes on every corner - like the ones from MadPea in the City Streets Decor Set, available seperately or as a set in PG and adult versions at The Fifty - that nowdays have been vandalized or have gone for good... 
ISN'T THIS OUTFIT HOT THOUGH?! I love the soft fluffiness of the Boa - from Mug - with the plastic of the top - also from Mug - the super tight pants with their sexy laces - from AsteroidBox - and the leather of the straps... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: TRUTH & Faga - Ardent in Redhead
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Glasses: Violetility - Omen Glasses (Available until June 11th at Sabbath)
Upper Collar: PSYCHO:Byts - Black Choker+Spike
Lower Collar: GABRIEL - Slave Chain necklace
Necklace: Six Feet Under - Rosary Necklace
Boa: Mug - Ariana Boa in Black
Top: Mug - Fumi Top in Black
Glove: PSYCHO:Byts - Riot Kidz Gloves
Pants: AsteroidBox - Tiffi Pants in Black
Pose & Props (Including Bike & Helmet): FOXCITY - Rider V2 Bento Pose Set, Pose 4
Street Decor (Including Phone Booth, Mailbox & Bench): MadPea - City Streets Decor (Available until June 20th at The Fifty)
Backdrop: PALETO Backdrop - MIDNIGHT

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Prepping for a Month of Wigs & Pride

Today is June 1st. There are things about today that need to be noticed... Today marks the fact that exactly 6 months from now we are on the slippery slope to Christmas. It's the month in which I finish the study I've had to participate in so that I can move up the working ladder. There are things in SL too... June 1st is the start of Pride Month and it's the opening day of the annual Hair Fair... Two massively important events that need to be celebrated in their own ways... 

Both of these events are for fantastic things... Both of these things need have awareness raised for them...
I'm always an advocate for Pride Month. I've had my experiences and enjoyed every moment of them, I don't tend to label myself but no matter what I'll always ben an ally for the cause. Some of my best, most favourite and most wonderful people identify themselves as being within the Gay community and I love the fact that the world has become a lot more free so that they are free to live their lives as they choose. 
On the subject of love, one of those charity events that I feel deserves a lot of love has started. The annual Hair Fair event has opened it's doors with bucket loads of linden dollars being donated to a cause that needs more attention. Wigs for Kids is the charity of choice, and if you've been following my blog at all over the years you'll know how much I ove this cause. A charity that creates wigs for children that have lost their hair be that because of illness or some other reason thereofre boosting their confidence and allowing them to feel stronger and more like they fit in... How can you not want to get behind something like that?! PLUS because it's a Hair based shopping event in SL that is not only raising awareness but also raising funds, you can get your pretty little bald head into some fancy new wigs as you donate to the cause.
So this is your early monthly warning, be prepared for lots of rainbows as I celebrate Pride, and lots of wigs as I enjoy Hair Fair... 

What is she wearing;
Mask: .miss chelsea - Clem Sleep Mask in Pride Pack
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Outfit: miss chelsea - Clem Robe in Rainbow
Socks: miss chelsea - Clem Socks in Pride Pack
Pose: FOXCITY. - Cozy, Pose 5
Handheld Props & Carrier on Table: James&Dew - AuraTwirl Decorative Case (35% Donation) (Available until June 16th at Hair Fair 2024 Brunette Sim)
Birds: Tardfish - Birdy Tug Hair in Lemon (15% Donation) (Available until June 16th at Hair Fair 2024 Redhead Sim)
Yellow Bust: NOVA - Display Wig in BrightWife
Coke Hair: [Since1975] - Hair Rollers in Coke A RARE
Teddy: BoOgErS - MakeUp Sale Bear (No Longer Available!)
Turquoise Hair: Nylon Outfitters -Balloon Wig in Boingy Buns
Tripod Stand: Vive Nine - Wig Tripod with Block Head
White Bust: NOVA - Display Wig in SpacePrincess
Gray Bust: little bones - Wig Stand in Brunette (No Longer Available!)
Purple Bust: NOVA - Display Wig in DarkVixen
Lamp: NOMAD -  Attitude Mannequin Bust 01
Green Wig: Lost Junction - Wighead in Green
Blue Table: dust bunny - Round Desk in Blue
Backdrop: Unicorn - Backdrop  Beauty salon