Sunday, July 1, 2012

Wow, I've Got A Friend In AD/DC!

Last night was a very busy for me, I mentioned that in the colour post earlier but thought that I should show off some of the things that I have been getting upto... I will wait a bit to see if Fledge posts about her party before I throw any photos onto my blog or Flickr, but I can show you AC/DC.
Horatio Scholessinger, has been a friend for a long time, in many different forms, but he's always been around hehe! He used to be in tribute bands on SL, and stopped for a while when it became one of SL's fads, but has recently been thinking about getting back into the swing of things. If you've never been to a concert in SL, or only ever been to bad ones, you should really try to hit more of the cover band concerts, some of them are REALLY good - don't get put off by the not so good hehe! 
Last night though, Horatio and his partner in crime TEE Dye, joined forces with some some other tribute performers for a rocking AC/DC performance. I do have a few smallish criticisms over certain aspects of the show, like the fact that the performer representing Angus Young remained in a female avatar as she had refused to put on a male one, and other members of the band seemed to look nothing like the real AC/DC. Yet TEE and Horatio stood out as highly professional performers, matching their RL counterparts for appearance and movements! I personally cannot wait to see them take to the stage with their regular line-up, which apparently be putting on a performance of The Doors in just a few weeks! 
TEE and Horatio - Congrats guys you rocked that stage! Shame the others couldn't achieve your standards, but I really cannot wait to see you as The Doors... Consider me as your number 1 groupie fan hehe!
Just because I can't stop singing AC/DC today... Here is a legendary little tune to brighten your day hehe!!! 

1 comment:

  1. I probably should post about my party, mum was asking too hehe. Ooh I'd like to see them perform the Doors, don't let me miss it okay?!
