Friday, June 30, 2017


OH MY GAH IT'S ALMOST HERE... The hairiest event of the year opens tomorrow - Saturday July 1st 2017 - and it's looking like this year is going to be a really good one... 
I was lucky enough to be one of the chosen that was allowed early access, as part of this year's blogging team, and I can honestly say everyone is in for a treat... There's lots for guys not just girls this year, so in support of those little children needing the wigs let's remove our hair, try on some demos and prepare ourselves to get into the event and help more kids, get wigs! 
As you can see Rudh was more than a little excited!! There are SO MANY different hair brands spread over the four sims, from some of SL's top hair designers. Each of these designers have at least three brand new exclusives for the event, and many have freebies or cheapies available for the customers. PLUS this year sees the introduction of the Hair Fair Hares each of which are being sold exclusively at the event for a 100% donation to the cause - you can see them in the pictures of my favourite goodies below! 
Just a few little tips to help you have an easier time of things at the Hair Fair when it opens tomorrow; 
- Remove anything scripted to help reduce lag - no one is looking at you, they only want the hair so who cares what you look like right? 
- Take your time, there is no rush and things will reach you eventually... There are also handy redelivery vendors in many of the stores! 
- Stores with a floating symbol above them contain Male or Unisex hair - so it's easy for the boys to spot them. 
- Remember you can walk around the pathways at the event, it's a continuous loop but beware of sim crossings! 
As I mentioned before there are many freebies or cheapies are available in many stores, these are my favourites from each sim... 
Please bear in mind though that no LMs will be provided until tomorrow when the event opens... 
Good luck getting in and grabbing your hair... While you're there maybe chuck a few extra lindens into the pot and get yourself a Hare!!!

What is she wearing; 
Basic Outfit
Skin: Glam Affair - Seya in Europa 2 
Top: Blueberry - Jolly Holidays (Past Group Gift) 
Pants: SPIRIT - Chill Pants in Black 
Pose: Signature Pose - Give me that Rush 
Blond Bunny
Hair: Blues - Perla in Colors 1 (Hair Fair 2017 Gift) 
Bunny: Hair Fair Hare - Dr Jones Blonde (100% Donation to Wigs for Kids) 
Pose: Signature Pose - Focus on Me (Bento) 
Brunette Bunny
Hair Accessory: Imeka - Delicate Sakura Crown (Hair Fair 2017 Gift) 
Hair: ICONIC - Katherine (Hair Fair 2017 Gift) 
Bunny: Hair Fair Hare - Sonny Day Brunette (100% Donation to Wigs for Kids) 
Pose: Signature Pose - Not This Time 
Noirette Bunny
Hair:  Exile - Evie (Hair Fair 2017 Gift) 
Bunny: Hair Fair Hare - Rockin Ron Noirette (100% Donation to Wigs for Kids) 
Pose: Signature Pose - Broken 
Redhead Bunny
Hair:  No.Match - No.Pressure in Uincorn! (Hair Fair 2017 Gift) 
Bunny: Hair Fair Hare - Mr Piece Redhead (100% Donation to Wigs for Kids) 
Pose: Signature Pose - Oh Hai 

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Hair Fair Demo Group

Coming very soon - July 1st in fact - is the opening of one of Second Life's hairiest events of the year! If you have no idea what I'm talking about you are in for a treat because very soon, Hair Fair comes to Second Life... 
It's a brilliant charity event that raises hundreds of RL dollars for Wigs for Kids... I will give more details about that in a coming post but I just wanted to take five minutes to share something about the event that you may be interested to know... 
There is one downside to the event being such a popular one, and that's often to do with trying on the hair... Sometimes the lag can be a bit bad, you need to bear this in mind and have plenty of time to shop... BUT to help with making things easier to try on, you might want to read this - it's information straight from the organisers, so I quote... 
"Demos will be sent out in our Demo group on the 30th June (friday) you will be able to try all the Hair Fair styles before the event opens, so that you do not have to deal with lag of trying styles on at the event." If you're like me you may want to use this opportunity to try things on and make a list of what I want, or you could make a party out of it with friends and family to share and discuss what suits you. 
To joint he hair fair Demo Group, copy and paste the following link - secondlife:///app/group/2e30d166-f3e5-e2de-ff72-b3da2d06ded2/about - into local chat and join the group, and voilá lag free demo trying on experience! 

A Mermaid Pet in the Zoo

There have been monsters coming out of the world of Pandora's Box for a few days, and many of them are wreaking havoc across Second Life, but not all... Some of them have been captured, held as pets at the hands of devious masters. Being stuck in this world is beginning to take it's toll on one of Pandora's Monsters, if only she can find her way back to the Box... 
The poor little Mermaid - not to be confused with the Ariel of Disney tales - was found on a beach, and "rescued" by a handsome and seemingly courageous prince. Though looks can be deceiving... Far from saving her, he was pleased to have a new pet for his zoo... 
Trapped in the prince's disused swimming pool, in the town of Furillen, this poor little monstrous Mermaid is showing signs of how damaging the once chlorinated water can be to her skin... She's breaking out in a rash, and her scales are beginning to show...
The scales are a Pandora's Box creation from Zombie Suicide, as are these haunting looking Jekyll & Hyde Eyes from [QE], both of which are available exclusively in this month's box...
Now because this is a Pandora's Box post... You may want a reminder about Pandora's Box... As a basic reminder, the best place to go to sign up for your box is the Pandora's Box HQ. Now that the box has been opened the cost will be 2500L, which will allow you to join the group and get your box - bear in mind though that you only have until May 30th to do so - and all those wonderful goodies will be yours. Then after the last day in May the group will be emptied and sign up begins for the following month's box - which if you join the group before the release date will be 1500L! You can get more information about this at the Pandora's Box Website!! 
Someone please help to save this poor little mermaid before the box closes on June 30th... She promises not to pull you down under the water until you're death... 

What is she wearing;
Head Fins: Half-Deer - Mermaid's Majesty in Bejewelled Head Fins Ocean
Hair & Hair Accessories: Spellbound - Sirena in Chapter II Sky
Skin: Glam Affair - Seya in Europa 2
Eyes: [QE] - Jekyll & Hyde Eyes v2 (Available in Pandora's Box for June)
Sick Face: Izzie's - Sick Face
Scales: Zombie Suicide - face Mermaid Scales (Available in Pandora's Box for June)
Bikini: Mon Cheri - Vegas Bikini in Teal
Bracelet: Half-Deer - Mermaid's Majesty in Kraken Bracer RARE
Rings: Ama - Lost Rings (Available until July 1st at Lost & Found)
Pose: Signature Pose - Avoid

Monday, June 26, 2017

Anyone wanna Ride with Me?

Taking a few minutes away from the monsters, because well that is getting just a little too scary LOL, I opened a box sent from one of the stores I blog for to find that they had made some very biker chick "Rebel" Poses for this month's BishBox, and well you know me being in an MC I couldn't resist taking the time to pose in this set! 
The pose is one from Come Soon, and as I said before it's been released in this month's BishBox, The pose prop includes multiple poses and is perfect for the rebellious amongst us. While Rudh's finally stopped to smoke a cigarette - dressed in her usual flawless biker chick style - I've decided to let you know about something that may be of interest to the bikers amongst you... 
You may or may not know this but Rudh is the Secretary of the Gators MC... Well, we're recruiting! I mean, looking for people that may be interested in joining an MC. It doesn't matter about if you've never ridden a motorbike in Second Life before - we can help you with that - but if you're looking for something new and fun and interesting to do, with a bunch of people that love hanging out and being silly, then maybe you should come check us out?! 
If you want to know something about the MC you can either comment here, contact me - Rudhmellowen Laguna - in world or drop by the Gators MC. You never know, you may find it something you love doing! 

What is she wearing;
Hair: Truth - Deja 
Skin: Glam Affair - Seya in Europa 2 
Cigarette: [Nikotin] - Classic Cigarette 
Dress: TABOU - Jennah Dress in Black (Available until July 15th at Shiny Shabby
Garter: [Since1975] - Garter's Gacha Item in SilverGun RARE 
Boots: Essenz - Denmark in Black 
Pose: COME SOON - Rebel Set Pose 2 (Available for June BishBox) 

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Pandora's Monsters need a Snack

The monsters have been released from this month's Pandora's Box and they are HUNGRY... 
What do monsters eat I wonder? I guess it depends on the Monster... I was wandering around in the woods of Ironwood Hills and I caught one of the Monsters of Pandora's Box enjoying a little snackette... Fairies!!!!!
Her sun gold hair that's braided and wrapped around her large dark antlers - thanks to the Aysdora add-on from FABIA - and her pretty floral adornments - from LODE and Ama - give the impression that this is a sweet gentle forest spirit. Yet the way that she's biting into that Fairy, not to mention the almost snake-like eyes - which come with the Make-Up from Vengeful Threads in this month's Pandora's Box - give a totally different perception upon closer inspection.
Now because this is a Pandora's Box post... You may want a reminder about Pandora's Box... As a basic reminder, the best place to go to sign up for your box is the Pandora's Box HQ. Now that the box has been opened the cost will be 2500L, which will allow you to join the group and get your box - bear in mind though that you only have until May 30th to do so - and all those wonderful goodies will be yours. Then after the last day in May the group will be emptied and sign up begins for the following month's box - which if you join the group before the release date will be 1500L! You can get more information about this at the Pandora's Box Website!! 
Watching that Fairy Eating Monster from the Box has made me peckish though... Time for a RL Snackette!!!

What is she wearing;
Antlers: FABIA - Aysedora in Horns RARE
Flowers: *LODE* - Forsythia Wreath
Hair: [taketomi] - Ayame in Sampler
Skin: Glam Affair - Seya in Europa 2
Make-Up & Eyes: Vengeful Threads - Medusa Set (Available in Pandora's Box for June)
Blood Mouth: .ARISE. - Blood Lip in  Tone 3
Mouthie: Epic - Pim's Tragic End Nom in Blue (No Longer Available!)
Necklace: Ama - Fraxinus Collar in Forest
Pose: Image Essentials - Demure 4

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Dandelion in the Breeze

I'm feeling in a particularly girlie mood today- I've been like that for a few days now, don't know why or what caused it but I know that I feel like being pretty and skipping around in a field of flowers - rather than embracing my usual dead girl skankish style. So before I let the monsters take over completely, it's probably a good time to let the inner girlie out... 
At the beautiful location of NonStop, Rudh took a relaxing walk through the flowers that blew in the breeze. Stopping to pick a Dandelion and blow the seeds into the breeze, breathing in the fresh air for a moment as the weather has finally cooled down just enough to make life a little easier. 
Her outfit is something that she's been wearing a lot in this heat, a gorgeous little Valentina Lace Jumper from Addams, that she's accessorised with a cute Choker Bell necklace from PSYCHO.Byts
Just a few more minutes of peace and rest before I go back to reading that new Monster Book that I picked up... I hope it's not too scary! 

What is she wearing;
Hair: Truth - HoneyAna in Reds (Past Group Gift) 
Skin: Glam Affair - Seya in Europa 2 
Choker: PSYCHO.Byts - Choker Bell in Pastels 
Flower: [Vaak] - Dandelion Blower 
Outfit: Addams - Valentina Lace Jumper in N*36 
Pose: Signature Pose - Bitch Tits 

Friday, June 23, 2017

The Cryptozoology of Pandora's Box

Attending glitzy parties was never really her idea of fun... Ball gowns and looking pretty can be fun but she's not very good at dancing! While looking for a bathroom, the inquisitive Rudh stumbled upon a dusty library - the library of one of the oldest houses in town is something that cannot be passed by - and so she found herself in the barely illuminated room, opening a dusty tome...
The book, it turns out, is an old Cryptozoology text called "The Monsters of Pandora's Box", inside were illustrations of some weird and wonderful creatures that had Rudh transfixed, not noticing as a small box hidden in the corner of the room... Pandora's Box of Monsters was awake!!
That's right, it's time for this month's Pandora's Box to open it's dark little lid and reveal the treasures within... I warn you things are about to get a little Monstrous - the theme of this month being Monsters...
The book that Rudh is reading is actually one of the awesome Pandora's Box goodies from Candle and Cauldron this month - along with a really gorgeous map that will make an appearance here soon I feel - I'll tell you more about the box in a few minutes but want to share with you something else in this photo that's simply stunning...
I was officially allowed to become a blogger for the store Oubliette this week - it's the darker side of Petite Mort's owner that is brought to lift within Oubliette - and as soon as I saw this dress I HAD to share it with you. It's a Lucretia Gown - one of 6 different colours, shown here in Onyx - that is available at the Midsummer Enchantment Event, and well frankly, it's hard to pick just one because the colours are all so gorgeous!
Back to the Box though... CALLING ALL THE MONSTERS...
As a basic reminder, the best place to go to sign up for your box is the Pandora's Box HQ. Now that the box has been opened the cost will be 2500L, which will allow you to join the group and get your box - bear in mind though that you only have until May 30th to do so - and all those wonderful goodies will be yours. Then after the last day in May the group will be emptied and sign up begins for the following month's box - which if you join the group before the release date will be 1500L! You can get more information about this at the Pandora's Box Website!! 
For now though, take some time to read this book with me, as we turn the pages you never know what monsters may be revealed in Pandora's Box... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: Truth - Imani in Redhead
Skin: Glam Affair - Seya in Europa 2
Necklace: !dM deviousMind - "Lasombra" VampireNecklace in Emerald
Dress: Oubliette - Lucretia Gown in Onyx (Available until July 9th at Midsummer Enchantment)
Pose: Image Essentials - Demure 3
Book: Candle and Cauldron - Cryptozoology Book (Available in Pandora's Box for June)

Thursday, June 22, 2017

New Dress, New Parasol and a sudden urgent need for CHINESE FOOD!

I feel like doing something pretty today... Don't look so shocked, sometimes it happens. Admittedly not often but I may be sent something by a designer - and although it's not my usual style of attire - I can often say I feel inspired to try something new... Today is one of those days, and today's outfit was helped by the fact that I knew the perfect location for this pretty look... 
For some reason it struck me as a little Asian inspired - I don't know why - perhaps it was the addition of a free gift that came from the designer of this outfit... I couldn't help myself, I slipped into full on Disney Princess mode LOL... 
Walking around in the beautiful set at WHOLE WHEAT, twirling this parasol - which is the free gift from Petite Mort that I mentioned before - singing songs from Disney's Mulan and developing a craving for Chinese Food... Dammit, now I want something sweet and sour! 
The dress - like the parasol - is a new release from Petite Mort, that can be found at the latest round of Trés Chic. Whereas the gift is available in just the one colour, this dress comes in an array of different colours and make such a lovely collection of summer dresses that it was hard to pick the colour. 
I have to cut this short though, I am craving some Chinese Food... I have to go, NOW... LOL

What is she wearing;
Parasol: Petite Mort - Peacock Parasol (Gift Available until July 10th at Trés Chic
Hair: [monso] - Yeri in Red 
Skin: Glam Affair - Seya in Europa 2 
Choker: *BOOM* - Precious Bow Choker in Marshmallow 
Dress: Petite Mort - Essmie Dress in Turquoise (Available until July 10th at Trés Chic
Pose: Signature Pose - No Matter 

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Sleepy me needs a Spring Cleaning

Oh my gosh... I am so sleepy! HellBone had to get up early for work this morning but that shouldn't normally be an issue... The bigger issue is that we went out again last night and didn't get home till late! It's a sign that I'm getting too old for this LOL... You may remember I mentioned a Five Finger Death Punch concert last week, well that was all over the media because it wasn't their finest hour, and last night we were able to go see them again for a FREE make-it-all-better concert... IT WAS TOTES AMAZEBALLS! I'm so happy that we got to see them shine again, even if it was without front man Ivan Moody... Still enough of that rambling, right now I'm tired - have after gig sleep syndrome LOL - and just want to chillax somewhere cool today! 
Rudh, however, is being put to work... I have things to share with you, and even though she's dead tired - some might say an Insomnia Addict thanks's to the new make-up from Nightmare - she's a trooper, hence the helmet LOL... 
This new Nightmare make-up can be found at the new Spring Cleaning Event, which starts today and runs until the 30th. At this event you will find 35 different stores have put out discounted items - and even though it's Spring Cleaning don't let the name fool you a LOT have new exclusives! 
NOW, there is a bit of a difference with this event too, so let me explain... There are two ways to buy the things at this event! Buy right there at the event - where there will be a small discount on the items - OR touch the purple flower located over the ad of the item in question. This will give you a LM and a hunt hint, and then all you need to do is go to the store for a BIGGER discount! This make-up for example, is priced at 199L at the event, but if you go to the Nightmare Mainstore to hunt then it's priced up at 120L!! Understand? All you need to do to get the locations and hints, OR buy the item is to head to the Spring Cleaning Event
Now I know that in the picture the make-up is looking pretty but maybe a bit harder to see, SO if you look below, Rudh has been good and is sharing the store ad, just to give you a better idea at what you'd be buying! 

What is she wearing;
Helmet: Lewd - Narcolepsy Helmet 
Hair: [monso] - Yeri in Red 
Skin: Glam Affair - Seya in Europa 2 
Eye Make-up: Nightmare - Insomnia Addict (Available until June 30th at Spring Cleaning Event
Lipstick: Izzie's - Insomnia 
Dress: miss chelsea - Lili Tee Dress in Grey 
Pose: Signature Pose - Pretty Hurts 

Sunday, June 18, 2017

A long walk to Nowhere

Job hunting is massively difficult, and I seem to be walking around in circles, walking on the road to no where... It's hard to find a job in a country where you don't really know the language. I'm pushing myself and hoping that everything will work out but I feel like I'm just walking around and around and getting no where fast. It's rather draining, and my happy vibe from earlier this week has slowly withered away... I'm stuck, wandering, and feeling fairly empty... 
Feels like I'm walking down an abandoned road... 
Luckily I had a friend with me, my adorable little Pibble Puppy - an adoption from the recent Jian collection at The Arcade - because everyone needs someone that they can rely on, and he makes me smile, always being cute and silly. I couldn't help but find myself smiling as I wandered the route to Nowhere, and wound up at a little bar in the WHOLE WHEAT region. 
It seems like relief after all that wandering and loneliness, needing to wash her dusty jeans and shirt - from Blueberry and cheeky - and the backpack on her back feeling a little heavy, I guess that I'm channelling my inner feelings out into pictures. 
For now I guess I have to just keep on walking! 

What is she wearing;
Hair: TRUTH - Rumor in Redheads 
Skin: Glam Affair - Seya in Europa 2 
Top: cheeky - Phara, My Morning Shirt in Black (Available until June 22nd at Suicide Dollz
Bag: DRD - Wasteland Backpack in Brown  
Jeans: Blueberry - Mia Jeans in Faded 
Pose: Image Essentials - Vogue 2 (Available until June 24th at Jersey Shore
Dog: Jian - Playful Pibbles in 7. White Companion Pup (Available until June 30th at The Arcade

Friday, June 16, 2017

Tattoos on a Biker Chick

One of my favourite things about SL is that I can be covered in tattoos and scars... I'm never normally seen without at least one scar on my face and my major tattoo all over my torso and arms, but the reason I love them so much here is possibly because I'm too chicken to have anything done in RL. I want a RL tattoo, I have the idea in my mind, and am in talks with a friend of HellBone's to possibly get one, but when it comes to Rudh, I have no problem covering her in tattoos because, well, Pain Free!!! 
I've worn tattoos for a long while now, and I will admit that I tend to be a little picky about them... I LOVE Mandala style tattoos, don't ask me why, I know there are so many different styles out there and it's just the one that I seem most in love with. There are also a LOT of stores that cater to my favourite style tattoos, but I have to say that I am always drawn back to the tattoos at White Widow. I love their quality, and designs, and this "Spotlight" Tattoo is one that I have worn for a long while now. It was exciting to think about tattoos, when I discovered this awesome little tattoo shop at TM8, while looking for a location to show off my adorable new top, and tease with the cute new pants too... 
The tops of these pants that you can see are a bit of a tease I know, they are a new release from WONDERLOST at the Vintage Fair, and I'm hoping to be able to show you them full length sometime soon LOL... It was the top though that I really wanted to share with you right now. It's a new release from Nightmare - which can be picked up at the main store - and it's cute with the top and bra combination. The Bra comes in a few different colours, and the tops have varying things written on them, many of them labels for MC members, such as President, Sgt@Arms and Prospect. I've asked Nightmare's owner if there will ever be a Secretary one added because well, that's the one I really need, but for now being labelled an asshole works because it makes me laugh! Many people would probably agree with it! I'm hoping there are at least a few that wouldn't?! 
Plus it's really handy to show off all that extra space which would be perfect for a new tattoo... What should I get I wonder?! 

What is she wearing;
Hair: Truth - Rumor in Redhead 
Skin: Glam Affair - Seya in Europa 2 
Tattoos: [White Widow] - Spotlight in Black 
Top & Bra: Nightmare - Cryst Top Set 
Jeans: WONDERLOST - Donna Bell Bottom Jeans (Available until June 25th at Vintage Fair
Pose: Image Essentials - Vogue 4 (Available until June 24th at Jersey Shore

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Fairytale Poetry

Mirror Mirror on my Blog, 
I'm peeking through the strange blue fog.
Trying to see the Doll today, 
she's brutally scarred and bloody, hooray. 
A Crown of Belial upon her dead head, 
a dirty face mask that's soaked in blood red. 
This Living Dead Doll's a Zombie Queen, 
looking back at me from my PC Screen. 
I know, I know I got a little creative today, but for some reason while I was editing this picture, it became a little bit of a fairytale in my mind... I couldn't help it, my mind just ran away with me. 
It started with the amazing new wounds released by CUREMORE in the Scar Tissue Gacha. It's a collection with some amazing new facial wounds - which I HAD TO HAVE - plus eyes, wounds for the body and hands and the dirty looking masks too... It was hard to choose which I wanted to share here, so I went for an eye scar, cheek scar, some allergic eyes and a mask - but rest assured this isn't going to be the last time you see this set mentioned! 
It was the addition of the Crown of Belial - a Nightmare Release for the current round of Suicide Dollz - that sparked the seeds of Fairytale Villain in my mind. 

What is she wearing;
Crown: Nightmare - Crown of Belial (Available until June 25th at Suicide Dollz
Hair: Truth - Wind in Reds 
Skin: Glam Affair - Seya in Europa 2 
Eyes, Facial Scars & Mask: Curemore - Scar Tissue Gacha Items 
Pose: Image Essentials - Vogue 2 (Available until June 24th at Jersey Shore

Pandora's Box for June!

Last month saw the opening of the very first Pandora's Box, and it was awesome when the box did finally open... BUT that wasn't a one time thing... This month the box will open again. 
On June 22nd, the Loot Box that is Pandora's Box will once again open to reveal some awesome goodies for those of you that love the Alternative lifestyle. This month it's all about MONSTERS!!! YES MONSTERS!!! I AM SO FREAKING EXCITED I CANNOT WAIT!!!!! 
If you want the Loot Box though, now is the time to start thinking about it... Until June 22nd sign ups for the box will cost 1500L, but after this date the price will go up... More details are listed below... 
How does Pandora's Box work? To get your hands on a Pandora's Box loot box, you pay a set amount of money - in the case of the Pandora's Box the initial amount is 1500L - and are able to join a group, which you need to remain a member of until the box is released on the 22nd of each month. Then on the 22nd of the month, if you're in the group, you will be sent your very own Pandora's Box filled with goodies from 10 different designers - that you can see listed in the picture above - and that's where the chance comes into play, because there's a chance you won't like things inside, but there's also a chance that you will LOVE everything in the box... Risk is, you won't know what you're getting till you get the box!!!!! Isn't it exciting?!
HOWEVER, if you decide you want to wait until things start being shown off by bloggers and designers alike, then you're able to do so... After the box is released on the 22nd of the month, the group will remain open - although the cost to join will increase to 2500L - and you will be able to get all the goodies inside! If this is your plan though you will need to hurry! On the 30th of each month, the group will be cleared and the whole process will start again for the coming month!! 
Sounds simple right? If you have more questions then you may want to check out the Pandora's Box Website, and then head on down to thePandora's Box HQ or one of the sponsoring stores to subscribe at the Pandora's Box Vendors or search for the Pandora's Box group in-world!!!
I'm really excited to see where this alternative loot box will take us and cannot wait to see the surprises inside!!!! Let's release those Monsters shall we?! 

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Ice Cream Bobbin's

Summer is finally arriving it seems, and it's HOT! After the last weekend of travelling, and then not one but two of my favourite bands in concert two nights in a row, I'm a little bit worn out! FFDP were great - even though their show was rather short - but Rob Zombie, WOW, the guy did 5 encores! He just kept coming back for more, and I was freaking loving it!!! 
Today though I feel a little floppy and a lot like my head is in the clouds! I need to just take some time out and chillax!!!
Rudh's being cheeky too... My good friend Fin is away at work today, and it means that his very relaxing house is empty... THE POOL LOOKS SOOOOOOOOOO INVITING! He won't mind me using it, least I don't think he will LOL... Especially since I look so cute - wearing a Rebel Hope "Jasmina Bikini" available now at FaMESHed - floating around in his pool, I just wanna hope that I don't get any of my Pink Berry Drip Flamingo Ice Cream in the water!! 
The Floatie that I'm using is actually one which comes with a pose from the awesome COME SOON Pose Store. As per usual, this "Summer Sunshine" Pose comes with not only the prop and pose - as shown here - but also a full scene in which to use it! It's always such good value for money at Come Soon. If you want this pose though you may want to hurry, as it's only available until June 16th at Tropical Summer, otherwise you'll have to wait for the release into the main store!!! 
Time to get some serious chillaxing on, before Fin gets home and finds out that I've dripped Ice Cream in his pool!!!! 

What is she wearing;
Hair: TRUTH - Ambriel (June Group Gift) 
Skin: Glam Affair - Seya in Europa 2 
Bikini: Rebel Hope - Jasmina Mesh Bikini in Lime (Available until June 27th at FaMESHed
Ice Cream: [Black Bantam] - Pink Berry Drip Flamingo Ice Cream Set 
Pose: COME SOON - Summer Sunshine (Available until June 16th at Tropical Summer
Pool: ROOST -  Uplands Fold Pool Water 

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Vintage Movies

Not been back in Holland long and so far everything seems to have been non-stop action... There were Gator things to do, including a wedding of my MC brother and sister - Mas and Anisa! I had photography that needed to be caught up on, and blogging to do, and I had to work too, but tonight all that stops once again as HellBone and I are having a second date night... Last night, we were rocking out with Five Finger Death Punch and today is the turn of Mr. Rob Zombie YAY!!! Two of my favourite bands in two days!!! OH MY GAH!!! 
I have decided though that Rudh shouldn't just be forgotten... She's been allowed on on the town for a little bit of Vintage Glamour! 
She's going to a movie a the WHOLE WHEAT Vintage Movie Theatre... It's unusual that the RL me is doing something more exciting than her and she deserves a little rest time hehe... 
Of course she had to dress for the part though, and luckily there is a little event running now called Vintage Fair - which runs until June 25th I should say - and it was at this event she stumbled upon the perfect outfit. Her dress is one from Nightmare, a High Tea Dress, with just the right rockabilly 50's feel to it, and YES she's wearing it with pink! Teamed with a matching coloured pair of Bouvardia Heels from Empire, she looks perfect for the part and definitely fits that vintage theatre look!! 
I hope a good movie is showing for her... As for the real me, I'm still coming down from an FFDP high and I warn you, it's probably going to be worse tomorrow LOL... Good luck everyone! 

What is she wearing;
Hair: Truth - Imani in Reds 
Skin: Glam Affair - Seya in Europa 2 
Dress: Nightmare - High Tea Dress (Available until June 25th at Vintage Fair
Shoes: #EMPIRE - Bouvardia 
Pose: Image Essentials - Bold and Brassy in B&B 4 (Available until June 24th at Jersey Shore

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Go Bandanas for Hair Fair Bandanas!

It's almost that time of the year, the time that Hair Designers tend to be at their busiest... Hair Fair 2017 is coming soon to the Second Life grid and preparations are well under way for the hairiest event of the year! 
Hair Fair is one of Second Life's older and more eagerly anticipated charity events that every year. The cause is Wigs for Kids... A Charity that raises money and awareness for children that are affected by medical hair loss. I'll be talking more about the charity and the event later on but right now I'm going to share with you one of the many ways that everyone can get involved... There are so many ways to get involved, aside from being a shopper like me of course, and one of those is BANDANAS!
Every year Bandanas are decorated by residents all over SL to be sold at Hair Fair. The Bandanas are only sold at Hair Fair during the event, and, although they may seem inexpensive, ALL money raised from the purchases goes to the Charity.
The more designs that are available, the better so everyone can find something that they love, and so now it's up to us to help the Hair Fair Committee!!! They are asking us to take the opportunity to decorate one or more - if we're really excited by the idea - bandanas, which can be found for sale in the Bandana Booths at the upcoming event. They can be as elaborate or as simple as you like, and I for one always love to look at what people come up with when they are helping with this awesome cause. 
For more information please feel free to check out the Hair Fair Website, and if you're still interested please head on over to the Hair Fair Subscribo & Bandana Kit Collection Point to get your Bandana kit and get started!!! I cannot wait to see what people come up with... 

Saturday, June 10, 2017

I'mmmmmmm Backkkkkkk!!!!

YAYYYYYYY GUESS WHO IS BACK HOME?!! That's right ME! Did anyone miss me while I was gone?! 
I know that HellBone did, as he told me this evening "Now you're Back, get me a drink bitch" LOL... I couldn't help myself laughing and I'm hoping that's not the only reason he missed me, but I needed to take the opportunity to take a picture with an awesome pose set that Come Soon have recently released.
The pose is one from Come Soon called Summer Drive - which is available from The Chapter Four - is super cute, a kiss between two possible strangers at the traffic lights... 
It was nice to just give my hubby a kiss... Luckily for him it was him that got to gimme a kiss... Could have been someone better LOL... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: Truth - Taja in Reds 
Skin: Glam Affair - Seya in Europa 2 
Top: Addams - Hara VNeck Top in N*39 
Jeans: Blueberry - Mia Jeans in Faded 
Boots: N-Core - Rogue in Black 
Pose: COME SOON - Summer Drive (Available until June 30th at The Chapter Four

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Do Frying Pans really work as Weapons?

OK I am a little late with this post, and yes I KNOW that the event to which it refers has now finished but this morning while I was looking for what I wanted to post and found this... I got a bit mad at myself for being so late and I hope that my sponsors - and readers - will forgive me for the delay! 
This post has been inspired by the recently ended round of Enchantment and it's theme of Rapunzel!
While in Disneyland with my family at the beginning of May I was lucky enough to meet Rapunzel, but while I know it's a woman in a costume, it's more the story that she comes from that makes me feel happy and stronger, especially when it's seen in it's Disney form. 
Who knew that Frying Pans were so useful as anything other than for food preparation?? 
Tonight I'm going, with my mother and sister, to see a concert in London. It's actually - although I wouldn't admit it to them - making me feel so very apprehensive, to the point of feeling sick, but I cannot let these feelings deter me from what I have been looking forward to for over a year! Seeing all those defiant people at the recent Ariana Grande "One Love Manchester" Concert helped, but the recent terror attack in London made things just a little more uncomfortable. I'm not going to let that deter me though, I NEED to face this and really want to go to the concert tonight so I'm facing the fears and I'm going to damn well enjoy myself too! 
Just like Rapunzel, leaving her tower and facing the fears of the world she's been told exist, that's what I will be doing today... I'm scared, but I won't let the actions of other people stop me from living my life... Is that the right thing to do? 
Let's talk about my outfit shall we... I suppose it needs to be done, and I'm hoping that things which were available for Enchantment are now available at the main stores!!! I'm so sorry to the sponsors of mine that things are late coming out! 
The dress I'm wearing is one of those things... It's a Petite Mort "Elise" Dress in a cream shade. The dress comes in a variety of colours, and it's perfect not only for the Rapunzels of the world but also anyone that likes a little pretty country chic style. Perfect light and airy for summery pictures!! 
It worked perfectly with a non Enchantment release too... I'm not sure if it was planned this way but at Collabor88, which closes today in preparation for the opening of the new round, [monso] released this Jane Style that can be worn with or without the flowers and is very close to the Disney Rapunzel hair!! 
Right, time to get myself ready for a trip to London, wish me luck... Remember we are "Giants" and I'm wondering if a frying pan would really make a good weapon... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: [monso] - My Hair in Jane Pop (Available until June 6th at Collabor88
Skin: Glam Affair - Seya in Europa 2 
Dress: Petite Mort - Elise Dress in Cream 
Pose & Prop: Fashiowl Poses - Rapunzel Ready (Past Hunt Gift for Enchantment)
Pan: Wimey - Frying Pans Gacha Item in Cast Iron RARE  

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Smoke Break

A lazy Sunday at my parents and although I'm stuck working, I'm able to sit back for a few minutes and find the time to chat with you... Let's think of it as taking a little breather, a smoke break of sorts. 
Of course, because that's what I am doing right now, I needed to get Rudh doing the same kind of thing so that she could share this moment with us... 
Let's just say that it's a bit of a look of the day for me today, seeing as I'm sat here without anything more to say than look at my pretty clothing!! 
So on a set at Whole Wheat, Rudh is taking a smoke break and showing off her new look... I am loving this short hair from monso called Twobi, that I picked up at the current round of Kustom9, and felt the need to pull a look together which works perfectly with this style. So when I realised that this Fetch Zippered Tank and the miss.chelsea Alve leggings looked like a match made in heaven I was a happy girl. The addition of a Slut Collar from Wimey - something that I'd wanted for a long while now by the way - just completed the look. 
A look of the day for me, and a coffee break done... Roll on the end of my shift so I can start doing some real relaxing hehe... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: [monso] - Twobi in Pop (Available until June 10th at Kustom9
Skin: Glam Affair - Seya in Europa 2 
Cigarette: [NikotiN] - Classic Cigarette 
Collar: Wimey - Slut Collar 
Top: [Fetch] - Zippered Tank in Black 
Pants: miss.chelsea - Alva Leggings in Red 
Pose: Image Essentials - Anna 3, Set V1 

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Melting Ice Lollies

As I said yesterday, I am currently on a bit of a break in the UK, visiting family and friends, but I have agreed to log in to work, and so therefore I am online, stuck behind the PC and while I'm here it seems like the perfect opportunity to spend some time talking to you all here. 
It's warm in the UK at the moment, though it seems to be less of a bother while I'm here somehow. I'm on holiday and no matter what it's not gonna get me down - being too hot I mean! 
I'll just kick back and have an ice lolly while I watch the screen to see if anyone needs my help!
I love Ice Lollies... I love all things food related and have built up quite a good collection of foodish things during my time in Second Life. I will say though that I love all things candy sweeties and naughty... This Ice Lolly - a Lime Popsicle from Katat0nik at SaNaRae for those of you that are curious. 
It's so hot though that poor Rudh, much like her ice lolly - which by the way is the British term for a Popsicle - is melting! Even this super cute ripped shirt from Nightmare isn't doing enough to keep her cool, and as beautiful as the Field of Dreams location is, she's not going to be happy until she finds somewhere to cool off... Luckily for her though she may have found the ocean and as soon as this popsicle has been devoured then there is a strong chance that this little living dead girl will be going for a swim!! 

What is she wearing;
Hair: Truth - Scout in Redhead 
Skin: Glam Affair - Seya in Europa 2 
Choker: .random.Matter. - Taeil Choker in Black/Silver 
Top: Nightmare - Ruined Tank 
Lolly: katat0nik - Lime Popsicle (Available until June 18th at SaNaRae
Pose: Signature Pose - Wizzy 

Friday, June 2, 2017

Drinking Blood in the Mornings

I'm not actually at home in Holland at the moment, I'm away in RL visiting my parents. Not that I wanted to make a big deal out of things as I'll still be blogging and will be able to log in sometimes. Yet here I am sitting in my parents study and all I can think about doing is fueling my addiction and writing a blog post LOL... Weird aren't I?! 
I'm kicking back, chilling a little bit and having a nice cold drink... Maybe not the same kind of drink that Rudh would be having though... 
For Rudh, only a cooling pack of AB Blood - supplied by Fiasco - will do. It's the best thing to keep her Living Dead Doll Complexion so pretty, so flawless and well, it helps the large scars she wears clot without leaking on her pretty clothes LOL... 
Today she took her morning drink and went to the awesome WHOLE WHEAT location to look for somewhere to shoot herself... It wasn't long before she stumbled upon this little weird looking - almost Beetlejuiceish - set, and that was where she wanted to play. 
WHAT TO WEAR in such a set, it was a connundrum, until she found - sitting patiently waiting for her to rediscover something she'd almost forgotten - this awesome Anima Eyepatch and Psycho Hole Set from Katat0nik buried in her hoard... That was it, it was perfect, and this little living dead doll was happy... 
Relaxed and happy in both worlds... BRILLIANT!!! 

What is she wearing;
Hair: Truth - Kyoko in Reds
Skin: Glam Affair - Seya in Europa 2 
Patch & Hole: katat0nik - Anima Eyepatch & Psyche Hole in Silver (Available until June 3rd at Whimsical
Blood Lips: Izzie's - Bloody Tears & Lips 
Drink: Fiasco - Blood Drink 
Collar: Kibitz - Kitten Collar (Available in May's Bish Box) 
Pose: Image Essentials - Demure 3 (Available until May 31st at Designer Showcase