Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Spring Springs in March - Second Life Calendar 2017

It's now nearing the middle of March and I just realised that I haven't done anything about my March Calendar post yet! Way to go Me, you're only 2 months into the year and you're already slipping on one of the challenges that you set for yourself - via the creation of another person of course LOL!
So I bring you, March's Calendar for my third instalment of the Second Life Calendar 2017 Challenge...
March is a special month, although people may disagree, it's the official starter month of Spring! It's also the month of my birthday - which I celebrate on March 19th - and that's why it earns a place amongst my favourite months of the year LOL...
So let's have a few facts about March, shall we? 
Named by the Romans after the god Mars, due to it being the month all military campaigns were started and he being the God of War, it had previously been referred to as "Hylda" meaning "loud" in Old English. Maybe that's true I mean I am a March baby, and I've always been pretty loud?! March's birthstone is the very pretty aquamarine, and the flower of the month is the Daffodil - although some might argue and say it's the violet - but in my case daffodils are the more important, they make me think of my mum and that makes me smile! 
Now let's talk about this month's calendar picture, I've decided to share a larger version of the picture that I used so you can see things a bit more clearly!
The look is pretty new, but it's pieces that you don't need to rush to an event to get, with the exception of my new puppy of course! The Puppy is a Jian creation, available in four different colours at this month's Arcade! The rest of my outfit is just pretty stuff that you can pick up in the mainstores! 
I simply teamed a gorgeous COCO long sleeved shirt "dress" with a cute hairstyle from Truth called "Asuka" and a pair of over the knee boots from CandyDoll and voilà the look was complete... A look of the day AND a calendar picture all at once! Awesome!  

What is she wearing;
Hair: Truth - Asuka in Red 
Skin: Glam Affair - Seya in Europa 2 
Shirt: COCO - LongSleeveShirt+Corset in White 
Boots: CandyDoll - Arabella in Black 
Pet: Jian - Scruffy Shepherds in Companion Tan Black (Available until March 31st at The Arcade
Pose: Signature Pose - Hey there!, Pose Set 8 

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