Monday, March 24, 2025

Twenty Thousand Leagues

What happens on a day like today when my mind is allowed to wander but I can't seem to find myself creating another weird and wonderful fae creation... I got a major case of being stuck today... I was in a rut, couldn't think what I wanted to do and for the life of me things were going no where... I WAS CONFUSED... Then I had a momentary brain fart, remembered that I'm in the blogger team for the epic, somewhat steampunkish themed Engine Room and TADAAAAAA my mind went into overdrive... 
Dreams of travelling with and working alongside some of the most interesting fantasy names in literary history, I didn't think it would ever happen... I loved studying his achievements, but when I was offered a trip Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, to the office of one Captain Nemo... I jumped at the chance... 

It's a brilliant sci-fi novel by the great Jules Verne, and is a great adventure that takes place on board the Nautilus Submarine of Captain Nemo. They discover all kinds of crazy things and even though it's a bit science fiction for my normal tastes, it's a story that should never be missed. 
So now that I'm able to check around Nemo's Study - which happens to be a backdrop from LORE for the Engine Room - there is so much to see... He's using a Mind's Analizer to read his rat's mind, he's got some weird Neoflora - from Blue Blood - mechanical flower things growing in an old Mermaid Tank - from Dirty Rat - and everything seems to be electrified... 
I'd had to make sure I fit into his weird little steampunk world... Luckily, I'd had the chance to shop at the Engine Room before I made my way under the sea... 

What is she wearing;
Horns: Violetility - Aries Horns (Available until April 11th at Sabbath)
Hair & Goggles: CAMO - Wisteria F-Locs (Available until April 20th at Engine Room)
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Glasses: Violetility - Rivet Glasses
Pearl Choker: [Black Bantam] - Pearl Drop Choker in Gray
Small Pearl Necklace: cococat - Pearl Necklace (Available until April 20th at Engine Room)
Big Pearl Necklace & Earrings: (Yummy) - Satin Bow & Pearls in Black
Shoulder Cover: Garmonbozia - Farah Shoulder Cover in BONUS pack
Arm Markings: Nuuna - ZINA Tattoo in Gold (Available until April 20th at Engine Room)
Lingerie: ERSCH - Nicolette Lingerie (Available until April 20th at Engine Room)
Gloves: PSYCHO:Byts - Riot Kidz Gloves
Hand-held Binoculars: random.Matter - The Queen's Read Opera Glasses in Warm Tones
Skirt: ERSCH - Nicolette Skirt (Available until April 20th at Engine Room)
Pose: [piXit] - Isidora, Pose F2
Mouse: (:ERG:) - Rat's Mind Analizer
Ornate Cabinets: Boutique #187 - Witch Cabinet
Sofa: Eclectica - Steampunk Essence Sofa (Available until April 20th at Engine Room)
Tank: Dirty Rat - Mermaid Tank
Robot Flowers: Blue Blood - Neoflora (Available until April 20th at Engine Room)
Telescope: Fancy Decor - Celestial Mechanica Telescope in Gold
Table: Apple Fall - Plant Stand in Iron
Plant Cabinet: dust bunny - Midnight Apothecary Cabinet in Dark Wood
Backdrop: LORE - Nemo's Study (Available until April 20th at Engine Room)

Sunday, March 23, 2025

A Demi-Goddess in the Moonlight

Magic is something that I seem to be able to find whenever I close my eyes and open my mind... I LOVE when I just open my brain and let the magic come together of it's own accord.... I'ts time's like this when beautifu things can happen... My creativity starts to sparkle and then the sparkles flow through Rudh into something that makes me smile, no matter what mood I was in before I started. That's why I'll ALWAYS think of my blog as a therapy... 

I love experimenting with colours and even though purple has NEVER been a colour I like all that much, but recently it's become much more of a royal and possible colour for me... 
Engine Room being open allows for the magic to flow more easily, since all of the pretties get the creative juices flowing. I love the way that the magic comes up for the creatures that love to explore the Engine Room... 
Today is a little more goddess like, practicing her poses with her Sunken Fang Daggers - from AURO at Engine Room - while the metals and her metallic demi-god Jules markings - from Nefekalum, also at the Engine Room  - are flickering in the moonlight and the light of the flames... 

What is she wearing;
Horns: [AERTH] - Atrax Horns (Available until April 20th at Engine Room)
Hair: Raven Bell - Louise Hair (Available until April 20th at Engine Room)
Diadem: Sparkle Skye - Elowen Diadem (Available until April 20th at Engine Room)
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Necklace Set: random.Matter - Xavia Set (Available until April 20th at Engine Room)
Tattoos: Nefekalum - Jules in Pink (Available until April 20th at Engine Room)
Weapons: [AURO] - Sunken Fang Dagger (Available until April 20th at Engine Room)
Sparkles: everfaery - Starfield Aura Wearable
Pose: [piXit] - Nasira, Pose F1R
Fires: Apple Fall - West Village Atlas Fire Pit in Cast Iron
Backdrop: K&S - // Dream Garden. Backdrop

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Prepping for the Show!

 I've had a lovely couple of days off since it was my Birthday on Wednesday and today the hubby and I were doing lots of things to get stuff done in the house... The basic boring things like laundry, grocery shopping and vacuuming... It also meant I had a chance to sit behind the PC and go through things that I need to get organised for blogging before the end of the month... 
There's so many things to get done in the next 11 days... Now that Spring is officially here though, and things are abnormally warm, that may mean there will be a lot more colours and flowers and prettiness around... For now, there is an event being prepped and readied, it's almost time to get on with the show... 

Sometimes the show can be an entertaining carnival affair with clowns and colours and magic, sometimes though it is the opposite and we end up watching a Tragic Show - like the backdrop I'm posing in today from The Bearded Guy - and you can NEVER tell what type of show it will be. This can be said especially when the Engine Room is opening, and all manner of clientelle comes to town seeing the steampunkish wares... 
The sometimes clowm, sometimes carnival freak that I am had better hurry to get things set up properly, before the doors of the Engine Room officially opens at 12PM SLT today... My Piggy - a cute animesh rideable companion from Aardvark at ACCESS until April 8th - also known as Parker, is normally a fun member of the show, but today he's a bit grumpy, but he will be alright when he's able to enjoy a big ol'bowl of swill later as soon as I'm done with all the things we need to get done in my Hunter's Handbook -from Static at the soon to open Engine Room - hanging around my neck... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: ZAO - 124 Hair Pack (Available until April 20th at Engine Room)
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Book: Static - Hunter's Handbook in Brown (Available until April 20th at Engine Room)
Outfit: Pucca Firecaster Creations - Wayfarer (Available until April 20th at Engine Room)
Boots: Pucca Firecaster Creations - Maraud Boots (Available until April 20th at Engine Room)
Pig: Aardvark - Piggy Wild Rideable in Spotted (Available until April 8th at ACCESS)
Backdrop: The Bearded Guy - Tragic Show Backdrop

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

My 39th Year Starts...

Tomorrow is my Birthday, and I'm posting this a little early because tomorrow I won't be around as I should be doing some fun things... I don't know what I'm planning to do yet but I will find some trouble to get myself into... I have to celebrate some way though, tomorrow is the start of the last year of my 30s... Tomorrow I turn 39... 

I don't really want to do much to celebrate because I'm feeling sleepy and would rather just have a relaxing day. I will say though, there will be lots of yummy things to eat... PLENTY of Cake and other yummy goodies... 
Anything to have a Happy Fucking Birthday... 

What is in the photo;
Doughnuts: Hangry - Stacked Birthday Donuts
Pizza: Hangry - Birthday Pizza
Strawberry Cake: dust bunny - Strawberry Season in Cake
Chocolate Cake & Numbers: Hangry - Birthday 101 in Birthday Cake
Smile Cake: Junk Food - Happy Cake
Chocolate Cake: Ariskea - [Presento] Choco  Strawberry Cake
Cupcakes: Junk Food - Birthday Cupcake
Lemon Cake: {vespertine} - Lemon Pound Cake
Burgers: Hangry - Stacked Birthday Burgers
Flowers: {vespertine} - Spring Pansies in Fatpack Exclusive Multicolor (Available until April 10th at Kustom9)
Sign: Hangry - Birthday 101 in Happy Fucking Birthday Sign
Number Cupcakes: ChicChica - Cupcakes with candles
Hats: Sasha Eyewear - Birthday Party Hat
Gifts & Balloons: dust bunny - Pastel Celebrations in Balloons & Presents Chair
Table: Dahlia - Gokotta Lace Table in Sable

Monday, March 17, 2025

Looking for a Pot of Gold!

Today is the day for the Luck of the Irish... A day when people go crazy for all things green, drink a lot more Guinness than they might normally ever do and even try a little Irish jig or two. People start hunting Leprechauns and looking for pots of gold at the end of rainbows, and maybe if you're lucky having a nice bowl of a hearty stew... Like many holidays though, St.Patrick's day has its roots in religion and it's true beginnings commemorate the arrival of Christianity in Ireland... 
I am not the religious type, but I've always loved the magic of the world so I'd be much more likely to go on the hunt for Leprechauns and their gold... 

When I was a teenager, my parents took me to Ireland and we travelled around the Ring of Kerry. It was ABSOLUTELY gorgeous, enchanting, I even joined in the magic and kissed the Blarney Stone but it felt so easy to imagine the fae folk and the leprechauns hiding in the flowery meadows... If you saw a rainbow, you coudn't help risking a peek around for a pot of gold...

What is she wearing;
Hair: Wasabi - Cupcake Hair in Offbeat
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Body Paint: Izzie's - Face & Body Rainbow Powder
Glasses: Violetility - Charon Coin Glasses in GOLD & Space Cadet - Rainbow Glasses
Mouthie: Boof - Lady Bug Clover (No Longer Available!)
Jacket, Socks, Boots, Rainbow, Bucket & Hat: [Faunus] - Leprechaun
Shorts: MuggleBorn - Holly Shorts (No Longer Available!)
Pose & Balloon: -Extra- - Pot o' Gold
Backdrop: SYNNERGY.TAVIS - Fairytale [360] Backdrop

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Bucket List Blogging

Sometimes, you get that super random moment of total excitement that comes from no where, that you're totally not expecting and that blows your mind when it happens... When it comes to my Second Life since I'm totally  platform hermit at the moment this kind of feeling seems even more rare. Yet this morning, it happened... 
I logged in to a message with a blogger package attached welcoming me to a blogger team and I'm more than  little excited... 

I've been a blogger in Second Life for a LONG time now and have had MANY blogging sponsors, some I'm still with and others have long since gone. I've had invites from designers I appreciate and had to reject, I've had many, many rejections and each time I dust myself off and try again. There have been more than a couple that I'd refer to as my "Bucket List" stores - though I'll never reveal those in public in case I have the chance and jinx myself lol - but today logged into Second Life and had been accepted to blog for ASTEROIDBOX... When I say I nearly fell off my chair, I didn't actually believe it.I'd been accepted to blog for one of my bucket list stores... HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?! 
So today, my look is solely based on the new AsteroidBox release for Equal10 called "Adeline"... I cannot wait to see what crazy things I can do with all of the pretty things that they share and we get to show off for you... I'm like a kid in a candy store!!!

What is she wearing;
Hair: [Yomi] - Dottie Hair
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Glasses: random.Matter - Axen Glasses in Black
Necklace: Kibitz - Erika's metal necklace in Silver
Top: AsteroidBox - Adeline Top in Black (Available until April 5th at Equal10)
Skirt: AsteroidBox - Adeline Skirt in Red Check (Available until April 5th at Equal10)
Pose: piXit - Billie, Pose F5
Backdrop: blaink - 01S

Friday, March 14, 2025

The Monsters are HUNGRY

I am going to have to rant a bit now, perhaps you may think "well Rudh I'm just not here for this" and if that's the case then I'm sorry and it's fine, there are no hard feelings but sometimes you just need to vent and I think my hubby is sick of being vented at... It's a kinda RL rant, with a Second Life illustration to describe what I'm feeling... If you're intrigued... Read on and please let me know your thoughts lol... 

You may well know by now that I work in a Cheese Store. Our public tends to be mostly tourists from international locations, ages vary but there seems to be one or two things in common that make me think "what the ever loving feck?" It's like people turn their brains off when they come into the store and I'm left to run around like a headless chicken to sort things out. The worst habits come out of people when there are 'free samples' on offer... It's like a monster waiting to strike when they see you putting out fresh offerings. I used to say it was like sharks cirling food but I think it's actually closer to a Phirana attack.. Also, it's as if Covid NEVER happened. People push the tongs to the side and use their dirty fingers which have been in their mouths and when you ask them to use the tongs provided they either look at you like you're being rude or put the tongs in their mouth and put them back on the plate!!! I WILL NEVER TOUCH FREE SAMPLES AGAIN!!! 
Any time there is free food though, it's like the monsters are ready to attack... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: [monso] - Yana Hair in Black & Red
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Top: miss chelsea - Livi Bolero
Banana: Junk Food - Banana Bunch
Pose: -Extra- - Spring Breeze, Pose 2
Backdrop: The Bearded Guy - Tekkuraifu Gacha Item in The Monsters City *RARE*