Monday, August 8, 2011

SL Weekly Words... Week 2

Still giving this new challenge a chance this week. This challenge seems to be a little easier to create something for so far, as you can use whatever you want.. it can be an old photograph or something totally non-SL related, it doesn't have to be a new look that you create just for this challenge - though I will admit I LOVE making pictures now. Who'd have thought that blogging would turn me into someone who likes taking photos hehe... But anyway, the words for this challenge have been up on the previous post all week and I have had some serious thinking to do, delving deep into my inner psyche to find the perfect idea. Recently photos of Rudh seem to have been a little bloody and kinda had a depressed feeling to them, but this idea really struck... 
Week two's words are: 
So I put together this picture... Thing is, I am totally happy being a fat girl in RL. I have no problem with it, and my need for some Bridget Jones Undies. I joke about the fact that I am a fat girl, I tell people I have "more rolls than Sainsburys" (an English Supermarket for those of you that don't get the joke), I have a man that loves me the way I am and so I am totally happy. Yet I have my barbie doll in SL, who can get away with wearing the teeny, cute panties and sometimes I think maybe I actually want an ass like that? 
But anyway, next week it is the turn of the word "deliberate", I have no idea what I would create for that, if I can even think of something to post for that... we shall have to wait and see! 


  1. LOL, your sooo cute!!
    I know exactly what you mean about becoming a picture taker. It has become a hobby that can be fun, challenging, frustrating and the most part very rewarding. Have you checked out Flickr? Tons of pix to look at. SL pix galore, great way to get new ideas for our challenges, and to just see how creative ppl are. Also, flckr has TONS of photos from around the world, anything you can imagine. Take a look at it, I think you might like it. =) xoxo

  2. OMG Rudh you never cease to amaze! It's so funny and cute... Fun to see you in this challenge too :)
