Thursday, September 5, 2024

I Wish I Could Bake Cakes!

I have been working on bettering myself this year...
I've been exercising more and have lost around 25kilos. I'm reading more so that I spend less time looking at a screen, which is helping me with a reduction in headaches and a better feeling about myself, as a way to relaxing and taking my mind off to places that aren't my normal. I'm trying to work on my photography skills, improving my pictures and taking time to try taking pictures of other things, broadening my horizons if you will. Everything is getting better, everything is making me feel better in myself and I'm proud of the changes that I've been making... Now what do I want to do to improve myself?

I'm good with reading, I'm good with taking pictures - and I'm not one of the best but what I do makes me happy anyway - and I LOVE crocheting so much that my blanket is ALMOST ready. I love cooking and make a mean curry, but there is one skill that I am really wanting to improve on is learning how to bake... My mum makes the most amazing fruit cakes, my sister is a champion cookie maker, if I so much as attempt at baking a cake with boxed ingredients I could burn the house down. I LOVE CAKE. I wish I could bake cakes. It would save me so much money if I could bake rather than buy cakes! 
Once I've gotten better skills, I think I could start a business... Baking cakes for willing victims, I mean, customers... A Spooky Cake, boed and ready to be collected - from Junk Food - and a Cheeky Cake with a sexy suggestion that will hopefully get someone lucky - like the cakes from Krescendo, available until September 10th at FaMESHedX - there should be cakes for everyone!!

What is she wearing;
Hat & Hair: Doe - Becca the Baker
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Flour on Skin: Izzie's - Baking Mess in Arms Flour
Top: miss chelsea - Indi Tee in Army
Pose: FOXCITY - Fascinate, Pose 7
Boxed Cake: Junk Food - Spooky Cake Box
Heart Cake: [Krescendo] - Cheeky Cakes in Sex (Available until September 10th at FaMESHedX)
Dog: JIAN - Great Dane Puppy
Baking Decor:
    Bowls: Apple Fall - Mixing Bowl Set
    Cake in Tin: dust bunny - At Home Baking in Cake Tin
    Bags of Flower: Apple Fall - Bags of Flour & dust bunny - At Home Baking in Bag of Sugar
    Jars: BROKEN ARROWS - Baker in Sugar Pot & Flour Pot
    Decor Bowls: Elm - Winter Baking in Decor Bowls
    Corn Starch: O.M.E.N - Messy Baking in Corn starch (No Longer Available!) 
    Butter: dust bunny - At Home Baking in Butter
    Eggs: random.Matter - Disaster Kitchen - Broken Eggs [Blue]
    Recipe Box: [Krescendo] - Recipe Box in Brown
    Main Bowl: dust bunny - At Home Baking in Frosting Bowl 
    Spices: Elm - Winter Baking in Spice Stack
    Milk: O.M.E.N - Messy Baking in Bottle of Milk & Measuring Cup (No Longer Available!) 
    Utensils: random.Matter - Autumn Treats in Cooking Utensils &  O.M.E.N - Messy Baking in Measuring Spoons (No Longer Available!) 
    Piping Bag: brocante - GBBC gacha in Piping Bag RARE C/NT
    Cherries: Nutmeg - Cherry Tin
    Flour on Table: O.M.E.N - Messy Baking in Spilt Flour (No Longer Available!)
Backdrop: SYNNERGY.TAVIS - Shabby Chic Kitchen Backdrop

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