Thursday, September 26, 2024

Chronos Aeterna and her Hexaclaws

 I'm sticking with the magic and heading into another fantasy realm today, one where the sands of time are bringing on the darkest of notions, luring in the spirits of death in preparation for next month's creepy events... 
The magical spirits cannot contain their excitment...The preparations are going smoothly... Magic is being gathered, prepared and protected... There are spooky sensations in the air...

In the Dark Arena temple of Chronos Aeterna - an outfit set by MoonAmore, at Engine Room - our little goddess of the hourglass sands consults the fates via the use of her Chronomancer's Astrolabe - from Quills & Curiosities - and prepares to spread more sand by cutting into the hourglasses with the Robin Daggers of time... The escaping of the hourglass sands is always a lure for the Hexclaw Felines - a gorgeously magical kitty release from Aardvark for Engine Room - these beasts are feasting on the magic that drifts in the air, a warning for the people that death is on it's way... 

What is she wearing;
Halo & Blindfold: MoonAmore - Chronos Aeterna Halo & Blindfold (Available until October 20th at Engine
Hair: Lamb - Secret in Red Pack
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Tattoos: Nefekalum - Artisan Sleeves (Available until October 20th at Engine Room)
Outfit: MoonAmore - Chronos Aeterna Attire (Available until October 20th at Engine Room)
Dagger: Soapberry - Robin Garter & Dagger (Available until October 20th at Engine Room)
Hand Spinner: Quills & Curiosities - Chronomancer's Astrolabe
Sparkles: Cole's Corner - Glitterati, Starstuff & Valkyrie, everfaery - Starfield Aura & aii - Astral Divinity Smoke
Pose: Secret Pose - Wendy, Pose 1
Cats: Aardvark - Hexclaw Feline (Available until October 20th at Engine Room)
Hourglasses: Dahlia - Octavia Hourglass
Sand: (Fundati) -  Beach Dunes
Backdrop: The Bearded Guy - Dark Arena Backdrop

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