Sunday, September 22, 2024

A Knight at Castle Dragonstone

Sunday's are a day for magical relaxation, I let my mind wander off to faraway interesting places... Some tend to be real, others more often than not are fantasy places that even my crazy random mind never knows it will discover... Honestly I NEVER know where I will be going for any picture creation... That's why my blog is a Random Rambling adventure... 
Today, we're taking a trip back in time... We took a trip through the Engine Room, where the time portal is hidden back in time... A time when the knights fought dragons and the dragons protected their gold from pesky knights...

Being a princess sounds like a boring job, sitting around all day being pretty... I'd much rather be a knight. I'd rather be charging around on horseback, fighting the dragons, and going on super adventures... Sitting in the castle all day seems boring, give me an adventure like the knights of old... I'd love to join King Arthur and the knights of the round table... 
My noble steed that I've named after the great Knight Galahad and I are heading on our adventure to castle Dragonstone - a backdrop from Synnergy.Tavis - wielding my blade but armed for Malice - in a suit of armour from PFC at the Engine Room until October 20th... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: Magika - Four of Swords Hair (Available until October 20th at Engine Room)
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Outfit: PFC (Pucca Firecaster's Creations) - Malice (Available until October 20th at Engine Room)
Pose & Sword Prop: FOXCITY - Blademaster, Pose 1
Horse: Remarkable Oblivion - The Quest Gacha Item in Galahad RARE 1 (No Longer Available!)
Grass: HEART - Wild Grasses in Mixed Round
Ivy: EliBaily - Ivy
Backdrop: Synnergy.Tavis - Dragonstone {360} Backdrop

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