Monday, September 16, 2024

The Broil is ALIVE!

I've had a pretty shit day today with appointments for the eye doctors and the hygiĆ«nist, so I feel like my eyes are sore and I've been punched in the teeth. 
I'm hungry and feel like I need some food, but my face hurts... What do I want to eat? What would make me happy? What do I fancy for my dinner?

There are so many different foods out there... Every culture has their own cuisine, and some have different versions of their own cuisines from other countries. It's common knowledge that a Chicken Tikka Masala is the new national dish of England, and we think of it as an Indian Curry, when it is in fact an Englishized version and definitely not the sort of thing you'd get yourself in India...
I love to explore different sorts of food, and have recently become totally obsessed with Sushi... There is one type of food that I want to get myself a dinner of. I would LOVE to try Seafood Broil - like the one made by dust bunny - as they always look SO delicious when you see the videos online. 
Unfortunately today when I got myself a delicious portion of Seafood Broil, it seemed like some of the crab was not properly cooked... There's a few of those Crabby McStabby - cute little crabs from Aardvark - wild crabs on the warpath as I had broiled their cousins... I was so startled and moved so fast my soda got spilled and now I need to find something else for dinner... 

What is she wearing;
Crabs: Aardvark - Crabby McStabby
Food Decor: dust bunny - Seafood Boil
Drinks: Half-Deer - Fast Food Clutter in Sodas
Napkin Holder: 220ML - Ice Cream Cart Gacha in Napkin Holder
Backdrop: Synnergy.Tavis - Kai Apartment {360} Backdrop

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