Quoting Miss Berry there with the title... She coined the term HalloMeMe for this week... The reason being that this Thursday sees the big holiday that everyone has been waiting for. The thing we have all been working towards for the past three weeks, Halloween is coming!
So as if I haven't been blogging my little horrorific butt off working through all the goodies at Horror Fest for the last few weeks, Berry wants yet MORE Horror hehe...
Let me start by sharing some details about my Halloween picture. I'm not sure that will be my costume come Thursday, but who knows...
The Goggles and the Dress both come from the creative mind of RachelBreaker - who I need to apologise to as I have been a bit of a crap blogger for her, I started blogging for her then Horror Fest jumped in the way...Sorry Miss Breaker! Her designs though are so bright and colourful, usually more than a little crazy and in a sense perfect for appealing to my random side! I love these gooey goggles and this dress with the HUGE bow. Simply adorable in a crazy way hehe... I decided to wear some mismatched tights and my favourite boots, along with some simple black rings - the Mandala ring I always wear and a spiked affair from Cute Poison - but then to give it just that little bit more Halloween-ness I cut off my head and replaced it with the group gift from Remarkable Oblivion! Plonking my butt down on these adorable Spool Stools from MishMish as last week's FLF item, I pondered about whether I wanted to get more candy or did I want to just wait for a witch broom ride home?!
Waiting was the better option, so I pulled out a quick Berry Questionnaire!
Did you go trick or treating as a child? Yes, I did. More though
when I was in my teens as we used to take a friends younger brother and
sister out, it's not so popular in the UK, and when I was little it was
fairly uncommon. We just went to my parents friends in the neighbourhood
What was the best Halloween costume you ever saw or wore yourself? I can't really say for sure LOL, I don't ever really remember
being anything besides a witch for Halloween sad to say. Although one
year my uni friends and I went out to a costume party dressed as a dead
pirate crew - all 12 of us in my house looking dead and piratey! As for
the best, I don't really know one that sticks out in my mind... Maybe
the year that my sister Fledge and I dressed her son as a pumpkin. He
could have only been 2 maybe 3, and he ran around in his fat little
pumpkin outfit... Was THE MOST adorable thing I've seen!
What is your most vivid memory about Halloween? I have a movie
story like Berry shared funnily enough. One year my friends and I had a
sleep over, and before they went to bed her parents told us NO SCARY
MOVIES! We'd have been about 9 at the time, and thought watching the
Rocky Horror would be fun! That was great, but after it finished there
was a movie on TV called Candyman... OH MY GOD he had BEES coming out of
his mouth! Scared the shite out of me! Still can't watch that one even
now LOL...
What is the scariest movie you have ever seen? LOL Hard one
Berry! HellBone is a HUGE Horror Movie Fan. So I have become a little
desensitized by the scary stuff, but I think I am going to say Aliens...
It's a long story and a RL one too that doesn't need to be shared here,
but I was going through some bad crap at the time and since then I have
been terrified of aliens - to the point where I can accept the toy
story aliens, stitch and maybe the furry ones in Star Wars but even E.T
brings me out in the shivers - and I have re-occuring nightmares with
them all over the place! Like I said, long story!
Do you ever get nightmares after watching a scary movie? Not
really, aside from the one mentioned above. Though, sometimes I will
have nightmares if I hear them! Hell will often stay up later than I do,
and when he does he goes downstairs to watch movies on occasion... If
those movies happen to be horror movies and I can hear the sounds and
music coming upstairs then I WILL have a nightmare!
Are you superstitious? If so, name at least one superstition of yours.
It depends, but not really. I don't tend to walk under ladders, but
then I am more worried about something or someone landing on my head,
and I guess the only thing I get worried about is the mirror thing... 7
years is a LONG TIME!
What will you be doing for Halloween this year, if anything, in SL and RL?
Well I have carved a pumpkin... I doubt I'll be doing anything much in
RL though. Halloween isn't celebrated so much here... Though in SL...
That was your weekly dose of Monday Meme... Tune in next time for who knows what Berry's Brain will come up with!
What is she wearing;
Goggles: RachelBreaker - GOOgoggleRs in Colour 1
Pumpkin: Remarkable Oblivion - PumpkinHead Mask (Current Group Gift)
Dress: RachelBreaker - SPOOPYgooo DRASS in greblu
Tights: Izzie's - Patterned Tights II in Stripes
Boots: J's - Studded Long Boots in Black
Seats: MishMish - Spool Stools in Lemon, Rose and Mint (Past FLF Item)
Candy Bucket: BALACLAVA - Bloody Candy Bucket in Filled (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Devil: Adore & Abhor - Jeepers Creepers Dolls in Devil (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Bat: GSpot - Hugo in Cotton Candy (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Poster: beach street - broom rides board sign (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Monday, October 28, 2013
Sister Deer, the Monster Killer... A Horror Fest Production!
Back with some more Horror Fest, YES MORE Horror Fest after a brief interlude with some Disney. The event has hit it's half way mark, and yet there is still much much more to show off... I find myself slowing down and thinking I need something more than Horror LOL... Even with this latest set of pictures, I seem to be heading into the prettier side of things hehe... Pretty that is until you look at the monster I am about to behead hehe...
I was digging around in the collection of things that I still have to play with and found the gorgeous headdresses from Paper Moon. They come in a collection of 4 different styles called the Sisters of the Moon - one features a rat, another a crow, there is a simple pretty rose one and obviously one with a deer - I love the details behind each one as they are all different yet linked together to form a set... The decoration on each is subtle but pretty, without being too strange looking, and I have to say these are some of my favourite pieces from Horror Fest 2013 so far! The hair I decided on - from Clawtooth at this month's Collabor88 - gave it that feeling of somewhat fae, or good witch, but I needed the right dress... Thank you SongBird. Now I am sure that it wasn't meant to be pretty like this, I love SongBird but their stuff tends to be a little more on the depraved side - which OK the bloody version of this dress, seen below, does account for!
Though I had a problem... How was I going to deal with the Monster in the swamp problem? There was one trapped in the old crypt... What should I do with it? I needed something enchanted to ride the garden of the beast - or maybe that should be Enchant3d - and then I remembered the Guillotine. It had killed monsters before, could it do it again?
Stand back to avoid the blood splatter ladies and gentlemen...
(Note: No HellBone's were harmed in the making of this post...)
What is she wearing;
Headdress: Paper Moon - Sisters of the Moon in Sister Deer (Available now from Horror Fest 2013)
Hair: Clawtooth - Windswept in Purple People Eater (Available now at Collabor88)
Skin: Glam Affair - Candy Skin in America 09 (Past Arcade Item)
Face Wounds: (Right Eye) Corvus - Scarred Face Tattoo, (Left Cheek) Corvus - Cheek Scars
Piercings: (Skeleton Hands) - Death Row Designs - mouthpiercing (Current Trick or Treat Hunt Prize), AND, Cute Poison - Fallen Piercing
Dress: SongBird - Will You Still Love Me Dresses in Bloody and Non-Bloody Versions (Available now from Horror Fest 2013)
Pose: PRETENSE - Dead Sexy 3 (Available now from Horror Fest 2013)
Prop: Enchant3D - Guillotine (Available now from Horror Fest 2013)
HellBone: H&C - LickerS
I was digging around in the collection of things that I still have to play with and found the gorgeous headdresses from Paper Moon. They come in a collection of 4 different styles called the Sisters of the Moon - one features a rat, another a crow, there is a simple pretty rose one and obviously one with a deer - I love the details behind each one as they are all different yet linked together to form a set... The decoration on each is subtle but pretty, without being too strange looking, and I have to say these are some of my favourite pieces from Horror Fest 2013 so far! The hair I decided on - from Clawtooth at this month's Collabor88 - gave it that feeling of somewhat fae, or good witch, but I needed the right dress... Thank you SongBird. Now I am sure that it wasn't meant to be pretty like this, I love SongBird but their stuff tends to be a little more on the depraved side - which OK the bloody version of this dress, seen below, does account for!
Though I had a problem... How was I going to deal with the Monster in the swamp problem? There was one trapped in the old crypt... What should I do with it? I needed something enchanted to ride the garden of the beast - or maybe that should be Enchant3d - and then I remembered the Guillotine. It had killed monsters before, could it do it again?
Stand back to avoid the blood splatter ladies and gentlemen...
(Note: No HellBone's were harmed in the making of this post...)
What is she wearing;
Headdress: Paper Moon - Sisters of the Moon in Sister Deer (Available now from Horror Fest 2013)
Hair: Clawtooth - Windswept in Purple People Eater (Available now at Collabor88)
Skin: Glam Affair - Candy Skin in America 09 (Past Arcade Item)
Face Wounds: (Right Eye) Corvus - Scarred Face Tattoo, (Left Cheek) Corvus - Cheek Scars
Piercings: (Skeleton Hands) - Death Row Designs - mouthpiercing (Current Trick or Treat Hunt Prize), AND, Cute Poison - Fallen Piercing
Dress: SongBird - Will You Still Love Me Dresses in Bloody and Non-Bloody Versions (Available now from Horror Fest 2013)
Pose: PRETENSE - Dead Sexy 3 (Available now from Horror Fest 2013)
Prop: Enchant3D - Guillotine (Available now from Horror Fest 2013)
HellBone: H&C - LickerS
MY SL DisneyBounding - Mary Poppins
I am having to take a break from Horrorific blogging at the moment, my head is in a spin with all the blood and gore LOL... So I turn my attention to something sweet and pretty... SL DisneyBounding. As with last week, I asked someone who is one of my nearest and dearest, my bestie and Fairy BobMother... Now don't be shocked, Cinderella's Fairy God Mother was not the Disney Character of choice here, but someone very similar was... Someone with the ability to create magic and change lives... Someone a little Supercalifragilisticexpallidocious!
There were a couple of different Mary styles to choose from for this look, and given the choice it was difficult. I looked initially for the flying over the rooftops Mary, but when it came down to it things seemed easier when working with the Supercalifragilisticexpallidocious version. So the Red and White look was the one I went with. The location was easy to choose, there is a gorgeous place called the Serenity Gardens... Here the lights dance in the sky and the bubbles hang from the trees! Such a perfectly magical location, for someone to dance in a chalk painting perhaps?
The dress is made up of various bits and bobs... The lace under shirt is an oldie but goodie from SAKIDE, the skirt is no longer available I'm afraid since the change over from Sugar to yumyums, and the red bustier is from ToXiC HiGh. I accessorised my own version of Mary with this gorgeous new collar, made of belts, from SAKIDE that is available in a handful of colours and these cute shoes from JD, which with the help of their useful HUD I changed to red hehe... OH and I cant forget to mention my umbrella! It's not quiet the dainty lacy parasol that Mary carries but then I'm not really the dainty lacy Mary either hehe... This one comes from the Oh My Gacha event - that finishes on October 31st - and can be found in the CatniP gacha!
What is she wearing;
Hair: Truth - Velvet in Crow
Skin: Glam Affair - Candy Skin in America 09 (Past Arcade Item)
Face Wounds: (Right Eye) Corvus - Scarred Face Tattoo, (Left Cheek) Corvus - Cheek Scars
Collar: SAKIDE - Attitude Collar in White
Undershirt: SAKIDE - Delicate Bodysuit in White Lace
Corset Top: ToXiC HiGh - Nelly Tops in Red
Skirt: Sugar - Satin Skater Skirt in Snow White (No Longer Available!)
Shoes: JD - Catty in white
Umbrella: CatniP - Haunted Parasol (Available now at OMG Oh My Gacha)
Pose: Starry Heaven - Reo Poses 1
Mary Poppins is the nanny that most children may well have dreamed about having. She is strict without being mean, and caring without being overly so. She transformed the lives of Jane and Michael, whilst taking them on magical adventures through chalk paintings, dancing on roof tops and even having tea parties on the ceiling. Even without all of that, she reminds me a little of my own Fairy BobMother, who has the ability to change any mood of mine into something a little happier. I just hope that when the wind changes, my own Mary Poppins doesn't fly off to help someone else... I want to keep her here with me! There were a couple of different Mary styles to choose from for this look, and given the choice it was difficult. I looked initially for the flying over the rooftops Mary, but when it came down to it things seemed easier when working with the Supercalifragilisticexpallidocious version. So the Red and White look was the one I went with. The location was easy to choose, there is a gorgeous place called the Serenity Gardens... Here the lights dance in the sky and the bubbles hang from the trees! Such a perfectly magical location, for someone to dance in a chalk painting perhaps?
The dress is made up of various bits and bobs... The lace under shirt is an oldie but goodie from SAKIDE, the skirt is no longer available I'm afraid since the change over from Sugar to yumyums, and the red bustier is from ToXiC HiGh. I accessorised my own version of Mary with this gorgeous new collar, made of belts, from SAKIDE that is available in a handful of colours and these cute shoes from JD, which with the help of their useful HUD I changed to red hehe... OH and I cant forget to mention my umbrella! It's not quiet the dainty lacy parasol that Mary carries but then I'm not really the dainty lacy Mary either hehe... This one comes from the Oh My Gacha event - that finishes on October 31st - and can be found in the CatniP gacha!
What is she wearing;
Hair: Truth - Velvet in Crow
Skin: Glam Affair - Candy Skin in America 09 (Past Arcade Item)
Face Wounds: (Right Eye) Corvus - Scarred Face Tattoo, (Left Cheek) Corvus - Cheek Scars
Collar: SAKIDE - Attitude Collar in White
Undershirt: SAKIDE - Delicate Bodysuit in White Lace
Corset Top: ToXiC HiGh - Nelly Tops in Red
Skirt: Sugar - Satin Skater Skirt in Snow White (No Longer Available!)
Shoes: JD - Catty in white
Umbrella: CatniP - Haunted Parasol (Available now at OMG Oh My Gacha)
Pose: Starry Heaven - Reo Poses 1
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Trick Or Treat, Smell my Feet, Give me something, Good to eat!
Its the weekend before Halloween... With loads of people out celebrating tonight, I had no where to go *sniffs* so I sat around playing with some of my photos to find something to share with you.
It is almost time to Trick or Treat... Not something we get a lot of in Holland, but I have got a GIANT pumpkin and will have a bowl of candy ready so long as I can keep Hell away from it!
The great thing about SL though is that you can do anything here... I love the thought of Trick or Treating in the American way. In Europe it seems to be a lot less subdued and you get maybe one or two groups of little kids - a few groups of scary looking teenagers with a plastic mask on! Still, you see the American way in movies and on TV and think, that looks like fun... In SL you can actually live it out the American way!!!
Havenhollow is a trick or treat sim and it feels like something straight out of a movie - I'm sure it feels more realistic for any Americans out there - but I had a really good time skipping around the street with my Best Boy Friend Nick... Although we did stumble upon a rather scary looking haunted house, and a quiet cemetery in the woods!
Nick being the braver of the two of us - who'd have thought, a scared of a cemetery living dead dolly - carried the flashlight... I held on tight to my candy and my cleaver shaped purse from Tentacio at the Perfect Wardrobe... Maybe the fact it looked like a cleaver would keep them away? Oh and running in heels... great for the leg muscle definition in short bursts, not so much for running away from things - only to have to run back and drag your friend out of the dark, huh Nick? *giggles* Once again he is going to kill me for that... Never mind!
Still I'm wearing yet another item from Horror Fest, and OK it's not fancy dress but technically I am usually dead so I figured I was exempt from costumes... The dress comes from Horror Fest, more specifically The Plastik at Horror Fest.
Though anyway, enough rambling, I have candy to collect, some more to steal from Nick's bucket when he's not looking and spooky things to hide from... Enjoy one last pretty picture before I stuff my face with chocolate... Mmmmm....
What is she wearing;
Hair: Ploom - Isabel (Released for the 13 Nights of Horror)
Skin: Glam Affair - Candy Skin in America 09 (Past Arcade Item)
Face Wounds: (Right Eye) Corvus - Scarred Face Tattoo, (Left Cheek) Corvus - Cheek Scars
Piercings: (Skeleton Hands) - Death Row Designs - mouthpiercing (Current Trick or Treat Hunt Prize), AND, Cute Poison - Fallen Piercing
Dress: The Plastik - Viviana Dress in Headshot (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Bag: Tentacio - Killer Purse (Available now at Perfect Wardrobe)
Tights: Izzies - Patterned Tights IIin Fishnet
Shoes: JD - Catty in White, with Socks
It is almost time to Trick or Treat... Not something we get a lot of in Holland, but I have got a GIANT pumpkin and will have a bowl of candy ready so long as I can keep Hell away from it!
The great thing about SL though is that you can do anything here... I love the thought of Trick or Treating in the American way. In Europe it seems to be a lot less subdued and you get maybe one or two groups of little kids - a few groups of scary looking teenagers with a plastic mask on! Still, you see the American way in movies and on TV and think, that looks like fun... In SL you can actually live it out the American way!!!
Havenhollow is a trick or treat sim and it feels like something straight out of a movie - I'm sure it feels more realistic for any Americans out there - but I had a really good time skipping around the street with my Best Boy Friend Nick... Although we did stumble upon a rather scary looking haunted house, and a quiet cemetery in the woods!
Nick being the braver of the two of us - who'd have thought, a scared of a cemetery living dead dolly - carried the flashlight... I held on tight to my candy and my cleaver shaped purse from Tentacio at the Perfect Wardrobe... Maybe the fact it looked like a cleaver would keep them away? Oh and running in heels... great for the leg muscle definition in short bursts, not so much for running away from things - only to have to run back and drag your friend out of the dark, huh Nick? *giggles* Once again he is going to kill me for that... Never mind!
Still I'm wearing yet another item from Horror Fest, and OK it's not fancy dress but technically I am usually dead so I figured I was exempt from costumes... The dress comes from Horror Fest, more specifically The Plastik at Horror Fest.
Though anyway, enough rambling, I have candy to collect, some more to steal from Nick's bucket when he's not looking and spooky things to hide from... Enjoy one last pretty picture before I stuff my face with chocolate... Mmmmm....
What is she wearing;
Hair: Ploom - Isabel (Released for the 13 Nights of Horror)
Skin: Glam Affair - Candy Skin in America 09 (Past Arcade Item)
Face Wounds: (Right Eye) Corvus - Scarred Face Tattoo, (Left Cheek) Corvus - Cheek Scars
Piercings: (Skeleton Hands) - Death Row Designs - mouthpiercing (Current Trick or Treat Hunt Prize), AND, Cute Poison - Fallen Piercing
Dress: The Plastik - Viviana Dress in Headshot (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Bag: Tentacio - Killer Purse (Available now at Perfect Wardrobe)
Tights: Izzies - Patterned Tights IIin Fishnet
Shoes: JD - Catty in White, with Socks
Saturday, October 26, 2013
I love a Morning Horror Haute Movie... Bugger I missed it!
In amidst all of the Horror, I am going to bring yet MORE Horror. OK, so I lied a little in the last post, I am bringing more horror, but is its the season and this time however it comes with a little twist, not Horror Festing, but Horror Hauting! The Horror Haute event must not be forgotten in all the Horror Festing craziness and as this month was a big month for horror I really do not mind bringing just that little bit more. I was talking to Nick about this last night, told him that there was a lot of horror on my plate at the moment and he pointed out to me - a rather obvious point that I had forgotten - Rudh is a living dead dolly LOL, what did I expect?! I live my every day like this and when I actually get to work on the style I love I say I want rainbows LOL... I guess he has a point.
Still, I have a LOT more coming from the Horror Fest but I did not want people to forget the always awesome Horror Haute that occurs every month. This month we have a bumper Horror Haute to enjoy too, one that is themed on Tim Burton's works!
This is my second look for this month's line up, but don't forget that it runs until the end of the month!
First off I LOVE this location, it's a somewhat ruined city scape called The Looking Glass, but not post-apocalyptic style just aged and abandoned. I discovered the place due to a list of great photographic locations, shared with me by my Fairy BobMother, but I feel that this list is definitely worth checking out for yourself - take a look on Carol's Style website!
I kept most of the look fairly simple and allowed the outfit to speak for itself, teaming a cute dress from Czarny Kanarek with some adorable Jack Skellington socks from Tasty Pudding and an over the top necklace - released within last week's FLF line-up - from Pure Poison. As I was going to the movies that night, I grabbed a bag to complete my look - a bag from {W&R} - shame however that I made to the movies just a little too late hehe!
What is she wearing;
Hair: Ploom - Jacquie
Skin: Glam Affair - Candy Skin in America 09 (Past Arcade Item)
Face Wounds: (Right Eye) Corvus - Scarred Face Tattoo, (Left Cheek) Corvus - Cheek Scars
Piercings: (Skeleton Hands) - Death Row Designs - mouthpiercing (Current Trick or Treat Hunt Prize), AND, CoLLisions - Juno Facial Piercing & Ear Gauges Set (HORROR HAUTE OCTOBER)
Necklace: Pure Poison - Black Arachnide Jewelry (Part of a set with Earrings) (Past FLF Item)
Dress: Czarny Kanarek - Morning love mesh dress (HORROR HAUTE OCTOBER)
Hands: SLink - AvEnhance Hands in Female Casual
Bag: {W&R} - This Is Halloween Bag (HORROR HAUTE OCTOBER)
Socks: Tasty Pudding - NBX 3 Stockings (HORROR HAUTE OCTOBER) (Available from the Special HH Gachas)
Pose: Ploom - Bones 1 (Past Gift)
Still, I have a LOT more coming from the Horror Fest but I did not want people to forget the always awesome Horror Haute that occurs every month. This month we have a bumper Horror Haute to enjoy too, one that is themed on Tim Burton's works!
This is my second look for this month's line up, but don't forget that it runs until the end of the month!
First off I LOVE this location, it's a somewhat ruined city scape called The Looking Glass, but not post-apocalyptic style just aged and abandoned. I discovered the place due to a list of great photographic locations, shared with me by my Fairy BobMother, but I feel that this list is definitely worth checking out for yourself - take a look on Carol's Style website!
I kept most of the look fairly simple and allowed the outfit to speak for itself, teaming a cute dress from Czarny Kanarek with some adorable Jack Skellington socks from Tasty Pudding and an over the top necklace - released within last week's FLF line-up - from Pure Poison. As I was going to the movies that night, I grabbed a bag to complete my look - a bag from {W&R} - shame however that I made to the movies just a little too late hehe!
What is she wearing;
Hair: Ploom - Jacquie
Skin: Glam Affair - Candy Skin in America 09 (Past Arcade Item)
Face Wounds: (Right Eye) Corvus - Scarred Face Tattoo, (Left Cheek) Corvus - Cheek Scars
Piercings: (Skeleton Hands) - Death Row Designs - mouthpiercing (Current Trick or Treat Hunt Prize), AND, CoLLisions - Juno Facial Piercing & Ear Gauges Set (HORROR HAUTE OCTOBER)
Necklace: Pure Poison - Black Arachnide Jewelry (Part of a set with Earrings) (Past FLF Item)
Dress: Czarny Kanarek - Morning love mesh dress (HORROR HAUTE OCTOBER)
Hands: SLink - AvEnhance Hands in Female Casual
Bag: {W&R} - This Is Halloween Bag (HORROR HAUTE OCTOBER)
Socks: Tasty Pudding - NBX 3 Stockings (HORROR HAUTE OCTOBER) (Available from the Special HH Gachas)
Pose: Ploom - Bones 1 (Past Gift)
Friday, October 25, 2013
Horrific Ice Cream? It's a Horror Fest Production!
Please don't roll your eyes, but I have yet MORE from the awesomeness that is Horror Fest 2013 - I promise the post after this will be about something completely different... I have to work out what, but it won't be Horrorific! Besides, I have Ice Cream?!
Now I will admit something... So far this has been the hardest picture to work on... Mostly because of the skin I used. I have a bit of a dislike of clowns, but there is more to it than that, basically I have had nightmares for the longest time, and have since been told when talking to people about them they sound much like the SAW movies - and I've also been told this skin is based on the clown of the same movie series. Since hearing and seeing that I have found it harder to work on this photo, but how could I not showcase it... It looks so cute with the outfit, and it comes from the art skills of my favourite skin designer - Miss Iokko Molko - I really needed to share it! Plus, Ice Cream!?!
I decided to stay in the garden at home for this photo shoot, I wanted to be able to make a mess and rez things so it was the simplest option, but luckily I found a place behind one of our old wood shacks where the witch that I am could set up a special Ice-Cream truck - courtesy of Aphrodite Shop!
The look - as I have mentioned before - was based around this Alli Skin in it's Creepy Dolly version from yumyums. The outfit was something I wanted to look a little clownish, but not overly obviously so, and so when I pulled on this adorable Varla Tutu dress from Faster Pussycat and teamed it with the Raven Hood from fri. the look came together nicely. After that, and with any outfit, it was just a matter of accessorising... Some scary looking boots - old ones by favourites from Remarkable Oblivion, as well as a pretty forehead jewel from Keystone, but then to give it more of a sinister look I replaced my normal green eyes with these fabulously monstrous Mutant Creature Eyes and some dainty looking fangs from The Stringer Mausoleum... I posed, using one of the PRETENSE Brains Poses but there was something missing, I rummaged through the Horror Fest collection and a little bat covered in stars - flew like a Silent Sparrow through the air to perch on my shoulder - while my hand grabbed for my trick or treat bucket - from BALACLAVA - I knew the recent Bike accident would mean that Hell was useful for something *cackles like a crazy person*... Finally he has his uses!
What is she wearing;
Hood: fri. - Raven Hood in Magic (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Hair: Wasabi Pills - Sarah
Head Jewel: Keystone - Aquilia (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Skin: yumyums - Alli Skin in Creepy Doll (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Eyes: The Stringer Mausoleum - Mutant Creature Eyes (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Fangs: The Stringer Mausoleum - Fangs in Clean (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Bat: Silent Sparrow - Stella Fledermaus Batty (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Dress: Faster Pussycat - Varla in navy and stripe (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Bucket: BALACLAVA - Bloody Candy Bucket (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Boots: Remarkable Oblivion - Hobnails in Leather (Past Fameshed Item)
Pose: PRETENSE - BRAINS (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Ice-Cream Truck: Aphrodite Shop - Halloween Ice Cream Cart (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Now I will admit something... So far this has been the hardest picture to work on... Mostly because of the skin I used. I have a bit of a dislike of clowns, but there is more to it than that, basically I have had nightmares for the longest time, and have since been told when talking to people about them they sound much like the SAW movies - and I've also been told this skin is based on the clown of the same movie series. Since hearing and seeing that I have found it harder to work on this photo, but how could I not showcase it... It looks so cute with the outfit, and it comes from the art skills of my favourite skin designer - Miss Iokko Molko - I really needed to share it! Plus, Ice Cream!?!
I decided to stay in the garden at home for this photo shoot, I wanted to be able to make a mess and rez things so it was the simplest option, but luckily I found a place behind one of our old wood shacks where the witch that I am could set up a special Ice-Cream truck - courtesy of Aphrodite Shop!
The look - as I have mentioned before - was based around this Alli Skin in it's Creepy Dolly version from yumyums. The outfit was something I wanted to look a little clownish, but not overly obviously so, and so when I pulled on this adorable Varla Tutu dress from Faster Pussycat and teamed it with the Raven Hood from fri. the look came together nicely. After that, and with any outfit, it was just a matter of accessorising... Some scary looking boots - old ones by favourites from Remarkable Oblivion, as well as a pretty forehead jewel from Keystone, but then to give it more of a sinister look I replaced my normal green eyes with these fabulously monstrous Mutant Creature Eyes and some dainty looking fangs from The Stringer Mausoleum... I posed, using one of the PRETENSE Brains Poses but there was something missing, I rummaged through the Horror Fest collection and a little bat covered in stars - flew like a Silent Sparrow through the air to perch on my shoulder - while my hand grabbed for my trick or treat bucket - from BALACLAVA - I knew the recent Bike accident would mean that Hell was useful for something *cackles like a crazy person*... Finally he has his uses!
What is she wearing;
Hood: fri. - Raven Hood in Magic (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Hair: Wasabi Pills - Sarah
Head Jewel: Keystone - Aquilia (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Skin: yumyums - Alli Skin in Creepy Doll (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Eyes: The Stringer Mausoleum - Mutant Creature Eyes (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Fangs: The Stringer Mausoleum - Fangs in Clean (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Bat: Silent Sparrow - Stella Fledermaus Batty (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Dress: Faster Pussycat - Varla in navy and stripe (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Bucket: BALACLAVA - Bloody Candy Bucket (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Boots: Remarkable Oblivion - Hobnails in Leather (Past Fameshed Item)
Pose: PRETENSE - BRAINS (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Ice-Cream Truck: Aphrodite Shop - Halloween Ice Cream Cart (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Thursday, October 24, 2013
A Horror Fest of a Bike Accident
More Horror, More Fun Fun Fun... I LOVE this time of the year. Who needs Christmas? Who needs the summer? Who needs Easter with all it's chocolatey eggs? NOT ME! I would much rather have Halloween over and over again, I mean OK it might get a little boring and I suppose most days in Rudh land tend to be like Halloween considering the amount that I am a living dead girl, but I just hope that you are enjoying reading about it as much as I am enjoying playing with it LOL.
This time I managed to rope HellBone into things, although he was fussing about having to change LOL - I had to take him as he was, only managing to make him take his Biker Vest off because I told him I didn't want to make him look like he'd been in an accident whilst he was wearing his "colours" - or MC logo! I wanted the photo to be something a little simple, after the craziness that was my epic story from last Horror Fest... So Hell and I had a bit of an accident, nothing to horrific though!
Ignoring Hell's outfit, because to be fair if you want anything he has on I am sure it is somewhere in an older post, we can look over at his new bike instead. This is one he made for our store Hogs and Cart Wheels, it's a one seater - maybe why we had the accident then? - but the sleek lines made it perfect for something slightly sinister looking, perhaps? Though luckily when they came to draw the lines around the bodies we were holding hands together into the Afterlife, thanks to the gorgeous couples pose from the Horror Fest gacha by the pose store Infiniti.
My whole outfit however, was inspired by my new not-so-pearly whites. These teeth from ContraptioN, as soon as I saw them I knew I couldn't just leave in the heap, I simply HAD to use them and will continue to do so I am sure as they are perfect for that cheesy smile of a living dead girl. Maybe the smile was what shocked Hell into having the accident in the first place? It wasn't my fault though, I was dressed all pretty to go out on a date, I had a cute new dress on from The Little Bat and then accessorised with some gorgeous jewellery from CPD, Death Row Designs and GSpot... I thought I looked adorable! Apparently it was more shocking than adorable LOL!!!
What is she wearing;
Hair: Ploom - Billie
Skin: Glam Affair - Candy Skin in America 09 (Past Arcade Item)
Face Wounds: (Right Eye) Corvus - Scarred Face Tattoo
Teeth: [ContraptioN] - The Carnivorous Jaw (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Necklaces: (Short) Chaos, Panic & Disorder - Arachnophobia Choker (Part of a Set) (Available now at Horror Fest 2013), AND, (Long) Death Row Designs - Skeleton Hands (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Dress: The Little Bat - Creepy Cocktail Dress in Spiders (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Cuff: GSpot - Monster Cuffs in Red (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Shoes: N-Core - SHAE in Black
Pose: Infiniti - Scene of the Crime Poses in Afterlife RARE (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Bike: Hogs & Cart Wheels - Disolater
This time I managed to rope HellBone into things, although he was fussing about having to change LOL - I had to take him as he was, only managing to make him take his Biker Vest off because I told him I didn't want to make him look like he'd been in an accident whilst he was wearing his "colours" - or MC logo! I wanted the photo to be something a little simple, after the craziness that was my epic story from last Horror Fest... So Hell and I had a bit of an accident, nothing to horrific though!
Ignoring Hell's outfit, because to be fair if you want anything he has on I am sure it is somewhere in an older post, we can look over at his new bike instead. This is one he made for our store Hogs and Cart Wheels, it's a one seater - maybe why we had the accident then? - but the sleek lines made it perfect for something slightly sinister looking, perhaps? Though luckily when they came to draw the lines around the bodies we were holding hands together into the Afterlife, thanks to the gorgeous couples pose from the Horror Fest gacha by the pose store Infiniti.
My whole outfit however, was inspired by my new not-so-pearly whites. These teeth from ContraptioN, as soon as I saw them I knew I couldn't just leave in the heap, I simply HAD to use them and will continue to do so I am sure as they are perfect for that cheesy smile of a living dead girl. Maybe the smile was what shocked Hell into having the accident in the first place? It wasn't my fault though, I was dressed all pretty to go out on a date, I had a cute new dress on from The Little Bat and then accessorised with some gorgeous jewellery from CPD, Death Row Designs and GSpot... I thought I looked adorable! Apparently it was more shocking than adorable LOL!!!
What is she wearing;
Hair: Ploom - Billie
Skin: Glam Affair - Candy Skin in America 09 (Past Arcade Item)
Face Wounds: (Right Eye) Corvus - Scarred Face Tattoo
Teeth: [ContraptioN] - The Carnivorous Jaw (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Necklaces: (Short) Chaos, Panic & Disorder - Arachnophobia Choker (Part of a Set) (Available now at Horror Fest 2013), AND, (Long) Death Row Designs - Skeleton Hands (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Dress: The Little Bat - Creepy Cocktail Dress in Spiders (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Cuff: GSpot - Monster Cuffs in Red (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Shoes: N-Core - SHAE in Black
Pose: Infiniti - Scene of the Crime Poses in Afterlife RARE (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Bike: Hogs & Cart Wheels - Disolater
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Terms Of Service? More like Trials Of SecondLife... Monday's Meme
The Monday Meme for this week, posted by Miss Berry, talks about the SL TOS - Terms of Service - or the thing we all sign our lives away to when we become members of the virtual world. Recently LL have made some changes to the TOS and although I do not read them well each and every time there is an update, this one seems like a major one and it has sparked my interest.
One of the most common things about TOS that you see everywhere in SL is the whole thing with the pick in your profile stating that chat may be shared as you like, with whoever you like, whenever you like, and that by stating it within the profile they feel they have the right as soon as you open an IM. This kind of pick always makes me laugh, a little disclaimer in your profile that a person may or may not read does not automatically grant you that permission, the only way you'd have that permission is if a person said "You can share this chat log" and how many times a day do people say that LOL... I usually tend to ignore those picks, to be honest if I say something so important that you think it's worthy of being shared then I am flattered my opinion matters so much to you LOL, otherwise I don't log my chat and if someone says something particularly funny or something that I really want to keep for memories sake, it might end up on one of my notecards I keep stashed deep within my wardrobe!
But first, a random pretty picture to take our mind off the seriousness LOL...
To help with this Meme, Berry has provided a number of very interesting links and articles, such a link directly to the main source of the TOS on the LL website, but I strongly recommend that you take a look on her blog at these links, there is some very interesting reading! Check them out here! Otherwise, I guess it is time for me to share my opinions!
Do you usually read the TOS thoroughly before you hit accept? Not normally, and I know that is bad. Who knows what I could be signing away for? Weirdly enough, I always remember catching a gross episode of South Park - of all things - on the TV about reading the Itunes TOS, and yet I still blindly just click accept whenever a new set of TOS comes out for SL! I find myself thinking, it's my Barbie Doll and I have nothing to hide - I forget that they have my RL details in order for me to have a dolly...
How do you feel about the new LL TOS changes, specially from August 15th and section 2.3? Hmmm this one is a tough one... I personally feel that they do not overly affect me, I am not a content creator, but I know a few people that are and the fact that the TOS seem less geared to helping them and more geared towards what is best for LL seems more than a little unfair. LL have their agenda and we as residents either have to accept that or walk away as some people have done.
Do the changes affect you directly? I think I am with Berry on this one. I know that it may affect the content creators and the sims that I love, and it could in effect cause problems for people that use SL as means of RL assistance - with things like a little extra cash. Yet for me on a personal level I do not feel I will be affected that directly. HellBone has a store, that is true, but for us in our RL, SL is definitely more of a means of relaxation and communication with people. I use SL for chat and blog as a hobby, as means to open up more because I tend to be fairly shy when meeting new people in RL. Knowing that I have given over 7 years of my RL time for the SL world however, I think I will just be looking the other way and as much as it pains me to admit it, I don't feel that I will be bothered that much by these changes.
What do you think people should do about this new change? What is there that people can really do in a situation like this? You want to use the service they provide then in effect you HAVE to agree to the terms of service, or stop using the program. I am not that happy about some of the things that the TOS now states, but I don't want to give up my SL either so basically it's like being between a rock and a hard place. No matter how much people revolt against something like this, at the end of the day LL are the company that run and own SL, they hold the cards! I have heard rumours that LL are using SL as a sort of cash cow now, there was something about their new game "Patterns" that I kept heard being repeated, but every company moves on, and I guess in the long run it is personal choice as to whether or not we just suck it up and carry on with our SLs.
Are you or have you ever thought about leaving Second Life? What would you do with your time/blogs/career if you ever did? I have thought about leaving SL once or twice in my time here... Mostly when things were going crazy with either RL or SL and it's drama. More than once or twice I have thought "why am I still here?" but I wouldn't leave it because of changes that had been made within the TOS. SL is a little like an addiction for me, and I'd much rather spend my evenings curled up playing SL than watching the TV... If I was to ever leave SL, then I think my ramblings would come to an end though. I started this blog to follow the adventures of my Barbie Doll, and without her, there is no ramblings!
What is she wearing;
Hair: Magika - Moment
Skin: Glam Affair - Candy Skin in America 09 (Past Arcade Item)
Face Wounds: (Right Eye) Corvus - Scarred Face Tattoo, (Left Cheek) Corvus - Cheek Scars
Piercings: Cute Poison - Fallen Piercing
Necklace: Cute Poison - Ouija Necklace (Available now at SL Fashion Week)
Top: cheeky - Vampire Shirt in White (Available now at Perfect Wardrobe)
Bag: Tentacio - Killer Purse (Available now at Perfect Wardrobe)
Hands: SLink - AvEnhance Hands in Female Casual
Ring: Mandala - Motsumame Ring in Black/Silver
Nails: HopScotch - Take a Bite Nails in Vampire (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Wound: REPULSE - Psycho Stomach Wound Tattoo
Skirt: Corvus - Black Long Skirt (Available now at Fi*Friday)
Pose: Starry Heaven - Reina Pose 4
Poster: HopScotch - To byte or not byte Poster (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
One of the most common things about TOS that you see everywhere in SL is the whole thing with the pick in your profile stating that chat may be shared as you like, with whoever you like, whenever you like, and that by stating it within the profile they feel they have the right as soon as you open an IM. This kind of pick always makes me laugh, a little disclaimer in your profile that a person may or may not read does not automatically grant you that permission, the only way you'd have that permission is if a person said "You can share this chat log" and how many times a day do people say that LOL... I usually tend to ignore those picks, to be honest if I say something so important that you think it's worthy of being shared then I am flattered my opinion matters so much to you LOL, otherwise I don't log my chat and if someone says something particularly funny or something that I really want to keep for memories sake, it might end up on one of my notecards I keep stashed deep within my wardrobe!
But first, a random pretty picture to take our mind off the seriousness LOL...
To help with this Meme, Berry has provided a number of very interesting links and articles, such a link directly to the main source of the TOS on the LL website, but I strongly recommend that you take a look on her blog at these links, there is some very interesting reading! Check them out here! Otherwise, I guess it is time for me to share my opinions!
Do you usually read the TOS thoroughly before you hit accept? Not normally, and I know that is bad. Who knows what I could be signing away for? Weirdly enough, I always remember catching a gross episode of South Park - of all things - on the TV about reading the Itunes TOS, and yet I still blindly just click accept whenever a new set of TOS comes out for SL! I find myself thinking, it's my Barbie Doll and I have nothing to hide - I forget that they have my RL details in order for me to have a dolly...
How do you feel about the new LL TOS changes, specially from August 15th and section 2.3? Hmmm this one is a tough one... I personally feel that they do not overly affect me, I am not a content creator, but I know a few people that are and the fact that the TOS seem less geared to helping them and more geared towards what is best for LL seems more than a little unfair. LL have their agenda and we as residents either have to accept that or walk away as some people have done.
Do the changes affect you directly? I think I am with Berry on this one. I know that it may affect the content creators and the sims that I love, and it could in effect cause problems for people that use SL as means of RL assistance - with things like a little extra cash. Yet for me on a personal level I do not feel I will be affected that directly. HellBone has a store, that is true, but for us in our RL, SL is definitely more of a means of relaxation and communication with people. I use SL for chat and blog as a hobby, as means to open up more because I tend to be fairly shy when meeting new people in RL. Knowing that I have given over 7 years of my RL time for the SL world however, I think I will just be looking the other way and as much as it pains me to admit it, I don't feel that I will be bothered that much by these changes.
What do you think people should do about this new change? What is there that people can really do in a situation like this? You want to use the service they provide then in effect you HAVE to agree to the terms of service, or stop using the program. I am not that happy about some of the things that the TOS now states, but I don't want to give up my SL either so basically it's like being between a rock and a hard place. No matter how much people revolt against something like this, at the end of the day LL are the company that run and own SL, they hold the cards! I have heard rumours that LL are using SL as a sort of cash cow now, there was something about their new game "Patterns" that I kept heard being repeated, but every company moves on, and I guess in the long run it is personal choice as to whether or not we just suck it up and carry on with our SLs.
Are you or have you ever thought about leaving Second Life? What would you do with your time/blogs/career if you ever did? I have thought about leaving SL once or twice in my time here... Mostly when things were going crazy with either RL or SL and it's drama. More than once or twice I have thought "why am I still here?" but I wouldn't leave it because of changes that had been made within the TOS. SL is a little like an addiction for me, and I'd much rather spend my evenings curled up playing SL than watching the TV... If I was to ever leave SL, then I think my ramblings would come to an end though. I started this blog to follow the adventures of my Barbie Doll, and without her, there is no ramblings!
What is she wearing;
Hair: Magika - Moment
Skin: Glam Affair - Candy Skin in America 09 (Past Arcade Item)
Face Wounds: (Right Eye) Corvus - Scarred Face Tattoo, (Left Cheek) Corvus - Cheek Scars
Piercings: Cute Poison - Fallen Piercing
Necklace: Cute Poison - Ouija Necklace (Available now at SL Fashion Week)
Top: cheeky - Vampire Shirt in White (Available now at Perfect Wardrobe)
Bag: Tentacio - Killer Purse (Available now at Perfect Wardrobe)
Hands: SLink - AvEnhance Hands in Female Casual
Ring: Mandala - Motsumame Ring in Black/Silver
Nails: HopScotch - Take a Bite Nails in Vampire (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Wound: REPULSE - Psycho Stomach Wound Tattoo
Skirt: Corvus - Black Long Skirt (Available now at Fi*Friday)
Pose: Starry Heaven - Reina Pose 4
Poster: HopScotch - To byte or not byte Poster (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
The Maid and the Mayan Necklace... A Horror Fest Creation!
Once upon a dark and miserable night, one which would be filled with Horrorific Festivities, an old house stood on a hill. Lit only by the lightning and the dull glow of candlelight filtering through the window glass, the house had an eerie presence. This house was like no other, many of the houses on the once bustling Victorian street had been pulled down and replaced with modern terraces, yet the house on the hill belonging to the Barbosa family remained virtually unchanged. There had been modernisations to the house of course, but rumour among the children on the street was that the place was haunted or at least in-inhabited by some very scary monsters.
Now my friends, I am not one to dwell on ghost stories often, but on this particularly dark night an occurrence so strange took place that even I am chilled to my bones. This is the story of the pretty maid Rudhmellowen and her beautiful Mayan Necklace.
I cannot portray Rudhmellowen as an innocent victim in this tale, she was in fact an instigator in the sorrowful events that took place, but she was not alone in any wrong doing. The "lord" of the house - Mr. Barbosa - was drawn to the pretty red head from the moment she began working in the household. She was the pretty maid that served him his breakfast and brought him his tea, she was also the pretty maid that caught his attention and made him lust after a woman that was not his wife. A simple fact that did not go unnoticed by the eagled eyed - some might say "crone" - that he was married to. Unfortunately for Rudhmellowen, the woman decided to exact her revenge. The only washing machine in the house malfunctioned on that dark and stormy night, so poor Rudhmellowen was forced to head out into the rain to the town's only launderette.
She forced open the door with her hip and shook off her wet coat, glancing around in the gloomy room. Her eyes came into focus on a little black velvet box with her name on it, and a note just visible beneath. Crossing the room, she traced her fingers over the gold lettering, her eyes scanning the note that read "For you my love x"... She tentatively opened the box, which creaked just a little beneath her fingers, and laying inside, wrapped around a soft silk pillow, was a beautiful gold necklace like something a Mayan Princess would have worn. The colour of the stones, a vivid emerald green reminding her about comments her lord had made when he first looked into her eyes. Looking into the glass of the nearest washer, she slowly placed the jewels around her neck - she would not keep it, but what was the harm in at least trying it on for size - the atmosphere in the launderette began to sizzle.
No sooner was the clasp closed, a bolt of lightning seemed to strike the building, and searing pain shot through the pretty maid... Her skin began to bubble and contort. She tried to scream, tried to claw at the burning sensation seeping from the point where the necklace touched her skin, tried to prise the clasp open, but it was too late!
It was far too late for the once pretty maid... The Mayan Necklace had it's victim, the lady of the house had her revenge and the pretty maid, well she had a hunger for raw meat!
Can you tell I was bored at work and had fun with this post hehe... Horror Fest is bringing out the best in me I tell you! But let's talk about what you really want to know... The outfit I am wearing, right?
Working from the bottom up, my NEW SHOES - love these shoes! - are from N-Core, and I don't have much to say about them, other than they are of the usual high quality and are freaking gorgeous! TRY SOME ON! Though onto the Horror Fest Stuff... The Maid Dress is available from ILAYA - I really like it and haven't ever thought about clothes from ILAYA as I've always thought about them for poses. I added to that a pretty bracelet from yumyums, that will be in the Horror Fest gachas, and of course the Mayan Necklace from AZE Designs - the story wouldn't have come about without that!
OH AND THE HEAD, How can you miss the head?! Both Death Row Designs - with the head in the main picture - and Curio Obscura, I wanted to share them but I couldn't work out how... Bring on the collage of heads hehe!!!
What is she wearing;
Head: Death Row Designs - Faces of Death in Blind Venemous Carnage with neck and full body tattoos (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Necklace: AZE Designs - Yum Kimil Maya Necklace in Jade & Gold (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Dress: ILAYA - Maid Dress in Bloody (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Bracelet: yumyums - Wired Web Cuff in Gold (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Shoes: N-Core - SHAE in Black
Pose: Infiniti - Undead 3 (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Facial Shots:
Heads: (LEFT) Death Row Designs - Faces of Death in Blind Venemous Carnage with neck and full body tattoos (Available now at Horror Fest 2013), AND, (9 - 12) Curio Obscura - Horror Heads (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Corset: Rue - Threads Corset in Dusk/Red (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Now my friends, I am not one to dwell on ghost stories often, but on this particularly dark night an occurrence so strange took place that even I am chilled to my bones. This is the story of the pretty maid Rudhmellowen and her beautiful Mayan Necklace.
I cannot portray Rudhmellowen as an innocent victim in this tale, she was in fact an instigator in the sorrowful events that took place, but she was not alone in any wrong doing. The "lord" of the house - Mr. Barbosa - was drawn to the pretty red head from the moment she began working in the household. She was the pretty maid that served him his breakfast and brought him his tea, she was also the pretty maid that caught his attention and made him lust after a woman that was not his wife. A simple fact that did not go unnoticed by the eagled eyed - some might say "crone" - that he was married to. Unfortunately for Rudhmellowen, the woman decided to exact her revenge. The only washing machine in the house malfunctioned on that dark and stormy night, so poor Rudhmellowen was forced to head out into the rain to the town's only launderette.
She forced open the door with her hip and shook off her wet coat, glancing around in the gloomy room. Her eyes came into focus on a little black velvet box with her name on it, and a note just visible beneath. Crossing the room, she traced her fingers over the gold lettering, her eyes scanning the note that read "For you my love x"... She tentatively opened the box, which creaked just a little beneath her fingers, and laying inside, wrapped around a soft silk pillow, was a beautiful gold necklace like something a Mayan Princess would have worn. The colour of the stones, a vivid emerald green reminding her about comments her lord had made when he first looked into her eyes. Looking into the glass of the nearest washer, she slowly placed the jewels around her neck - she would not keep it, but what was the harm in at least trying it on for size - the atmosphere in the launderette began to sizzle.
No sooner was the clasp closed, a bolt of lightning seemed to strike the building, and searing pain shot through the pretty maid... Her skin began to bubble and contort. She tried to scream, tried to claw at the burning sensation seeping from the point where the necklace touched her skin, tried to prise the clasp open, but it was too late!
It was far too late for the once pretty maid... The Mayan Necklace had it's victim, the lady of the house had her revenge and the pretty maid, well she had a hunger for raw meat!
Can you tell I was bored at work and had fun with this post hehe... Horror Fest is bringing out the best in me I tell you! But let's talk about what you really want to know... The outfit I am wearing, right?
Working from the bottom up, my NEW SHOES - love these shoes! - are from N-Core, and I don't have much to say about them, other than they are of the usual high quality and are freaking gorgeous! TRY SOME ON! Though onto the Horror Fest Stuff... The Maid Dress is available from ILAYA - I really like it and haven't ever thought about clothes from ILAYA as I've always thought about them for poses. I added to that a pretty bracelet from yumyums, that will be in the Horror Fest gachas, and of course the Mayan Necklace from AZE Designs - the story wouldn't have come about without that!
OH AND THE HEAD, How can you miss the head?! Both Death Row Designs - with the head in the main picture - and Curio Obscura, I wanted to share them but I couldn't work out how... Bring on the collage of heads hehe!!!
What is she wearing;
Head: Death Row Designs - Faces of Death in Blind Venemous Carnage with neck and full body tattoos (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Necklace: AZE Designs - Yum Kimil Maya Necklace in Jade & Gold (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Dress: ILAYA - Maid Dress in Bloody (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Bracelet: yumyums - Wired Web Cuff in Gold (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Shoes: N-Core - SHAE in Black
Pose: Infiniti - Undead 3 (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Facial Shots:
Heads: (LEFT) Death Row Designs - Faces of Death in Blind Venemous Carnage with neck and full body tattoos (Available now at Horror Fest 2013), AND, (9 - 12) Curio Obscura - Horror Heads (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Corset: Rue - Threads Corset in Dusk/Red (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Monday, October 21, 2013
The Demon Grade Digger - A Horror Fest Creation!
Friday Night saw the opening of a huge event that had me both bursting with excitement and at the same time, wanting to hide a little in fear. Friday Night was the grand opening of HORROR FEST 2013. A mammoth event, created to both celebrate the Halloween season, whilst raising money for a worthy charity. I have SO MUCH to share with you from this event, I was like a kid in a candy store when Miss Helena Stringer asked me if I would like to be one of the official bloggers for the event this year. How could a living dead girl like me turn down an opportunity like this? I was also quaking in my stomping boots a little, the kind of press coverage that this was getting, I felt nervous... Would I be up to the challenge?! There was only one way to find out and that involved holding my nose and diving in head first!
So without further ado, I bring you my coverage for HORROR FEST 2013. The event this year is raising money for the Epilepsy Therapy Project, and going by the results of previous charity events that this bunch of organsiers have staged - there should be a bumper donation at the end of this two week event. The event runs from October 18th until November 8th - covering both Halloween and Dia De Los Muertos, and so far I can tell you that any Halloweenish desire can be filled here... OR any dark, depraved and deadly desire too!
For my first look I decided to try to avoid the zombie, bloody, gore that some designers chose, in favour of a demonic soul. I LOVE dressing like a demon on occasion, I feel that it enables me to bring out a more exotic side to my wardrobe and there are so many different directions you can take it, be it naughty, cheeky or even deadly!
So I avoided the cliched red demoness look, for something more in favour of a natural green colour. The skin I am wearing is a new group gift from Ploom's VIP Group, and is a special version of the new Harlow Skin that comes with appliers for various things and a few other extras! The rest of my attire - besides my hands and ring - are available at the Horror Fest. Starting with the outfit I fell in love with the :{MV}: Grabass Zombie outfit that features zombie hands grabbing to cover your naughty bits as well as some sexy thigh high boots that appear to have been made in the same skin of the zombies! I wanted to keep it a little PG however, so I dug around a bit more and found these gorgeous bodysuits from PixyStix, that are available in 6 different colours, with the pumpkin coloured version being the best against my sexy green skin. I found the most amazing tattoo from Spyralle, that looks like a really pretty wound of sorts, and then the cracking that took place on my forehead as the gorgeous horns - both from Souzou Eien - pushed through my skin. Even my eyes became dirty black - courtesy of Avatar Bizarre - and my hair and eyelashes - thanks to The Stringer Mausoleum - went through a transformation...
Maybe it was the fact that I had dug up a grave in the garden. I couldn't resist, it looked so pretty. The team at [CIRCA] had done an amazing job with the burial, that the demon in me had to place her Forge pumpkin on the ground and talk to my new birdy friend with an Uncertain Smile as I ripped open the coffin, using my new SongBird Best Friend Chainsaw and answered the call of the Contraption Cannibal Masks.
What is she wearing;
Horns: Souzou Eien - Ossis Sacri Horns in Elegant (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Hair: The Stringer Mausoleum - Murder Clown in Buccaneer Duo (Worn with Truth Hairbase in Sangria) (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Face Cracks: Souzou Eien - Cracks Facial Tattoos in Green (Available in 8 different colours) (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Full Body Tattoo: Spyralle - "I Fall To Pieces Tattoo" (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Eyelashes: The Stringer Mausoleum - The Great Eye Patch Eye Decor in Rotten (Available in 5 different colours) (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Skin: Ploom - Harlow Skin in Nightshade (Current Group Gift)
Eyes: Avatar Bizarre - Retinal Polish in Black (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Hands Outfit: :{MV}: - Grabass Zombie Outfit (includes collar bra, thong and boots) (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Bodysuit: PixyStix - Webby Bodysuit in Pumpkin (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Ring: Mandala - Motsumame in Black/Silver
Pose: UNCERTAIN SMILE POSES - Sorcerer Set in Crow (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Grave: [CIRCA] - "Elysium" Haunted Open Grave (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Chainsaw: SongBird - Bubba's Best Friend in Green Used (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Mask: ContraptioN - The Cannibal Masks in Broken (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Pumpkin: [The Forge] - Pumpkin Dude (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
So without further ado, I bring you my coverage for HORROR FEST 2013. The event this year is raising money for the Epilepsy Therapy Project, and going by the results of previous charity events that this bunch of organsiers have staged - there should be a bumper donation at the end of this two week event. The event runs from October 18th until November 8th - covering both Halloween and Dia De Los Muertos, and so far I can tell you that any Halloweenish desire can be filled here... OR any dark, depraved and deadly desire too!
For my first look I decided to try to avoid the zombie, bloody, gore that some designers chose, in favour of a demonic soul. I LOVE dressing like a demon on occasion, I feel that it enables me to bring out a more exotic side to my wardrobe and there are so many different directions you can take it, be it naughty, cheeky or even deadly!
So I avoided the cliched red demoness look, for something more in favour of a natural green colour. The skin I am wearing is a new group gift from Ploom's VIP Group, and is a special version of the new Harlow Skin that comes with appliers for various things and a few other extras! The rest of my attire - besides my hands and ring - are available at the Horror Fest. Starting with the outfit I fell in love with the :{MV}: Grabass Zombie outfit that features zombie hands grabbing to cover your naughty bits as well as some sexy thigh high boots that appear to have been made in the same skin of the zombies! I wanted to keep it a little PG however, so I dug around a bit more and found these gorgeous bodysuits from PixyStix, that are available in 6 different colours, with the pumpkin coloured version being the best against my sexy green skin. I found the most amazing tattoo from Spyralle, that looks like a really pretty wound of sorts, and then the cracking that took place on my forehead as the gorgeous horns - both from Souzou Eien - pushed through my skin. Even my eyes became dirty black - courtesy of Avatar Bizarre - and my hair and eyelashes - thanks to The Stringer Mausoleum - went through a transformation...
Maybe it was the fact that I had dug up a grave in the garden. I couldn't resist, it looked so pretty. The team at [CIRCA] had done an amazing job with the burial, that the demon in me had to place her Forge pumpkin on the ground and talk to my new birdy friend with an Uncertain Smile as I ripped open the coffin, using my new SongBird Best Friend Chainsaw and answered the call of the Contraption Cannibal Masks.
What is she wearing;
Horns: Souzou Eien - Ossis Sacri Horns in Elegant (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Hair: The Stringer Mausoleum - Murder Clown in Buccaneer Duo (Worn with Truth Hairbase in Sangria) (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Face Cracks: Souzou Eien - Cracks Facial Tattoos in Green (Available in 8 different colours) (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Full Body Tattoo: Spyralle - "I Fall To Pieces Tattoo" (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Eyelashes: The Stringer Mausoleum - The Great Eye Patch Eye Decor in Rotten (Available in 5 different colours) (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Skin: Ploom - Harlow Skin in Nightshade (Current Group Gift)
Eyes: Avatar Bizarre - Retinal Polish in Black (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Hands Outfit: :{MV}: - Grabass Zombie Outfit (includes collar bra, thong and boots) (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Bodysuit: PixyStix - Webby Bodysuit in Pumpkin (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Ring: Mandala - Motsumame in Black/Silver
Pose: UNCERTAIN SMILE POSES - Sorcerer Set in Crow (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Grave: [CIRCA] - "Elysium" Haunted Open Grave (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Chainsaw: SongBird - Bubba's Best Friend in Green Used (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Mask: ContraptioN - The Cannibal Masks in Broken (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Pumpkin: [The Forge] - Pumpkin Dude (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Tis the season for Horror, let's bring on the Haute!
Gosh over the next few posts my blog may be nothing but Horror related, I warn you now hehe. It's not going to be pretty... What with Horror Fest - something that I am working on conjuring up something for as we speak - and even Horror Haute running for a special event a little early, life in my bloggers head is getting a little chaotic. I have NO IDEA how some people do it, really I don't!
Still this month is the season for all things horror, and due to the fact, one of my favourite events - HORROR HAUTE - is running a two week long, Tim Burton themed, extravaganza. There are Gachas and LOADS of stores taking part this time around, so I cant wait to show some of the pretties off to you.
I've also been treasure hunting with my favourite boy friend Nick... We played through the Dark Dimensions hunt, being run by Mad Pea in association with Death Row Designs... Trust me when I saw that it is one hunt that is so worth doing, I had to share some of the prizes with you here too!
So my first look complete, let me tell you a little something about things. The props surrounding me, we can start there... Most of these things come from the stores involved in the Dark Dimenson Hunt. The Ghost Lights are from Intrigue Co., the Ghostly Sofa is from Boudoir, the Mask comes from Death Row Designs and the Jar is from Aphrodite Shop, and all these things are only available after you complete the hunt! The Pumpkin and Bat Bunting is the MishMish group gift this month too!
Onto the Rudh look however, working from the bottom up, the shorts are available at Horror Fest - there will be more to come about this later! - within one of the special gachas from SAKIDE. They are brilliant shorts, made in mesh, they come in 8 possible designs - or if you are really lucky as a HUD version where you can have all 8 - you can also customise them so they are worn with or without studs and pockets, or studs in 9 different colours! So worth testing out your luck I'd say, and I know they aren't clear in the main photo so I have included a little extra look below that will be even bigger on Flickr!
Moving up a little, the reason I am wearing pasties is due to this gorgeous tattoo from Little Pricks. With the design on the chest, back and arms, and in faded or fresh versions it seems like such a simple yet pretty design, and I never normally wear tattoos hehe... The necklace is also a gacha item from the store The Little Bat, with a collection based on Burton's films, Nightmare Before Christmas and BeetleJuice - both great movies, these are adorable for any fan! Then finally, although not something you can see clearly in the main photograph, I have a gorgeous set of piercings on from CoLLisions. The Juno set includes ear gauges, lip piercing and bindi piercings - which you can see more clearly in the photo below or on Flickr - but they are simple and yet grouped together or worn separately they make ideal piercings no matter what kind of look you are going for!
What is she wearing;
Hair: Rush - Queen Black Widow Spider Hair
Skin: Glam Affair - Candy Skin in America 09 (Past Arcade Item)
Facial Piercings: CoLLisions - Juno Facial Piercing & Ear Gauges Set (HORROR HAUTE OCTOBER)
Necklace: The Little Bat - Chained Cabochon in Strange RARE (HORROR HAUTE OCTOBER)
Tattoo: Little Pricks - Dark Has a Path Tattoo in Faded (HORROR HAUTE OCTOBER)
Pasties: League - Duct Tape Top Pasties in Black
Hands: SLink - AvEnhance Hands in Female Casual
Bracelet: {W&R} - Boobracelet #01 (HORROR HAUTE OCTOBER)
Shorts: SAKIDE - Hallow's Shorts (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Feet: SLink - Womens Natural Barefeet
Pose: Magnifique Poses - DSNH Model Pose 1 (No Longer Available!)
Sofa: Boudoir - Ghostly Sofa (Dark Dimensions Hunt Prize)
Mask: Death Row Designs - Plaquemask 1 (Dark Dimensions Hunt Prize)
Jar: Aphrodite Shop - "Magic Book & Spider" Jar (Dark Dimensions Hunt Prize)
Ghost Lights: Intrigue Co. - Ghost String Lights: 2 Strings (Dark Dimensions Hunt Prize)
Bunting: MishMish - Halloween Bounting 3M (Current Group Gift)
Still this month is the season for all things horror, and due to the fact, one of my favourite events - HORROR HAUTE - is running a two week long, Tim Burton themed, extravaganza. There are Gachas and LOADS of stores taking part this time around, so I cant wait to show some of the pretties off to you.
I've also been treasure hunting with my favourite boy friend Nick... We played through the Dark Dimensions hunt, being run by Mad Pea in association with Death Row Designs... Trust me when I saw that it is one hunt that is so worth doing, I had to share some of the prizes with you here too!
So my first look complete, let me tell you a little something about things. The props surrounding me, we can start there... Most of these things come from the stores involved in the Dark Dimenson Hunt. The Ghost Lights are from Intrigue Co., the Ghostly Sofa is from Boudoir, the Mask comes from Death Row Designs and the Jar is from Aphrodite Shop, and all these things are only available after you complete the hunt! The Pumpkin and Bat Bunting is the MishMish group gift this month too!
Onto the Rudh look however, working from the bottom up, the shorts are available at Horror Fest - there will be more to come about this later! - within one of the special gachas from SAKIDE. They are brilliant shorts, made in mesh, they come in 8 possible designs - or if you are really lucky as a HUD version where you can have all 8 - you can also customise them so they are worn with or without studs and pockets, or studs in 9 different colours! So worth testing out your luck I'd say, and I know they aren't clear in the main photo so I have included a little extra look below that will be even bigger on Flickr!
Moving up a little, the reason I am wearing pasties is due to this gorgeous tattoo from Little Pricks. With the design on the chest, back and arms, and in faded or fresh versions it seems like such a simple yet pretty design, and I never normally wear tattoos hehe... The necklace is also a gacha item from the store The Little Bat, with a collection based on Burton's films, Nightmare Before Christmas and BeetleJuice - both great movies, these are adorable for any fan! Then finally, although not something you can see clearly in the main photograph, I have a gorgeous set of piercings on from CoLLisions. The Juno set includes ear gauges, lip piercing and bindi piercings - which you can see more clearly in the photo below or on Flickr - but they are simple and yet grouped together or worn separately they make ideal piercings no matter what kind of look you are going for!
Hair: Rush - Queen Black Widow Spider Hair
Skin: Glam Affair - Candy Skin in America 09 (Past Arcade Item)
Facial Piercings: CoLLisions - Juno Facial Piercing & Ear Gauges Set (HORROR HAUTE OCTOBER)
Necklace: The Little Bat - Chained Cabochon in Strange RARE (HORROR HAUTE OCTOBER)
Tattoo: Little Pricks - Dark Has a Path Tattoo in Faded (HORROR HAUTE OCTOBER)
Pasties: League - Duct Tape Top Pasties in Black
Hands: SLink - AvEnhance Hands in Female Casual
Bracelet: {W&R} - Boobracelet #01 (HORROR HAUTE OCTOBER)
Shorts: SAKIDE - Hallow's Shorts (Available now at Horror Fest 2013)
Feet: SLink - Womens Natural Barefeet
Pose: Magnifique Poses - DSNH Model Pose 1 (No Longer Available!)
Sofa: Boudoir - Ghostly Sofa (Dark Dimensions Hunt Prize)
Mask: Death Row Designs - Plaquemask 1 (Dark Dimensions Hunt Prize)
Jar: Aphrodite Shop - "Magic Book & Spider" Jar (Dark Dimensions Hunt Prize)
Ghost Lights: Intrigue Co. - Ghost String Lights: 2 Strings (Dark Dimensions Hunt Prize)
Bunting: MishMish - Halloween Bounting 3M (Current Group Gift)
Friday, October 18, 2013
My SL DisneyBounding - Mrs. Potts
So, time now for me to take a break from sharing all the pretties that I have been sent to cover for designers and work on something a little more Rudhish! Not that the things I am blogging are not me, but I just love taking some time out each week to create a special look, a Disney based look, or even a DisneyBound look if you will...
As with the last few weeks however, and due to the fact that the DisneyBound challenge has finished, I have been asking some of my friends and family to choose a character for me to create a look based on. This week it was the turn of my big sister Juli Barnside. Julz is someone who came into my life due to my drafting into Hell's Gators MC, she has been like a rock in all the time that I have known her. We have both had some RL ups and downs and Julz has been there to support or kick me up the butt in times of need, and although she tries to convince everyone that she is someone not to be messed with - and I really wouldn't want to end up on her bad side - she is very much like the character she has chosen...
So my look for Mrs. Potts took her to her dreams and her own little fantasy of perhaps one day owning her own coffee shop - not the kind in Amsterdam by the way, the regular kind lol! - and so Poche became the perfect backdrop for that. The pose I am in should also get honorable mention here too because for Mrs.Potts it was beyond perfect, the store Icons of Style had this pose available a while ago as a freebie, and it's the teapot pose. Supposedly for the children's song - I'm a little teapot - but Mrs.Potts was caught by surprise as after being in this position for so long, she forgot herself just once or twice hehe...
Now onto the outfit itself, for this look I thought I would want a big balloony style dress, but when I tried things on I just wasn't happy with them. I know I need to look like Mrs.Potts but I still wanted it to be like something that I would wear, so I dug deep. Her predominant colours are white and purple and both of these are colours I find I don't really have a lot of - purple more so than white. Yet thanks to SAKIDE - who I am walking advertisement for today - I sound something to wear that I really liked! The Organza dress, the purple leather pants and silk scarf all come from the designer mind of Miss Kinu Mayako, and all it took then was the right accessories. I needed a hat of sorts for this look - now me and hats, don't always go - but I found this past gift from elikatira and was able to colour the hat to the right shade of purple, opting for blond hair as she has that pretty gold rim around her hat.
That would be my DisneyBound look for this week, who knows what will come up next, but for now, I have to get working again and create something pretty for the upcoming Horror Fest! I am SO excited to be part of that team!
What is she wearing;
Hair: elikatira - Frost in Blonde (Past Gift)
Skin: Glam Affair - Candy Skin in America 09 (Past Arcade Item)
Face Wounds: (Right Eye) Corvus - Scarred Face Tattoo, (Left Cheek) Corvus - Cheek Scars
Piercings: Cute Poison - Fallen Piercing
Necklace: GANKED - Pink Pomp (No Longer Available!)
Scarf: SAKIDE - My Diary Silk Scarf in Old Pink
Dress: SAKIDE - Organza Dress in White
Pants: SAKIDE - Acidulous Leather Pants Purple
Shoes: HOLLYHOOD - White Angel Boots (Past Fi*Friday Item)
Pose: Icons of Style - Teapot Pose (Past Freebie)
As with the last few weeks however, and due to the fact that the DisneyBound challenge has finished, I have been asking some of my friends and family to choose a character for me to create a look based on. This week it was the turn of my big sister Juli Barnside. Julz is someone who came into my life due to my drafting into Hell's Gators MC, she has been like a rock in all the time that I have known her. We have both had some RL ups and downs and Julz has been there to support or kick me up the butt in times of need, and although she tries to convince everyone that she is someone not to be messed with - and I really wouldn't want to end up on her bad side - she is very much like the character she has chosen...
MY SL DISNEYBOUNDING - Mrs. Potts (Beauty and the Beast)!
So, Mrs. Potts is the house keeper of the Beast, that during the enchantment of the castle became a teapot. She provides a somewhat mother figure to the Beast, and alongside his other aides - the charming candlestick Lumiere and orderly clock Cogsworth - she helps to find him true love and break the spell that has been holding the castle under it's enchantment. Beauty and the Beast was, and still is, one of those movies that stuck with me as a kid, I had a bit of hard time with bullies when I was little - I was a tubby, freckled, glasses wearing, red head, it's not a good combination LOL - and this story helped me to realise that no matter who you are or what you look like you will always find someone who loves you for being you... Plus it helps to have a teapot, a candelabra and a clock with you at all times LOL. So my look for Mrs. Potts took her to her dreams and her own little fantasy of perhaps one day owning her own coffee shop - not the kind in Amsterdam by the way, the regular kind lol! - and so Poche became the perfect backdrop for that. The pose I am in should also get honorable mention here too because for Mrs.Potts it was beyond perfect, the store Icons of Style had this pose available a while ago as a freebie, and it's the teapot pose. Supposedly for the children's song - I'm a little teapot - but Mrs.Potts was caught by surprise as after being in this position for so long, she forgot herself just once or twice hehe...
Now onto the outfit itself, for this look I thought I would want a big balloony style dress, but when I tried things on I just wasn't happy with them. I know I need to look like Mrs.Potts but I still wanted it to be like something that I would wear, so I dug deep. Her predominant colours are white and purple and both of these are colours I find I don't really have a lot of - purple more so than white. Yet thanks to SAKIDE - who I am walking advertisement for today - I sound something to wear that I really liked! The Organza dress, the purple leather pants and silk scarf all come from the designer mind of Miss Kinu Mayako, and all it took then was the right accessories. I needed a hat of sorts for this look - now me and hats, don't always go - but I found this past gift from elikatira and was able to colour the hat to the right shade of purple, opting for blond hair as she has that pretty gold rim around her hat.
That would be my DisneyBound look for this week, who knows what will come up next, but for now, I have to get working again and create something pretty for the upcoming Horror Fest! I am SO excited to be part of that team!
What is she wearing;
Hair: elikatira - Frost in Blonde (Past Gift)
Skin: Glam Affair - Candy Skin in America 09 (Past Arcade Item)
Face Wounds: (Right Eye) Corvus - Scarred Face Tattoo, (Left Cheek) Corvus - Cheek Scars
Piercings: Cute Poison - Fallen Piercing
Necklace: GANKED - Pink Pomp (No Longer Available!)
Scarf: SAKIDE - My Diary Silk Scarf in Old Pink
Dress: SAKIDE - Organza Dress in White
Pants: SAKIDE - Acidulous Leather Pants Purple
Shoes: HOLLYHOOD - White Angel Boots (Past Fi*Friday Item)
Pose: Icons of Style - Teapot Pose (Past Freebie)
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Let's all Oogle Google for Monday's Meme
So today, two birds with one stone so to speak... First off the simpler, I needed a photo for as a Horror Fest Blogger... I was accepted to be a part of the blogging team two days ago - YAY! - so I just needed to create a simple head shot... Hence, why here we have a simple head shot LOL - OK it's not all that simple but I like it hehe - and yes it has my name on it! I don't really like naming my pictures, but I needed to for Miss Helena Stringer, blogging manager extraordinaire of the HorrorFest Blogging Rabble!
Though as I needed a pretty picture for this week's Meme, this fitted perfectly, it's pretty and simple and well it fits because I say so LOL...
This week's Berry Meme though comes from a challenge set by another blogger - Emily - with her own Berrylicious twist on things. Both sets of questions are up for grabs, so I may well do both, although Emily's questions seem teeny bit harder hehe...
So to answer Miss Berry;
Google your Second Life name in “quotations” and share your results. 6,510 results - Not a lot compared to Miss Berry it would seem!
What is the first link that comes up? The first link is to my blog luckily, and a post that was put up three days ago it seems!?!
Which link were you surprised to see? I was actually pretty surprised to see that although I haven't blogged for Seraphim for almost a year, those links still come up within the first few links. To me that seems insane considering the amount of things that come up with my name in them!
Click on the “Image” tab and tell us where the first 5 pictures listed are from. The first 5 pictures are a few ads that I would have posted on Seraphim last year, an older photo that I did of HellBone and I as a Stand4Love photo and my Gators MC Official Photo... None of the pretty pics I make every day on the blog, but then I never title them Rudhmellowen Laguna and I guess maybe I should start tagging them with my name in Flickr maybe? In my first 10 however, there is a gorgeous one of me taken by Miss Eliza Quixote!
Click on the “more” tab and then click “news” and share your results. Breathing a sigh of relief I can say that there is no "news" linked to my name LOL!
Moving swiftly on to Emily's Questions;
How did the two digital footprints compare, and did that surprise you? By typing my RL name into Google as I did with Rudhmellowen, I only found ONE link to my unused Facebook account LOL... I was surprised that my RL digital footprint was so low but then again, when I am working online my SL name becomes my main username for most things!
Does anyone interesting share your name? There seems to be a few of us scattered through history, which is nice but no one with anything that is overly interesting just the usual run of the mill without scandal hehe...
Are you happy with the size of your digital footprint, or do you wish either one was larger/smaller? My RL can stay the size it is, the less information out there about my RL the better I think... SL maybe I should make it a little bigger, start tagging my name more in photos maybe?
If you woke up/ logged in one morning to discover over night you had suddenly gained rock-star status, and everybody knew who you were and wanted to know what you were doing… what would you do? I am in total agreement with Berry on the "Thank Goodness" thing. Seriously I am a bit of a klutz and it wouldn't be for something good that I would make news, I'd be one of those people that became famous for accidentally pushing a big red button or something. Though maybe one day if Rudh ever takes over the world hehe...
What is she wearing;
Hat: Remarkable Oblivion - Magician Hat in Astral (Available now at Oh My Gacha)
Hair: Clawtooth - Windswept in Purple People Eater (Available now at Collabor88)
Skin: yumyums - Alli in DB Cleavage Hungry Vamp (Available now at the Body Modification Expo)
Eyes: n-creation - vampire silver eyes
Face Wounds: (Right Eye) Corvus - Scarred Face Tattoo, (Left Cheek) Corvus - Cheek Scars
Piercings: Cute Poison - Fallen Piercing
Mouthie: Epic - Pim's Tragic End Nom in Blue
Hands: SLink - AvEnhance Hands in Female Casual
Nails: KOSH - Glitter Nails
Ring: Mandala - Motsumame Ring in Black/Silver
Pose: Starry Heaven - Reina Poses 5 (Available now at Candy Fair 2013)
This week's Berry Meme though comes from a challenge set by another blogger - Emily - with her own Berrylicious twist on things. Both sets of questions are up for grabs, so I may well do both, although Emily's questions seem teeny bit harder hehe...

Google your Second Life name in “quotations” and share your results. 6,510 results - Not a lot compared to Miss Berry it would seem!
What is the first link that comes up? The first link is to my blog luckily, and a post that was put up three days ago it seems!?!
Which link were you surprised to see? I was actually pretty surprised to see that although I haven't blogged for Seraphim for almost a year, those links still come up within the first few links. To me that seems insane considering the amount of things that come up with my name in them!
Click on the “Image” tab and tell us where the first 5 pictures listed are from. The first 5 pictures are a few ads that I would have posted on Seraphim last year, an older photo that I did of HellBone and I as a Stand4Love photo and my Gators MC Official Photo... None of the pretty pics I make every day on the blog, but then I never title them Rudhmellowen Laguna and I guess maybe I should start tagging them with my name in Flickr maybe? In my first 10 however, there is a gorgeous one of me taken by Miss Eliza Quixote!
Click on the “more” tab and then click “news” and share your results. Breathing a sigh of relief I can say that there is no "news" linked to my name LOL!
Moving swiftly on to Emily's Questions;
How did the two digital footprints compare, and did that surprise you? By typing my RL name into Google as I did with Rudhmellowen, I only found ONE link to my unused Facebook account LOL... I was surprised that my RL digital footprint was so low but then again, when I am working online my SL name becomes my main username for most things!
Does anyone interesting share your name? There seems to be a few of us scattered through history, which is nice but no one with anything that is overly interesting just the usual run of the mill without scandal hehe...
Are you happy with the size of your digital footprint, or do you wish either one was larger/smaller? My RL can stay the size it is, the less information out there about my RL the better I think... SL maybe I should make it a little bigger, start tagging my name more in photos maybe?
If you woke up/ logged in one morning to discover over night you had suddenly gained rock-star status, and everybody knew who you were and wanted to know what you were doing… what would you do? I am in total agreement with Berry on the "Thank Goodness" thing. Seriously I am a bit of a klutz and it wouldn't be for something good that I would make news, I'd be one of those people that became famous for accidentally pushing a big red button or something. Though maybe one day if Rudh ever takes over the world hehe...
What is she wearing;
Hat: Remarkable Oblivion - Magician Hat in Astral (Available now at Oh My Gacha)
Hair: Clawtooth - Windswept in Purple People Eater (Available now at Collabor88)
Skin: yumyums - Alli in DB Cleavage Hungry Vamp (Available now at the Body Modification Expo)
Eyes: n-creation - vampire silver eyes
Face Wounds: (Right Eye) Corvus - Scarred Face Tattoo, (Left Cheek) Corvus - Cheek Scars
Piercings: Cute Poison - Fallen Piercing
Mouthie: Epic - Pim's Tragic End Nom in Blue
Hands: SLink - AvEnhance Hands in Female Casual
Nails: KOSH - Glitter Nails
Ring: Mandala - Motsumame Ring in Black/Silver
Pose: Starry Heaven - Reina Poses 5 (Available now at Candy Fair 2013)
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