Thursday, March 29, 2012

Wanna see my PC fly?

***** WARNING - RANT!!!!! *****
I am getting to the point where if one more thing happens I will be allowing my PC to catch some serious air, maybe as I throw it out the window, or oooh how about taking a sledge hammer to it, I wont get the flying effect but it will be fun to watch it explode as I hit it... 
First my graphics card was an issue, I had so many problems with it back then that it meant I had to use three different computers to get any blogging of any kind done. Luckily, the fact that my birthday was just after I got home from the UK and my Dad being a lovely Daddy, meant that I was able to get myself a new graphics card. A card that I was assured would be brilliant for running a game like SL, I had hope the guy in the store would be right as he seemed to know SL and agreed with me when I said that it was somewhat of a "Computer Program Whore" sucking up all memory and controlling the graphics card like it was it's own personal bitch.I got home from my visit and HellBone installed it for me and WOW it was great... FOR ABOUT TWO DAYS! 
What happened next you ask? Well then one day randomly my whole PC just decided to restart itself, I was cussing like a sailor, luckily I hadn't had any programmes open that needed documents saving, which in itself was unusal as I usually have something open for Seraphim stuff, but I was pissed. When I eventually got back in things weren't working, Skype is a lifeline to me and that just wouldn't stop crashing. I tried a myriad of different things, including uninstalling and reinstalling, yet still NOTHING. I was furious. Hell looked into things in depth, turned out I had some virus that was in my PC and I wouldn't have known about it if my PC hadn't taken a complete nosedive into the abyss... So that meant we decided to reformat my entire PC. It's taken DAYS!!! 
Now I am back, things seem to be working O.K, I am slowly putting my programmes back and moving my files from Hell's PC to my own, but FIRESTORM WON'T INSTALL NOW! Everytime I try to download it, it works, until installation which tells me that the file isn't working properly... 
I am seriously getting to the end of my tether, I want to blow up my PC. Horrible fact is I rely on this machine for EVERYTHING, and that sucks... All my friends are in SL, All my job hunting has to be done online, All my photos are stored here and most of my contact with family and RL friends happens through this machine... Even if I wanted to blow my PC up, I couldn't do it, I am too dependant on this crappy piece of technology and ya know what, that kinda worries me. Won't stop me using it *logs into SL as I write this*, and you can never know when things might stop working, but from now on if ONE MORE THING happens I am gonna be a very unhappy Rudh... 
Sorry about the rant, I just needed somewhere to offload!!

1 comment:

  1. Uhm no, I don't want to see your pc fly! Breathe, Rudh, just breathe...

    I suspect everyone in the modern world knows how you feel. PCs are simply a necessity these days,silly as it may sound. I did the whole reformat thing a while back and I agree: it totally sucks!
