Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Getting Dirty

It's been a busy few days since I've been back in the Netherlands but that may be because I've been back at work and it's been crazy busy... The high season is coming and people seem to be making an appearance within the city... I'm tired and sore but my mind is happy that I was able to get back to work, AND that tomorrow I get to have a lovely day off... 

I love my job, sometimes it's hard work but it's a job that has lovely colleagues and a usually happy public that I can entertain... Sometimes I want to murder a few people, and there are always people that think they know better but it's job that I go out and do, that pays my bills, gets me to meet a variety of random and interesting people and COME ONE, it's CHEESE!! Rudh likes getting dirty in other ways, but even she needs to admit that sometimes it's good getting her hands dirty... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: [monso] - Aira Hair in Black & Red (Available until March 1st at Cupid Inc)
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Dirt: Mea Tenebra - Inkubus & Izzie's - Face & Body Dirt
Eyebrow Cuts: Izzie's - BOM Eyebrow Cuts (Past Gift)
Face Chain: Garmonbozia - Zuza Nose Chain in VARIETY 2 (Available until March 18th at The Warehouse Sale)
Chokers: Mea Tenebra - Wrench
Necklace: UKIYO - Emiko Neck Chain [FATPACK]
Top: AsteroidBox - Ellie Dress Fishnet & Panties & AsteroidBox - Rowan Bodysuit in BoM Appliers Black
Badge: DirtyStories - NameTag (No Longer Available!)
Overall: Mug - Naomi Overalls
Drink: Boutique #187 - Motor Oil Tumbler (Available until March 11th at Man Cave)
Wrench: [A.Z] - #122# Wrench
Pose: -Extra- - Heartbreakers (Part of a Couple Pose)
Garage Decor: [Consignment] - The Garage Collection
Covered Car: [Bad Unicorn] - Covered Car
Backdrop: PALETO.Backdrop - Garage BM

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