Friday, July 26, 2024

A Little Pool Party

I'm not feeling very well, I've been suffering with an increase in bouts of enometriosis and soon I'm going to be visiting my doctor about it, but for now I'm finding it hard to sit in one place and therefore finding time to blog is proving a little difficult. That on top of being in charge at work, when I'm having to fill in shifts because my colleagues are all away and others are sick... Things in Second Life have had to fall onto the back burner, it's all gone quiet on the Rudhmellowen front... 

While it's quiet, the scared little inhabitants of our little Second Life Garden paradise to enjoy the summer sunshine, and the peace and quiet... 
In the garden, the pool stands ready for a party but totally empty. The Castle Sprinklers - from Krescendo at Anthology - have been turned on sending a cooling misty breeze through the pergola and over the poolside - which happens to be a backdrop from FOXCITY... The little mice have snuck out from their hedgerow homes and pulled out their floaties - they are actually the Floaty Pool Mouse collection by Aardvark at Anthology until August 17th - not being brave enough to enter the deep pool, they plan on using the Inflatable Soda Tub - from Junk Food - to cool off and have a little pool party of their own. 

What is in the picture;
Mice: Aardvark - Floaty Pool Mouse (Available until August 17th at Anthology)
Drinks: Junk Food - Inflatable Soda Tub in Green
Castle Towers: [Krescendo] - Castle Sprinkler (Available until August 17th at Anthology)
Backdrop:  FOXCITY. Photo Booth - Poolside

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