Friday, March 14, 2025

The Monsters are HUNGRY

I am going to have to rant a bit now, perhaps you may think "well Rudh I'm just not here for this" and if that's the case then I'm sorry and it's fine, there are no hard feelings but sometimes you just need to vent and I think my hubby is sick of being vented at... It's a kinda RL rant, with a Second Life illustration to describe what I'm feeling... If you're intrigued... Read on and please let me know your thoughts lol... 

You may well know by now that I work in a Cheese Store. Our public tends to be mostly tourists from international locations, ages vary but there seems to be one or two things in common that make me think "what the ever loving feck?" It's like people turn their brains off when they come into the store and I'm left to run around like a headless chicken to sort things out. The worst habits come out of people when there are 'free samples' on offer... It's like a monster waiting to strike when they see you putting out fresh offerings. I used to say it was like sharks cirling food but I think it's actually closer to a Phirana attack.. Also, it's as if Covid NEVER happened. People push the tongs to the side and use their dirty fingers which have been in their mouths and when you ask them to use the tongs provided they either look at you like you're being rude or put the tongs in their mouth and put them back on the plate!!! I WILL NEVER TOUCH FREE SAMPLES AGAIN!!! 
Any time there is free food though, it's like the monsters are ready to attack... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: [monso] - Yana Hair in Black & Red
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Top: miss chelsea - Livi Bolero
Banana: Junk Food - Banana Bunch
Pose: -Extra- - Spring Breeze, Pose 2
Backdrop: The Bearded Guy - Tekkuraifu Gacha Item in The Monsters City *RARE*

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