Thursday, March 20, 2025

Prepping for the Show!

 I've had a lovely couple of days off since it was my Birthday on Wednesday and today the hubby and I were doing lots of things to get stuff done in the house... The basic boring things like laundry, grocery shopping and vacuuming... It also meant I had a chance to sit behind the PC and go through things that I need to get organised for blogging before the end of the month... 
There's so many things to get done in the next 11 days... Now that Spring is officially here though, and things are abnormally warm, that may mean there will be a lot more colours and flowers and prettiness around... For now, there is an event being prepped and readied, it's almost time to get on with the show... 

Sometimes the show can be an entertaining carnival affair with clowns and colours and magic, sometimes though it is the opposite and we end up watching a Tragic Show - like the backdrop I'm posing in today from The Bearded Guy - and you can NEVER tell what type of show it will be. This can be said especially when the Engine Room is opening, and all manner of clientelle comes to town seeing the steampunkish wares... 
The sometimes clowm, sometimes carnival freak that I am had better hurry to get things set up properly, before the doors of the Engine Room officially opens at 12PM SLT today... My Piggy - a cute animesh rideable companion from Aardvark at ACCESS until April 8th - also known as Parker, is normally a fun member of the show, but today he's a bit grumpy, but he will be alright when he's able to enjoy a big ol'bowl of swill later as soon as I'm done with all the things we need to get done in my Hunter's Handbook -from Static at the soon to open Engine Room - hanging around my neck... 

What is she wearing;
Hair: ZAO - 124 Hair Pack (Available until April 20th at Engine Room)
Skin: amara beauty - Freya in Ivory
Book: Static - Hunter's Handbook in Brown (Available until April 20th at Engine Room)
Outfit: Pucca Firecaster Creations - Wayfarer (Available until April 20th at Engine Room)
Boots: Pucca Firecaster Creations - Maraud Boots (Available until April 20th at Engine Room)
Pig: Aardvark - Piggy Wild Rideable in Spotted (Available until April 8th at ACCESS)
Backdrop: The Bearded Guy - Tragic Show Backdrop

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