Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Hair Fair 2010

Ok well for those of you that don't know I am a bit of a shoppaholic, some have even been known to suggest that I could find anything anyone was looking for on SL (without using Xstreet, which I gave myself a personal ban from)... 

Yet when the Big Fair events come around I really have to restrain myself, Shoe Fair tends to be a bit of a nightmare for me, though this year Hair Fair proved to be just as bad and I found myself thinking "Thank you designers for creating demos", SL without demos would be... well... I certainly wouldnt be sure of buying things lol... I trust certain places, that I know and love... Ploom Hair for example, which frankly I buy without even thinking (one might say I am a bit of a Ploom Hair Whore), but from the Hair Fair I came away with around 40 hair demos that I had to try... 
It was about this point in time that the PC decided that the graphics card would take a nosedive... Bollocks, Just my flipping luck... This meant that the 40 hair demos I had picked out from the millions of hairstyles on offer at Hair Fair were reduced to looking like pointy prim crap on my head... 

SEE CRAPPY LOOKING PRIM BLOBS (from Ploom)... I am sure it will look much better when its able to REZ!
My first throught... ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, my second thought hmmmm I dont care I'll try them on anyway... and through much umming and awwing, I was actually pretty good... I was ruthless... I spent time deliberating... and now you will, im sure, be proud of me for coming away from Hair Fair with THREE STYLES ONLY (two of which are Ploom lol)... I know I am proud of me, lol, I could have had a LOT MORE!!!!! Plus at the same time, I donated money to the charity "Wigs for Kids" (a charity that will buy wigs for kids undergoing cancer treatment)... I am SUCH a good person, I wasn't really thinking about that at the time I'll admit, I was more like GIMME GIMME GIMME HAIRRRRRRRRRR WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

1 comment:

  1. Argh, my god... that's how sculptie hair usually looks for me for the first half hour it's trying to rez, unless I overclock the poor computer LOL
