Monday, November 4, 2013

My SL DisneyBounding - Hercules

Now that Halloween is over, I have to go back to working on things that are a little less gruesome and a little more conservative, though still served up in my usual weird style LOL... Horror Haute isn't around for a couple of weeks yet, so I have plenty of time to bring something non-horrific... Watch this space on that though lol... I give it about a day, maybe two?!
Though it is time for another Disney trip... I am still carrying on with the SL DisneyBounding, although the rest of the challengers have stopped hehe... I'm asking friends to pick characters to inspire me, and this week sees the turn of my best boy friend Nick. He went for someone very manly hehe, I took the manliness and Rudhified it!!!
Hercules is the "zero to hero" character, like a masculine version of the Disney Princesses, out to prove that if you just keep going, you can achieve your goals and defeat evil. I laugh when I think that Nick and I have kinda had a Disney conquering evil moment, it sounds silly to say it out loud but he knows what I am talking about hehe... Hercules is fighting to prove himself against bad guys and family that think he can achieve more, he finds his true love and some great friends along the way and in someways, Nick - if not all of us - seems to be having a similar time of things...
So, for my Hercules look I needed somewhere a super strong hero might be, if he wasn't based on an ancient Greek demi-God that is... I found a place called Intimate Club Gym, which be warned is NOT PG lol, but has lots of different exercise machines for the mature rated and work out regimes that we want for our dollies... It fit the job perfectly, it had a muscle bench... I was happy hehe... Then came the issue of what the heck was I going to wear?!
I pulled on some cute red hair from Ploom with Hercules' red head strap and a brown romper suit from Yasum, that I had picked up at the last Fantasy Gacha Fair... I know it's not totally true to Hercules but hey its a kinda modern Rudhish version anyway LOL...
Coming soon to a SL DisneyBound near you, we may well be going back to the African Savannah for a different kind of Disney Princess, chosen by one of my own princesses hehe...

What is she wearing;
Hair: Ploom - Shiloh
Skin: Glam Affair - Candy Skin in America 09 (Past Arcade Item)
Face Wounds: (Right Eye) Corvus - Scarred Face Tattoo, (Left Cheek) Corvus - Cheek Scars
Necklace: Maxi Gossamer - Eden Sun Pendant
Romper: Yasum - Babes Romper in 4 (Past Gacha Prize)
Gloves: Sassy Kitty Designs - Sporty White Armwarmers (Re-Coloured) (No Longer Available!)
Pose: Starry Heaven - Kipi 3 

1 comment:

  1. Haha, you did well with my little challenge, i'll forgive you not dressing the same,as the outfit looks great, but you nailed the other touches....and i'm with you, with the explanation, we totally conquered that evil!!!
